
Tearz (tearz) 翻訳実績

4.9 232 件のレビュー
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サイエンス 医療 法務 文化 IT 技術
84 時間 / 週
tearz 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★★ 5.0

The bad news: We have been chasing this down and were told today that they will not be shipped to us until 11/3! We are very sorry about this, because we have many more orders like yours that were expected to ship by early next week.

So, we will ship out your order of GPS Pro units right away. Regarding the GPS for Lightning dongles, please let us know what you would like to do. We can do either of the following:

Queue that portion of your order for fulfillment when the product is available - we will include an extra 4 units at no extra charge for our delay of your order.
Cancel that portion of your order and return those funds to you by wire transfer



ご注文頂いたGPS Pro商品を早速発送いたします。Lightning ドングル用GPSに関しまして、どのようになされたいかお知らせ下さいませ。下記いずれかの対応をとらせて頂きたいと存じます。


tearz 英語 → 日本語 ★★☆☆☆ 2.5

I wanted to follow up on my last email to see if you had a billing and shipping address in the US that we can used to establish and account.

Artist-quality colored pencils are designed for every level of expertise. Colors are easily blended, slow to wear and waterproof. Thick leads resist breakage. Soft, thick cores create a smooth color laydown for superior blending and shading. High-quality pigments deliver rich color saturation. Pencils are unsharpened.

Popular colored pencils have thick, soft cores made from brilliant, light-resistant pigments.





tearz 英語 → 日本語

たとえ私が注文していたとしても、届いた数が私は30個在庫があるか聞いたのに、送られてきた数は26個でした。 御社の在庫を確認して下さい。 私に4個送っていないのは明らかです。
Priority Mail Internationalなら$24.75で発送できるのに、今回あなたはUPSで発送したために私はとても高額な送料を請求されました。


I have received your item the other day. All I meant and did was to inquire about the inventory on behalf of my client's request.
Based upon the response I received from you, I in return has responded that my client has the inventories.
It does not mean that I placed an order.
But all of the sudden, you sent the parcel to me.
Even though I placed an order, the quantities you sent to me was only 26 despite my inquiry of 30. Please confirm the inventory at yourend. It is obvious that you did not ship the remainder of those 4 pieces.
If you are not willng to issue me a refund, I will report this to the credit card company.
I am very furious about the way you shipped them to me.
Why did you ship via UPS?
The shipping fee of $127.53 was charged to my credit card on top of the item fee.
After over a decade of our business relationship, with the regular means of shipment with USPS, why did you ship it via UPS without confirmation?
The same can be shipped for $24.75 if it was via Priority Mail Internationa, but because of your arrangement with UPS, I ended up getting charged for an expensive shipping fee.
No such trouble has ever happened during Ron's time of the management. Troubles seem to happen more often since you started to manage. If you are not going to take care of this matter sincerely, I will report the whole situation to my credit card company.

tearz 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★☆ 4.0

That's also if you get a photo with a baby tiger cub or orangutan then it's $349! But I hear the tour is amazing and so are the pictures you get to feed to the tiger cub milk or have them on your lap.
As for the poster okay if you can't knock the price down then please do the combined shipping with the other items then the shipping will at least be less for me. Then I need to cool it on buying things because of the beach, too. I do love to shop that much is true.
So let me know the cost with the combined shipping when you get the chance and then since I am back now you can send the items out. Can't wait to get them.

Will be there a card case and 4 business cards of 4 main characters with it?




tearz 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★★ 5.0




tearz 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★☆ 4.0

A:I was wondering if you would be willing to order something off of 【A shop】 for me and have it shipped to you then you ship it to me? I'm willing to pay for all the shipping costs and a little extra to cover your time, so if you're willing to do this and work out a price with me that would be great! If not I understand :)

B:I love to create miniature food and I would like to ask you if there is any possible way to find something like the mentioned item but in a smaller scale, like width 5mm. My crafts are 1:12, so it would be very interested to have something personalized my work like such a beautiful letter as a topper on my pastrys...


A: 「Aショップ」というところから私のためにあるものを注文し、あなたのところに取り寄せて頂けないでしょうか?全配送料及びちょっとした手間賃をお支払しますので、もしお願いできるようであればお見積もりを頂けると助かります! もしダメな場合は了解です:)

B: ミニチュアフードを作るのが好きなので、申し上げたような商品を幅5ミリ程度の小さいスケールのもので探していただけないかと思っています。私のクラフト作品は1:12に縮小したものです。私の作品をよりパーソナルなものに仕上げる為にペーストリーのトッピングに美しい文字などが書けたらいいなと考えています…

tearz 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★★ 5.0

-I will place the order today for the Harmony they should arrive to me in about ten days.
-The shipping for 200 pcs I will confirm for you and email separatly.

-Defected items we can accept back but only with boxes - otherwise Medela will not accept them back for replacements. We will be able to offer you replacements only on the defective items as this is what they offer us.

- If you have items that have simple damages to the box - items damaged in transit - please send me pictures and I will try to contact UPS for reimbursement and those you wont have to return to us if they approve the claims.


- Harmonyの注文を本日させて頂きます。商品到着までに10日ほどかかるでしょう。
- 200個の配送に関しまして、別途メールであなたに確認させて頂きます。

- 不良品はお受けいたしますが箱が一緒についている場合に限られます。そうしないとMedelaが商品交換に応じてくれないからです。交換をお受けできるのは不良品に限られます。彼らがそういう約束で提示してるからです。

- 単純に箱にダメージがある商品をお持ちの場合、配送中におきたダメージにつきましては、弊社宛にその写真を送付頂ければUPSにこちらより連絡を取って償還請求を行いますので、もしそういった申請が受理された場合は不良品を当方に返送頂く必要はありません。

tearz 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★★ 5.0

The RetroN 5 plays Gameboy, Sega Genesis, and Megadrive cartridges with enhanced resolution, improved interpolated sound, screenshot capture, and the ability to have on the fly save states.

Please note that this game system will require updates, you will need to update your game system from the Hyperkin update webpage, you will need a Pc with a SD card reader.
For all other tech support you will need to contact Hyperkin Tech Support.

yes I belave it is new in good condition no scrathes that I see All accessories not sure what you mean by that ? And what do you mean by annexed box ? the manual how to use it has on the other side of it warranty card Hope this was some help to you thanks Dave


RetroN 5は更に優れた解像度や挿入サウンド、スクリーンショットキャプチャ、プレイ中に同時保存機能などを有し、GameboyやSega Genesis、Megadrive カートリッジでプレイ可能。

