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翌日ミズキが目を覚ますと、何とも言えない気だるさが身体に重く圧しかかっていた。ミズキ:「………痛ッ!」 起き上がろうとすると腰に鈍痛が走り、また頭も一瞬気持ちの悪い浮遊感に見舞われる。 腰の痛みのことは兄弟が苦しんでいたので知っていたが、脳にまで影響がくるとは聞いていない。 やっとのことで起き上がって食堂に行くと、既に朝食が用意されていた。フウ:「ミズキくん………なんか変な感じ」ミズキ:「な、何が?! 出会いがしらにいきなりそんなこと………」
When Mizuki gets up the next morning, he feels sluggish and listlessness weighs on his body.Mizuki : "...... Ouch!"He feels a dull pain when he tries to get his body up, and also his head feels a kind of unpleasant anacatesthesia. He knew his brothers were also suffering from the backaches, but he didn't know it would also affect the brain.Just managing to get up, Mizuki goes to the canteen. There, he sees a breakfast ready.Fuu : "Mizuki-kun..... It's kind of weird..."Mizuki : "Wha, what is?! Why on earth are you telling me this first thing when we meet...?"
フウ:「顔色がすっごい悪いのに、やたらサッパリしてるっていうか………」ネム:「うーん、気味悪い?」フウ:「ああ、そんな感じ」ミズキ:「どんな感じだよ!」 なんて会話をしながら食卓に着く。 今日はパンにクリームチーズを塗ってオリーブオイルをかけたものと、玄米シリアルとグレープフルーツだった。ミズキ:「なんだかメニューがめちゃくちゃな気が………」ナツメ:「昨日厨房で喧嘩があったらしくて、そのとき食材がいくらかダメになったんだってさ」
Mizuki : "Well, you look very pale, but then at the same time, you look very refreshed..."Nemu : "Hmm, weird you say?"Fuu : "Yeah, something like that"Mizuki : "What the heck does it mean?!"Having such conversation, they take their seats. The breakfast for today is bread with cream cheese spread and olive oil sprinkled over it, whole‐rice cereals and grapefruits. Mizuki : "Looks like they messed up with the menu...."Natsume : "A fight broke out yesterday in the kitchen, and some ingredients were spoiled, they said"
ネム:「シェフとイタマエが喧嘩したらしいぞ」ハギ:「イタマエが? 厨房で一番温厚な人じゃねぇか」ネム:「イタマエは料理のことになると一番怖いだろ。喧嘩の原因も塩加減ってバカバカしいもんだよ」フウ:「シェフは素材の味を殺さないギリギリまで振るからねぇ。僕はイタマエの料理のほうが好きかな」ハギ:「イタマエは最低限しか振らないじゃねぇか。俺はシェフの料理がいいな。まぁ、食う機会なんざ滅多なことじゃねぇけどよ」
Nemu : "It was a fight between the chef and itamae (Japanese cook)"Hagi : "Itamae? He is the most gentle person of all in the kitchen"Nemu : "Itamae is the most serious when it comes to cooking. They started fighting because of how much salt to add and stupid stuff like that"Fuu : "Chef adds salt until its limit, just before it kills the taste of ingredients. I must say I prefer how itamae cooks"Hagi : "Itamae adds only minimum amount of salt. I prefer chef's cooking. Well, it's not like we get to eat their cooked food so often "
ナツメ:「だから高血圧になるんだよ」ハギ:「うっせぇ!」 笑い合って、ミズキはシリアルの乗ったスプーンを口に運ぶ。ミズキ:「………」 一口、二口と食べていって、ミズキはじっとシリアルの入った器を見詰めた。 言ってしまえば、不味い。 というより、味を感じられなかった。 賞味期限が切れているのか、悪くなった牛乳を使っているのか。 理由はわからないが、美味しく思えないのだ。 周囲をちらりと見るが、誰もそんなことを思っていないふうに食事をしている。
Natsume : "That's why you have high blood pressure"Hagi : "Shut up!"They laugh, and Mizuki takes his spoon with cereals to his mouth.Mizuki : "......"He had one or two mouthful of cereals, and starts looking into the bowl of cereals. To be frank, this tastes bad. Or rather, there isn't any taste. Is it that cereals have been expired, or did they use spoiled milk?He doesn't know the reason why, but he can't think this is tasty.He looks around, but nobody seems to be feeling the same and everyone continues eating normally.
ナツメなんて笑顔だ。 昨日のザクロとの行為で疲れてしまったのか、胃に拒絶されている気がする。 無理にでもシリアルだけを食べて、トーストはネムに譲った。ネム:「やっぱお前、調子悪いんじゃねーの? 昨日も食べてなかったろ」フウ:「無理は良くないよ?」 大丈夫だって ちょっとヤバいかも………ミズキ:「大丈夫だって。そういえば、今日の仕事は?」
Natsume even has a big smile on his face. Maybe the stomach is rejecting food, as Mizuki might be tired from what had happened between him and Zakuro yesterday.He forced to eat cereals, but gave away toasted bread to Nemu. Nemu : "You surely look sick. You didn't eat yesterday either"Fuu : "Don't overstrain yourself"I am fine.Nope, maybe not so........Mizuki : "I'm good. By the way, how about today's duties?"
ナツメ:「まずフウと掃除だよ。一応この前と同じヒイラギさんの部屋、王子の執務室、中庭をお願い。その後は下男全員で明日の王様とお妃様の結婚三十周年記念パーティの準備だよ」ミズキ:「りょうかーい」 ミズキは笑ってみせる。 だが、誰も笑い返してはくれなかった。それどころか心配そうな色を強めて、ミズキを見ていた。 それらを無視して、ミズキは部屋に着替えに戻る。
Natsume : "First, you need to clean with Fuu. Please clean Mr. Hiiragi's room like before, Prince's office and courtyard. After that, all the servants will together prepare for tomorrow's 30th wedding anniversary party of the king and the queen"Mizuki : "Got it"Mizuki tries to smile. But nobody returns him a smile. On the contrary, they start looking at Mizuki in more worried manners.Ignoring those looks, Mizuki goes back to the room to get changed.
まずはザクロの執務室へ向かった。 途中でフウに「無理しないでいいから」と掃除道具を奪われてしまったため、ミズキはバケツを一つ持っているだけ。 おかげで楽なのだが、申し訳なかった。 フウと肩車をすれば、あの大きな窓も脚立を使わずに手入れできた。ザクロ:「今日はフウとミズキがきたのか」フウ:「ええ、まぁ、色々あって」 フウが乾いた笑いを漏らしながらザクロに返答する。
First, Mizuki goes to the office. On the way there, Fuu snatched Mizuki's cleaning kit saying "he should rest", so Mizuki is left with a bucket. It is such a relief to Mizuki, but at the same time, he feels sorry.When Fuu and I rode on each other's shoulders, we did not have to use a stepladder to clean that huge window. Zakuro : "It's Fuu and Mizuki today huh"Fuu : "Oh yes, one thing and another happened..."Fuu replies to Zakuro as he lets out a dry laugh.
ザクロが少し離れてから訊ねると、フウは「メイド長の機嫌がよかったからナツメくんが回されなかっただけだよ」とため息を漏らした。フウ:「王族の執務室は、本来なら信頼できるメイドじゃないと入れないんだけどね。メイド長がすぐ辞めさせるもんだから人手不足なんだよ」ミズキ:「じゃあ、王族の私室は誰が掃除してるんだ?」フウ:「メイド長さ。メイド長って立場は信頼もないと就けないんだよ」 王族から見たら、マユミは誠実で仕事熱心なのだろう。
Mizuki asks Fuu about things after Zakuro goes away from them. "Natsume wasn't ordered to come 'cause maid master was in a good mood" - Fuu says so as he sighs. Fuu : "Only reliable maids are allowed into the royal's office usually. Maid master often fires staff, so they are suffering from a lack of staff"Mizuki : "Then, who's cleaning the private rooms of the royal family members?"Fuu : "Maid master herself. You can become a maid master only when you have gained enough trust"Mayumi must appear to the royal members that she is honest and hard-working.
そんな上っ面だけを見て選ばないでほしいと心の奥底で毒吐く。フウ:「上辺だけを見て決めてるようじゃ、人事の人の目も随分衰えてるんだね。お年過ぎて盲(めし)いちゃったのかな?」 どうやらフウも同じようなことを考えていたらしい。 フウの口をついて出た言葉は到底ミズキのそれより厳しいものだったが。 ザクロの部屋の掃除を終わらせて廊下に出ると、フウがナツメに呼ばれてどこかへ行ってしまった。
Don't judge and decide on person so easily only by appearances - Mizuki curses so deep inside his heart.Fuu : "Seems like human resource personnel tends to judge only by appearances. Their eyes to judge must have wasted away. Have they lost their sights due to their age?"Looks like Fuu has been thinking the same. Though words came out of Fuu's mouth were harsher than my thoughts.Getting out to the corridor after cleaning Zakuro's room, Fuu has left as Natsume hails him.
掃除道具を後片付けしていると、執務室を出てきたザクロがこっそりと耳打ちする。ザクロ:「お前………大丈夫か? 顔色があまり良くないぞ」ミズキ:「初日あたりからみんなに言われるよ。元々悪いんじゃない?」ザクロ:「少なくとも、ここに連れてきたときの餓死寸前のお前のほうがまだマシだったな」ミズキ:「大丈夫だって。それより俺は腰が痛いんだけど」ザクロ:「あー………それは………」 ザクロが目を逸らす。
As Mizuki is tidying up the cleaning kit, Zakuro comes out of the office and secretly whispers into Mizuki's ears.Zakuro : "Hey you.... are you okay? You don't seem good"Mizuki : "From my first day, many people have told me the same. Maybe, I have always been like this"Zakuro : "You looked far better when I just got the you here though you were about to die from hunger"Mizuki : "I'm okay. By the way, I am more concerned about this backache I am having"Zakuro : "Ahm...... That is...."Zakuro looks away.
I am currently having a holiday in Taiwan with my family. I am going to be off work until the 10th of January. Thank you for sending me curry! I will contact you again once I return to Japan this weekend. The items auctioned have already been shipped out. However, I will have to contact you again on the cost. Have a nice week.
俺が嫉妬するのは女じゃない。才能だ。- Gene Simmons (KISS)
It's the talent I am jealous of, not women. - Gene Simmons (KISS)
お年寄りの死体画像を喜んでアップするバカと、それに群がってLike押す100人のバカ。奴らって本能狂ってるのかな? 気分悪いなあ… ミサイル喰って死ね!
There are idiots who upload images of dead bodies of old people, and idiots who click on "Like" to favor those sickening images. Is their sense of instincts rotten? I feel disgusted... They should eat missiles and die!
Is it a top quality item without scratches? Or is it a second class item with some scratches?
誰かと付き合って失うものは何もないと思うわ。どんな関係でも、必ず何かを得るでしょ?-Reese Witherspoon
I believe you don't lose anything by going out with someone. Don't you gain something out of the relationships you are in no matter what kind they are? - Reese Witherspoon
大臣:「またそのような! 王子は仕事に熱心すぎるのです!」大臣:「貧民街を整えることは国のためではありますが、少しはお休み下さい。そのために結婚をと………」ザクロ:「ほう。父上が私を呼び出したのは、やはりその話か」大臣:「あ、いや、そうでは………」ザクロ:「構わん。私は皇女殿にもオイルダラーにも興味はない。父上にはそう伝えろ」大臣:「王子!」ヒイラギ:「おや、王子。こんな時間に珍しい」
Minister : "Not again! Prince, you are too keen on your duties!"Minister : "It is essential for the country to put the slum in order, but you might want to rest sometime. That is why the marriage arrangement has been..."Zakuro : "I see, so it is THAT father sent me for"Minister : "Um, I mean, it's not like that..."Zakuro : "Never mind. I am interested in neither princess nor oil money. Convey this message to my father"Minister : "Prince!"Hiiragi : "Oh, prince. This is very unusual of you to see you at this time"
Zakuro : "For a change. How about you, brother and sister, basking in the sun together?"Hiiragi : "Indeed. Tsubaki wanted to go out. It was a great idea. It is rather warm for winter, and I could see you like this"Zakuro : ".........?"Hiiragi : "I can tell who the person is by hearing the foot steps"Zakuro : "I see. You managed to find me"Hiiragi : "Yes, and I can also tell how the person is feeling by hearing his / her voice"Zakuro : ".........."Hiiragi : "It seems something is bothering you...... Are you concerned about something?"
Zakuro : "Not at all. I was trying to pretend myself that nothing was wrong, but you hit the mark easily, just like that huh"Hiiragi : "From what it seems, it must be nothing serious"Zakuro : "Well, it is just my personal problem. If I take NO, it is as usual. If I take YES........ what awaits ahead of it is unknown. Even you won't be able to foresee it"Hiiragi : "Most probably not. I do not see all things in the future"Hiiragi : "Do as you wish, prince. It might be somewhat difficult for you as a prince to do that but...."
ザクロ:「………そうだな。ありがとう」フウ:「王子様?! どうしてここに………」ザクロ:「ミズキに用がある。急ぎだ。倒れているそうなので、私が出向いた。それだけだ」フウ:「それだけって………失礼ですが、ここは我々下男の住居です。高貴なる方々………しかも王族が入るようなところではありません。どうかご遠慮下さい」ザクロ:「そうしないとメイド長に何か言われるからか?」フウ:「………!」
Zakuro : ".....truly. Thank you"Fuu : "Prince?! Why are you here....?"Zakuro : "I have to see Mizuki. It's urgent. I heard he broke down, so I came by. That's about all"Fuu : "That's about all?! .... Excuse me, but this is us servants' dorm. Noble people.... What is more, royal family members are not supposed to step into this kind of place. Please excuse yourself"Zakuro : "Is it because you will be questioned by your maid master if you don't stop me?"Fuu : "......!"