I havnt gotten the item back. What does your tracking number say? I don't know what ems is man.
この度、MCINTOSH MA6100を落札させていただいたものです。発送先は日本なのですが送料が反映されていなかったので、PAYPALで手続きができませんでした。発送は155.1ドルのUSPS Priority Mail を希望します。PAYPALより、落札金額591ドル、送料155.1ドル、合計746.1ドルの請求書を送っていただけますでしょうか?送っていただき次第、お支払い手続きさせていただきます。どうぞよろしくお願い到します。お待ちしております。
I recently made a successful bid for MCINTOSH MA6100. I couldn’t make a PayPal payment since the shipping cost to Japan was not included.I would like to use USPS Priority Mail which charges $155.1 for the shipping. Could you send me the invoice including $591 for the bid price and $155.1 for the shipping, $746.1 in total through PayPal? I will pay you as soon as I receive it. I am looking forward to it. Thank you.
According to my shipping policy, I only ship to the US., We have to cancel this transaction, and I am happy to issue a full refund to you. I am deeply sorry for any inconvenience caused you.
Hello.I am kohinokuma2012 who recently did business with you.I purchased 〇〇.Now I am considering the purchase of 〇〇.Do you have them?I would appreciate it if you gave me some discount.You don’t have to sell them with going through eBay.And obviously I am going to continue purchasing.I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.kouta
Hi, Thanks for your bid on the Benz. I am sorry you did not win my auction. I was contacted by another seller who asked me to let you know he has a similar car listed on eBay currently. This is not a solicitation, just a heads up. Regards, Jim
Well, these are in like new condition, but I doubt you can sell it as new . Also, manual/CD are not included. How did you sell the 10 units you purchased last month? If you sold them as new, you could sell these as new, too. Thanks.Harris
What year was this item made in?
I know I have always listed the Makita batteries as “Made in Japan” because they ARE made in Japan. The Hitachi batteries are not made in Japan. They are made in China. What kind of difficulties will it cause you if I leave that off
いつもMakitaの電池に“Made in Japan”と記しているのは、それらが日本で作られているからです。Hitachiの電池は日本で作られていません。中国で作られています。私がそれをしない事で何か困りますか?
Hello, I have the game Kaite Oboeru: Dora-Gana the Japan Import. When a maru is involved, regardless of if its got the gray lining or if I did the correct stroke order, it counts it wrong. When I write the maru in my anpanman games, it says it is correct. Is there something specific I have to do with the maru. I also have this problem when I am trying to write the circle that represents a "period". Please help me, I love this game. But without knowing how to do the "maru" and the circle that represents a period, I'm stuck at a standstill.
こんにちは。「かいておぼえる ドラがな」ゲームの日本輸入品を持っています。“まる”が必要な文字になると、グレーの線があるにも関わらず、また正しい書き順であっても、間違いだとカウントされてしまいます。アンパンマンのゲームで“まる”を書くと、正しいとカウントしてくれます。“まる”に関して何か特別にしなければならない事がありますか?文末の“。”を書くときにも同じ問題が起こります。どうかアドバイスをください。このゲームが大好きなのですが、“まる”と“。”をどう対処して良いかがわからないと、ゲームを続けられません。
返金を確認しました。次からは、発送前に商品をよく確認してから送ってほしい。また3台 RB を注文したい。日本へ直接発送してほしい。商品価格と送料と合計金額をお知らせください。それと出荷までの期間を教えてほしい。連絡が遅くなってしまいすみません。私の身内に不幸があったの連絡をするのが遅くなりました。商品を50個と100個の場合の価格と送料と合計金額を教えてください。支払いは、手数料分を負担するのでペイパルでお支払いは可能でしょうか?
A refund was received and confirmed.Please check items carefully when you ship them next time.I would like to order 3 of RB and directly ship to Japan.Please let me know the price, shipping, and the total amount.And how long does it take to ship them?I am sorry for a late reply.Owing to a bereavement, I could not get in touch soon.Please let me know the price of 50 and 100, shipping, and the total amount.Can I make a PayPal payment when I pay handling?
Sign up for classes and we'll email you with payment details.Please select the classes you which to sign up for. Check all that apply.Are you a returning student?20% discount for returning students! -Sagamihaus is a brand-new studio run by the ZZZ and RRR (asia). It is designed specifically for the performing arts. Sagamihaus is also a key sponsor of YTG.Take the Odakyu line to 相模大野駅. Exit via the central gate and proceed from there to the North exit where the buses are. Take bus 大59 or 大60 and get off at 御園5丁目.. Turn around and walk back one block to the Yamazaki combini. Turn right and walk until you see the YTG sign in front of a driveway between two houses. Walk down that driveway to the studio building.
クラスの登録をしてください。お支払いの詳細についてメールにてご連絡致します。登録したいクラスを選んでください。複数回答可能です。あなたは以前ここの生徒でしたか?以前ここで学ばれた事がある方には20%の割引が適用されます。SagamihausはZZZ とRRR(アジア)が経営する新しいスタジオです。舞台芸術専用にデザインされています。SagamihausはまたYTGの主要スポンサーでもあります。小田急線の相模大野駅を下車、中央口から出て、バスが停留している北出口の方へ進んでください。大59か大60のバスに乗り、御園5丁目で下車してください。逆方向へヤマザキのコンビニまで1ブロック戻ります。 そして、右に曲がり、家と家の間の私道の前にあるYTGの看板が見えるまで歩いてください。スタジオのビルまでその道を歩いてください。
hi there could i pay in 3 days, i need to wait for money to transfur into my paypal
フロリダ宛に送っていただいた物は無事到着しました!非常に気にいりました。私は日本でDuffyを販売してます。他にも様々な種類をさがしてますがお取り扱いありますか?探しているのは、Blue Disney Mickey Bear 2003Duffy Bear Hidden Mickey 17" WhiteDuffy Lavender 17" Hidden を探してます。お力になっていただけると嬉しいです。ありがとう。
I have received the one you sent to Florida in good condition!I really like it!I sell Duffy in Japan.Do you have any other items?I am looking for the following items.Blue Disney Mickey Bear 2003Duffy Bear Hidden Mickey 17" WhiteDuffy Lavender 17" Hidden I would appreciate your co-operation.Thank you.
I will keep a look out for more bears. You did receive the one I sent I sent it to the address in Florida.
Is a marketplace for lesson plans a good idea? Tell us your thoughts in the comments.
Which magazine introduces many items?
Golden Gate Ventures founding partner, Vincent Lauria, shares his opinion on Asian startupsVincent Lauria spent more than half a decade in Silicon Valley building two different startups, Meetro.com, a location-based chat service which was dissolved with many lessons learned in 2007; and Lefora.com, a hosted forum service which grew to over 100,000+ communities and was acquired in 2010.Spending 2011 traveling around Asia, meeting with startups, investors, and budding entrepreneurs, Vincent Lauria is part of a panel discussion, “State of the Investment Ecosystem in Southeast Asia” at Echelon 2012.
Golden Gate Venturesの共同設立者Vincent Lauriaがアジアの新興企業に関する意見を述べるVincent Lauriaは5年以上シリコンバレーで過ごし2つの異なる新興企業を立ち上げた。2007年に得た教訓に基づいて立ち上げられたロケーションベースのチャットサービスMeetro.comと、10万以上のコミュニティにまで成長し2010年に買収された主催フォーラムサービスLefora.comだ。2011年はアジアを旅して周り、新興企業や投資家、新進企業家などと会ってきたVincent LauriaはEchelon 2012の“東南アジアの投資エコシステムの実態”というパネルディスカッションの一員である。
Vincent Lauria (Co-founder of Lefora and Founding Partner at Golden Gate Ventures) is one of the awesome speakers at Echelon 2012. This tech conference is a two-day, double-track event on 11 and 12 June 2012 with over 1,100 delegates, a demo pit of up to 50 regional startups per day and various workshops. Get your tickets now!
Vincent Lauria(Leforaの共同創立者でありGolden Gate Venturesの共同設立者)はEchelon2012に参加する素晴らしい講演者の1人だ。この技術会議は2012年6月11日・12日の2日間に開催され、1100人以上の代表者が参加し、各日最大50もの地方新興企業のデモピットや各種のワークショップが行われる。今すぐチケットを手にいれよう!
I received the item today but it was only AAAAAAA.I have ordered the following 3 items.Are the others going to arrive later?Please ship them if you haven’t done yet.The order number: #111111111111AAAAAAABBBBBBBCCCCCCCI am looking forward to hearing from you.
Please give me a refund as soon as possible.I know you put on the item on show again after you told me it was no longer available.I feel really sorry about that.I won’t bid for items you sell anymore.Unfortunately, I don’t trust you.If this goes on, I have no choice but to leave negative feedback.I will complain to PayPal if you don’t pay me back.I am serious.Again, please give me a refund soon.