transcontinents 翻訳実績

英語 日本語 (ネイティブ)
ビジネス 商品説明 旅行・観光
transcontinents 英語 → 日本語

I have a big issue with the delivery of my order.
The Chronopost company did send the order to my delivery adress, but only once and i was not there. I had a tax to pay so they refuse to let it in post office, they need to deviver it to me personnaly (it's normal for an international product), but they fail to deliver it again. Even after i sent them mails and message to schedule a new delivery.
I just had them on the phone, and even if i tried to stop it, they sent it back to Japan.......
I'm so sad because it was my christmas gift for my girlfriend... :/
I want to know, if it's possible to sent it back, and if it will cost me anything ? I don't know if the french delivery company will refund you.

Best regards,




transcontinents 英語 → 日本語

I paid to have those items to be expedited. I appreciate the refund for the shipping but this in no way solves my problem. Nor does replacing the item with something else. It is certainly within your power to send me the items overnight, even if it is from japan these services are available. I entered a transaction with good faith with you where you made explicit promises to me which you are now (at a point when it it too late) to renegotiate. It you had told me this would happen ten days ago I would have chosen a different vendor. You have also not provided me with a telephone number where i can talk to a live person to resolve this issue. I am a fluent Japanese speaker if that is your concern.

