Brand new. We pack with extra care. ships from Japan.average delivery time is 7 to 22days.If it is out of stock we cancel your order with in a few days. We will make an effort to improve our service.
Ganz neu. Wir sorgen auf eine gute Verpackung. Es wird aus Japan geschickt.Die durchschnittliche Lieferzeit ist 7 bis Tagen.Wenn wir Ihre Bestellung nicht erfüllen können, werden wir den von Ihnen bestellten Artikel in wenige Tagen stornieren.Wir werden uns bemühen, unseren Service zu verbessern.
Japanese government and industry leaders braced for premeditated hacking attacks in an extensive cyber security drill, the first for the country as it gears up to host the 2020 Olympics in Tokyo.Around 50 cyber defense specialists gathered at an emergency response center in Tokyo to dodge simulated attacks across 21 state ministries and agencies and 10 industry associations, said Ikuo Misumi, a hacking expert at Japan’s state-run National Information Security Center.“It’s not that we haven’t put effort into cyber security, but we are certainly behind the US,” Ichita Yamamoto, the cabinet minister in charge of IT policy and is leading the effort to boost cyber security, said in an interview with Reuters.
Japonski vladni in industrijski voditelji so se v sklopu priprav na pričakovane naklepne hekerske napade udeležili obsežne vaje za kibernetsko varnost, ki je bila primarno organizirana za pripravo države na gostitev olimpijskih iger 2020 v Tokiju.Okoli 50 strokovnjakov za kibernetsko varnost se je zbralo v centru za nujni odziv v Tokiju, da bi se obvladali simulirane napade 21-ih državnih ministrstev in agencij ter 10 industrijskih združenj, je dejal Ikuo Misumi, hekerski strokovljank za državno kibernetsko varnost."Čeprav smo vložili veliko truda v kibernetsko varnost, močno zaostajamo za ZDA," je dejal Ichita Yamamoto, član kabineta ministra za informacijsko varnost in komunikacije, ki vodi prizadevanja za povečanje kibernetske varnosti.
Japanese business sentiment inched up in the three months ending March, a central bank survey showed, but confidence is slated to weaken sharply as major manufacturers grow more cautious of the impact of the sales tax hike.The headline index of confidence among large manufacturers rose by one point to plus 17 in the March quarter, according to the Bank of Japan’s closely watched tankan survey, revealed Tuesday. The figure reached its highest level since December 2007 but fell short of the median market estimate of plus 18.Big service-sector sentiment also improved by four points to plus 24, matching the median market forecast, as consumers rushed to splurge ahead of the April 1 sales tax increase.
Anketa centralne banke evidentirala je privrednu rast u prethodna tri mjeseca (do kraja marta), iako je očekivano oslabljenje pouzdanja, jer glavni proizvođači i dalje ostaju oprezniji zbog utjecaja značajnog povećanja poreza.Prema Japanskoj Središnjoj Banci i indeksu poslovne klime Tankan, objavljenom u utorak, pouzdanje velikih poduzeća poraslo je za cijeli postotni bod na plus 17 u prvom kvartalu godine.To je najviši nivo od decembra 2007, ali je još uvijek niži od središnje tržišne procjene, koja iznosi plus 18. Pouzdanje velikog sektora usluga je poraslo za 4 boda na plus 24, što odgovara središnjoj tržišnoj procjeni. Potrošači su iskoristili dane za razmetavanje pred prvoaprilskim povećanjem poreza.
This is brand new condition. Never Used. This is Japanese Version and manual is Japanese. Other than that, everything is totally same since camera and lens are basically universal specification. We will let you know how to download English manual if you like.We will pack it very carefully with Japanese way. The item is shipped from Tokyo Japan and would be arrived within 7~15 business days since we post the item. The transaction does not include any import custom taxes / duty / VAT. Please kindly be advised that t he buyers are to be responsible for it.
Die Ware ist brandneu und unbenutzt. Es ist die japanische Version mit dem japanischen Handbuch. Ansonsten ist alles völlig gleich, da sowohl die Kamera als auch die Objektive universelle Spezifikationen haben. Wenn Sie möchten, sagen wir Ihnen, wie Sie das englische Handbuch herunterladen können. Wir verpacken es sorgfältig nach japanischer Art. Die Ware wird aus Tokyo versendet und müsste innerhalb 7-15 Werktage nach dem Abschicken bei Ihnen ankommen. Die Transaktion beinhaltet weder Einfuhrsteuer, Zollgebühren noch Mehrwertsteuer, da die Käufer dafür verantwortlich sind.