毒きのこ狩り業務開始業務終了!!また明日!!もっと採集記録今日の作業は完了したょ。おつかれさま~。明日の作業に備えて休息をとってね v(^_^でも!もしもう少しキャリアアップをしたい場合は。。。「作業報告」からTwitterまたはFacebookで皆に報告してもらえると、もう1回作業ができるょ!でも、「作業報告」は一日に3回までだよ。採集地選択 作業進捗状況初級採集地中級採集地上級採集地むらさきしめじ臨時作業員
Poisonous Toadstool CollectingStart workingWork done! See you tomorrow!MoreCollecting RecordOur work for today is done. Well done. Please rest well for more work tomorrow v(^_^But! If you want to increase your career more...You can work once more if you report to everyone via Twitter or Facebook from "Work Report"!But "Work Report" can be accessed only three times a day.Select Collecting LandWork Progress Novice Collecting Land Intermediate Collecting Land Advance Collecting LandWood Blewit Temporary Worker
作業を休んだため、ポイントが減ります。今すぐ作業を再開しましょう。業務連絡本日の作業を休むと、降格されてしまいます!本日の作業が可能になりました!採集数 : 今回は獲得ポイントは累計ポイントに加算されます。 次の階級まで作業報告新人アルバイトアルバイトベテランアルバイトアルバイトリーダー一般社員係長課長部長常務専務社長会長新人ベテラン凄腕超凄腕伝説ゲームを終了してタイトル画面に戻りますか?※スコアは保存されず破棄されます。
Your point decreases as you have skipped your work.Resume work now.NotificationYou will be degraded if you skip today's work!Today's work has been enabled!Collected Toadstools : This timeThe collected points will be added to total points.Until next gradeWork ReportNew Part-Time WorkerPart-Time WorkerAdvanced Part-Time WorkerPart-Time Worker LeaderNormal EmployeeChief ClerkManagerGeneral ManagerManaging DirectorSenior Managing DirectorPresidentChairmanNewcomerVeteranMasterySuper MasteryLegendDo you want to end the game and go back to the title page? * Your score will not be saved.
ゲーム内のお知らせを、デスクトップで通知しますか?設定の変更はメニューボタンを押して「設定」の項目でいつでも変更できます。 まだ見ぬ未確認キノコ。どうしても見つからなければ、がんばって昇進してみよう。まだ名前が分からない正体不明キノコ。100個くらい採集すれば、正体が分かるかもしれない。茶褐色からレンガ色の傘を持つ、美味しいキノコ。しかし近年、有毒であることが指摘されているため、食べ過ぎには要注意。猛毒のニガクリタケと似ている。日本特有の毒キノコ。
Do you want to notify you about notifications related to the game on your Desktop?To change the setting, press menu button and go to "Setting".Mushrooms which you have yet to see.If you cannot find it, try your best to increase your grade.An unknown mushroom whose name you have not found.You may find it out by collecting about 100 of them.A dark brick brown colored tasty mushroom.But lately, this has been known as poisonous, so do not overeat it.It is something like poisonous sulphur tuft.It is a poisonous mushroom typical of Japan.
It is a dangerous mushroom which will give you a feeling of burning sore and burning pain 5 days after eating it. You should never eat it though they say you will not die from eating it.It is called egg mushroom because of its egg-like look.This appears to be garish, but it is edible.It is a complete myth that "garish mushrooms are poisonous".This has become a synonym of poisonous toadstools - King of Poisonous Toadstool.Its toxicity is not as high, but you must not eat it.The myth of "garish mushrooms are poisonous" must have come from this toadstool.
This somehow looks like a poisonous toadstool, but it is edible.But it is said to have a particularly strong taste, so it is loved by some and hated by others. A poisonous toadstool that gives hallucination.When eaten, you will no longer think properly and start laughing all of a sudden as the name indicates. This is drawn in manga comic often, but you must not eat it.A lethal doze is merely 3 grams. It is believed that you will have an inflammation just by touching it.A very devilish poisonous toadstool with a shape of burning fire.It is a short-lived mushroom which melts away in black just within a night.Beware as you may be poisoned if this is eaten with alcohol.
This appears to be tender in sakura color, but it comes with poison too.There has been a story that this was eaten before, but do not eat it with stories like that by halves. The name came from the fact that it looks like Amanita Caesarea.It is in yellow and has a lethal doze of strong poison. There are many others whose names are similar, such as Amanita Phalloides and Amanita Longistriata, but they are all poisonous. This appears to be poisonous with its garish colors.You must not eat it, but it does not come with an edible taste anyway.This is a poisonous toadstool which looks like a horn.
Poisonous. It will trigger a severe stomach ache and diarrhea. Beware as there is an edible mushroom called Tremella Foliacea which looks the same.It is to all appearances a brain.This mushroom has a lethal dose of poison, but it is sold in Finland as an edible mushroom. This cannot be eaten if you do not have skills to cook it properly, just like a globefish.Some may be poisoned, but others can eat it. There are many mushrooms with poisons like this, so you must not eat them without professional knowledge about them.
Time left : 〇〇 hours 〇〇 minutesStart working!! 〇〇 more(名前)〇〇 has collected (個数)〇〇 pieces of (キノコ名)〇〇.(名前)〇〇 is the (役職)〇〇 of (会社名)〇〇. (名前)〇〇 has been promoted to (役職)〇〇.(名前)〇〇 has done the work on the grade of(レベル)〇〇.When using this application, please sign in from Twitter or Facebook.
It will enable the shop to think of detailed improvement points by having a grasp of what has happened in terms of operation, and at which point of time during the customer's visit to the shop. In other words, by knowing the "moments of truth".However, by making the causes clear, there will be more opportunities for staff members to think of customer service from customers' points of view, and staff members will learn to habituate to improve because of PDCA cycle. As a result, the most ideal situation for the shop where its staff members think of improvement plants without having to wait for instructions to be given by senior managers and the management.Testimonials from organizations with this system implemented
Because of the increase in repeat customers, and also because of word-of-mouth recommendation from repeat customers to friends, it eventually leads to the shop's increase in sales. Without having to edit on Excel on your own, charts and graphs which can be used for analysis can be retrieved directly. This is a research method for public consumers, called mystery shoppers, to experience the services of companies and shops as anonymous monitors, and to rate those service qualities based on consumers' viewpoints from various angles.The very moment customers have felt unpleasant can be extracted precisely.
Even services with elaborated features have been introduced, and we have now entered the era whereby process of shopping is as important as the products themselves for the consumer to feel satisfied. The most important factor in the said process is a communication with the staff members. The customers who have been made unpleasant by the staff members will never return to the shop. On top of that, they will pass around the complaints among people they know. "The communications that affect customers' satisfactions" are the information which can be understood only by the customers who themselves experienced the services. It is not too much to say that customers decide whether to return to the shop or to buy the product in the shop at that specific moment.
こんにちは。この度はお世話になります。購入者のマチダです。商品のトラッキング番号を至急教えて下さい。トラッキング番号をカリフォルニアの中継業者に連絡できないと扱う商品が100以上の為、大混乱致します。お手数ですが、Ebay画面へのトラッキンブ番号の入力を至急お願い致します。こんごとも宜しくお願い致します。 マチダ ゲンリュウ
Very good day to you. Thank you for your kind assistance. I am Machida. I have purchased some items from you.Please inform me the tracking number of the items as soon as possible. If I do not inform my transfer agent of the tracking number, it will lead to a huge mix-up as there are more than 100 items for them to deal with. Kindly enter the tracking number on eBay screen at your soonest convenience. Thank you once again for your kind arrangement. Regards,Genryu Machida (Mr)
As a result of blasting treatment which used unique sodium bicarbonate, a herbicidal activity that leads to necrosis within a short period of time against all plants tested was confirmed. Thereafter, a new experimental zone was set up to perform blasting treatment against all the plants growing in the zone, and residual property of the unique sodium bicarbonate in the soil was examined. 1 month after the treatment, a transient increase in the level of water-soluble sodium ion, electrical conductivity and pH of the soil had been confirmed. Base on this, it was suggested that unique sodium bicarbonate's residual property in the soil and toxicity for plants is low.
※全文英訳ではなく、jiateng さんのようにアドバイスをお願いします。至急、海外向けネットショップの店名ですが、どれが自然ですか?1.all Japan2, all of Japan3, Everything of Japan4, Everything from Japanカメラ、おもちゃ、ゲームなどを販売するショップで、「日本のものなら、なんでもあるよ」というイメージを出したいです。3,4は長すぎるので、それに代わるキャッチーな店名はないですか?
例えば、「Anything Japan」ですと、「日本に関するものなら全て、なんでも」といった感じです。もしくは「All Things Japan」で、「日本のもの全て」のニュアンスです。1~4は、どちらかと言うと、「お店の名前」と言うよりも、「説明・フレーズ」に使われる表現だと思います。
Yesterday, it snowed for the first time this year in Japan.How about the weather in your country?It is understood people living in cold countries suffer from having cold hands. Why not try some hand treatments at home with your family?When your family treat your hands, the warmth is even greater.On the other day, I visited a housing for the aged I regularly visit to help, and volunteered myself to do this hand treatments for them. I can do this treatment for a few minutes per person, but they are always thankful, saying "thank you, thank you" to me. We are equally happy.
1.たくさんの方の、アイディアあふれる作品のご応募をお待ちしています。2.受賞式当日、ファイナリストに選ばれなかった方のなかから、「参加ラッキー賞」を 発表し、賞品をお渡しします。みなさまぜひ会場にお越しくださいませ。3.この告知を、それぞれの担当者にメールや電話で伝えていただけますか。4.応募者、受賞者、来場者の写真、作品、エピソード、プロフィールなどを、テレビ、新聞、インターネット上などで掲載させていただく場合があります。あらかじめご了解願います。
1. We are looking forward to receiving works filled with ideas from many people.2. On the day of an award ceremony, we will select and announce a "participation award" from the participants who have not been chosen as finalists and award a prize. Please join us at the venue.3. Please pass around this notification to the person-in-charge of each section via email or telephone.4. Please note that photos, works, episodes and profiles of participants, prize winners and visitors might be used by media (TV programs, newspapers, internet sites, etc.).
Good day to you. I am a first-time buyer. I have purchased the following item earlier. I know there is a service of 30% discount for the first-time buyer. Kindly arrange for the refund. Thank you for your kind arrangement.
Together, let's make coworking happen. The colorful chair is beautiful. Powerpoint can be used. The table with a world map on it stimulates my creative drive.
Having arranged various requirements, we have laid emphasis on a color scheme requirement. Also, we have scheduled a program after setting consideration points for operating the devices. With these steps, an application that meets and adapts to requirements of the aged was developed. Additionally, in order to make a comparison with the application, we have also developed an application that meets most of the requirements and also an application that does not meet most of the requirements, that makes 3 applications altogether. Some comparison tests were conducted to show the effectiveness of the requirements for the aged to use smartphones.
私はあなたから'11 10/24に「BOSTON ACOUSTICS SC60 CAR AUDIO 6-1/ 2" 2-WAY COMPONENT SPEAKERS SYSTEM SET 6.5"」を4セット購入し、日本へ送って頂きました。わたしは再びあなたからこの商品を出来るだけ安く4セット購入したいのですが、現在のあなたのeBayの出品ページは前回よりもさらに値上がりしています。この商品をもっと安く、日本へ送って頂くことはできませんか?よろしくお願いいたします
On the 24th of October 2011, I purchased 4 sets of BOSTON ACOUSTICS SC60 CAR AUDIO 6-1/ 2" 2-WAY COMPONENT SPEAKERS SYSTEM SET 6.5" and requested you to send them to me in Japan. I would like to purchase another 4 sets of the same item, but on your eBay listing page shows, the price is shown higher than before. Can I purchase 4 sets of this item at a cheaper price and send them to Japan again?Thank you for your kind attention.