私は、以下の商品を購入したいです。リンダさんが以前送っていただいたメールに8週間~10週間の期間がかかると聞きました。それでも私は(商品 A)を購入したいです。注文していただけませんか?商品が入荷したらすぐに知らせていただけますか?お願いします。購入方法はpaypallで支払いたいです。他の指定の購入方法があれば教えてください。
I would like to purchase the following item.According to the mail from Linda, it takes 8-10 weeks.But I still want (商品 A).Could you order it for me, please?Please let me know as soon as you get it.Thank you.I would like to make a PayPal payment.Please let me know if you have the other payment options.
I want the other guitar as well.Can you sell that for $2000?I’ll kick it around.
Being a female entrepreneur is an asset, not a weaknessAs a woman and as a businessperson, I am constantly working on and learning how to balance the masculine and feminine sides within myself. There is one part of me that is a “shark” (and love you, ABC’s Shark Tank!), and then there is this other side of me that is an absolute girly-girl — feminine, creative, a little nutty.
女性起業家であることは弱点ではなく強みである。女性としてまた実業家として、私は常に、自分自身の男性的側面と女性的側面のバランスをどう取るかについて、研究し学んでいる。私には“サメ”のような強欲な部分があり(ABCのShark Tankが大好き!)、その一方で少女っぽくも女性らしくもあり、創造力もあれば、少しいかれた部分もある。
When I first started doing business, I was somewhat torn between the two in my head, and ended up suppressing my inner femininity in a way that wasn’t very true to myself — nor very nice to others. I was downplaying my feminine side, trying to pretend that gender wasn’t a thing that people ever thought about, that we were all simply androgynous business people.
Recently, at a trade show, I was talking with someone at the booth next door, and he told me that in his personal opinion, all women who get to executive levels at companies and top positions of power must walk, stand and poise themselves like men. Physically. To clear up my confusion, he pointed out a professional woman, in a skirt and blouse, walking alongside two businessmen in nice suits. All I saw was an attractive, confident businesswoman, but he saw a woman with her shoulders out, chest up and a stature full of confidence and self-assurance — which, to him, made her appear “like a man.”
先日の展示会で隣のブースの人と話をしたら、彼の個人的な意見では、会社で重役レベルにまで上り詰めトップに立った女性は全て男性のように振舞うべきだ、との事だ。肉体的に。私の混乱を解消するために、彼は立派なスーツを着た2人のビジネスマンと一緒に歩いている、スカートとブラウス姿のキャリアウーマンを指差した。私が見たのは、魅力的で自信に満ちたキャリアウーマンだった。しかし、彼がみた彼女の姿は、肩を突き出し胸を張って、背も高く自身にあふれていた。— 彼からすると、それらが彼女を“男性のように”見せているとの事である。
Hello.I have checked your list.There are no problems.You can upload them now.I will pay for your work after that.I would like you to continue doing business.Is that all right?Thank you.
Most people deal with me after going through this procedure.If you are still worried about that, we can stop dealing.I will find another dealer.Please let me know your opinion.
1.前回税関で荷物が止まってしまったので、今回は書類に商品の正確な金額を書いてください。 2.商品の箱がへこんでいる物が多いので、梱包にもっと注意を払ってください。
1.I failed to make a package through customs before, so please put the exact amount in a form. 2. Please pack the item with special care since the packages of items sometimes have a dent.
Hi, I tried to upload on eBay. But I can not. Only two items were uploaded No 11 & No 14.Please you upload or give me instruction about upload on eBay.
こんにちは。eBayにアップロードしようとしましたができません。No 11とNo 14の2つの商品のみアップロードされました。あなたがアップロードしてくれませんか?もしくはアップロードの仕方を教えてください。
MCINTOSH MA6100がいまだに届かないのですがどういうことですか?教えてもらったトラッキングナンバーはMCINTOSH C28でした。アカウントは違うのですが、同じ方なのですか?速やかに、MA6100を送ってください。また、C28の修理代300$をPYAPALより、お支払い下さい。お待ちしております。
I haven't received MCINTOSH MA6100 yet. What's going on? The tracking number I was told is MCINTOSH C28. The different account, but same person? Please ship MA6100 as soon as possible. And please pay $300 for the repair of C28 via PayPal.I look forward to hearing from you.
The payment is in late August and mailing certificate of tax payment is in mid-September. Is that correct?
The item description didn’t say it was shipped by surface mail.It doesn’t matter how late it arrives.But it’s guaranteed for only 45 days since I purchased it on eBay.I have claimed that I can’t get warranty repair if the item has a transport accident or get damaged after 45 days.You have taken the appropriate responses.And I’m not going to leave negative feedback nor am I disappointed in you.I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings.
While many BlackBerry apps are unable to pull out its advantages, this app really nails it in some area. It’s light, fast, easy to navigate, and importantly if customers are having klikBCA Internet banking account, it enables user to pay the transaction directly by filling klikBCA user ID.
Navicula is a band from Bali which loyal to environmental issue. Until today, they had produced six albums. Recently, Navicula won the Planetrox Indonesia competition which bring them to represent Indonesia for the “Envol et Macadam” international festival at Quebec, Kanada on September.
Naviculaは環境問題に忠実なバリ出身のバンドである。今日までに彼らは6枚のアルバムを発表してきた。最近NaviculaはPlanetrox Indonesiaコンテストで勝ち、9月にカナダのケベックで開催される“Envol et Macadam”国際フェスティバルでインドネシア代表として参加する。
Local Developers Optimistic of Blackberry’s FutureResearch In Motion (RIM) is in crisis. Its global sales figures is decreasing and the company experiences a huge loss. Its newest operating system, the BlackBerry 10 which mentioned to be able to save RIM, is postponed until next year. However, RIM is still trying hard to embrace developers, one of the ways is holding BlackBerry 10 Jam, including in Jakarta, last Tuesday.
現地の開発者はBlackberryの将来に楽観的Research In Motion(RIM)が危機的状態だ。世界の売上総額が減少し、会社は多額の損益をもたらしている。RIMを救うと言われている最新OSのBlackBerry 10は来年まで延期された。しかし、RIMはまだ開発者の採用に力を入れている。そしてその一環として、先週の火曜日にはジャカルタでholding BlackBerry 10 Jamが開催された。
The result, developers’ enthusiasm is seen in the event. Around 350 developers from many places are present in the event which introduce the BlackBerry 10 operating system. In addition to show how to build an app for BlackBerry 10, RIM also gives out BlackBerry Dev Alpha to help developers in building apps for BlackBerry 10.
その結果、イベントでは開発者達の熱意が見られた。様々な場所から来たおよそ350人の開発者達がBlackBerry10のOSを紹介するイベントに参加した。BlackBerry10向けアプリの構築方法を紹介するのに加え、RIMは開発者がアプリを構築するのに役立つBlackBerry Dev Alphaを公開した。
I had the chance to contact three developers who participated in BlackBerry 10 Jam. The three of them give a good impression about BlackBerry 10, both from the presentation they see and after trying BlackBerry 10 in the BlackBerry Dev Alpha device they received. They are especially impressed with BB 10’s smooth and lag-free multitasking system. The look of BB 10 is also far better than the previous operating system.
私はBlackBerry 10 Jamに参加した3人の開発者と連絡を取る機会を得た。3人はプレゼンテーションからも、BlackBerry Dev Alpha のデバイスでBlackBerry 10を試した感想からも、BlackBerry 10に好印象を持った。彼らは特に、BlackBerry 10のスムーズでタイムラグのないマルチタスクシステムに感銘を受けていた。BlackBerry 10は、見た目に関しても旧OSより随分良い。
The item has arrived safely. Thank you.And thank you for the refund to my PayPal account.Your sincere attitude toward trade is appreciated.I will order some items from your shop again.Warmest regards
The words "Пересылка: НАЗЕМН." (7th line up on the receipt) means "sending by surface".Not deliberately though. Alexander didn't noticed that, as he could not even imagine this could be done to the parcel going across the water to Japan. Also his previous shipments were going 'airmail' just by default.All this knowledge makes nobody happy, only helps to understand what has happened. And why it takes sooooo long for the parcel to arrive - they give it 8(!) weeks - which means 8th August?
"Пересылка: НАЗЕМН."(レシートの7行目)の意味は“船便で送付”です。意図したものではありませんが。Alexanderは荷物が海を渡って日本へ行くなんてことは想像しなかった為、それに気付かなかったのです。また彼の最近の荷物は初めから‘航空便’扱いでした。この情報には誰も満足できません。ただ何が起こったかが分かるだけです。そしてなぜ荷物が届くのにこんなに時間がかかったのか-?8週間(!)もかかりました。-つまり8月8日ですか?
Makes me miss u tons that I can't see the same view next to u. so I changed my mind. I'm not gonna wait for u here. U wait for me over there. I'm coming so I can see the same view u seeing