NAOKO.N (tani1973) 翻訳実績

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11年以上前 女性
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tani1973 英語 → 日本語

Octavianus had retired to southern Etruria. His situation was precarious. He had already recalled his marshal Salvidienus, who was marching to Spain with six legions to take charge of that region. Even if Salvidienus returned in time and their combined armies succeeded in dealing with L. Antonius, that was the least of his difficulties. He might easily be overwhelmed by the Antonian generals, strong in prestige and mass of legions. But the Antonians were separated by distance and divided in counsel. In Gallia stood Pollio with an army of seven legions.The decision to abolish this province and unite the territory to Italy had not yet, it appears, been carried out, perhaps owing to the recalcitrance of Pollio.



tani1973 英語 → 日本語

Social forces and village committees

In addition to Party branches and townships, lineage groups, religious organizations, and
criminal elements play a role in some villages. These social forces may gain access to
public power through elections, or have other means to become involved with decision
making and policy implementation. Although informal institutions may enhance
accountability and promote public goods provision, they also operate according to
their own customs, norms, and rules, many of which have little to do with democracy.

Clans, in particular, have experienced a resurgence in the reform era,
and in some locations ‘are once again sources of power and authority’. While kinship ties need not always have





tani1973 英語 → 日本語

a baleful effect on democratic rule, strong lineage attachments can become a mechanism through which individual rights and minority protections are infringed. Majority rule sometimes produces dominance of one clan, or disruptive, ongoing struggle between several clans, which leads to fierce conflict and makes governance nearly impossible.For example, the Li lineage in one Huna community used elections to usurp the power of a villagen committee and transformed grassroots government into an armed tool of clan
power. In another ‘extreme case’ focusing on disputed land adjustments in
Shan, open elections heightened clan tensions, turned a Party secretary against a
committee director, and brought governance almost


While kinship ties need not always have a baleful effect on democratic rule

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whereas an in-depth study of eight communities in 2002 concluded that Party secretaries had the final word in seven of them. Bao likewise found that dominance of elected committees ‘only takes place in a limited number of cases’.

Given the Party branch’s status as ‘leadership core’, it is often unclear what a
village committee should take charge of: in what areas must the branch follow the
committee’s lead? The Organic Law and implementing regulations that we have
seen fail to specify a clear division of responsibilities between the two bodies. This
often leads to clashes over, for instance, collective resources, as committees and
branches struggle to secure final say over enterprises, economic cooperatives, &




tani1973 英語 → 日本語

Grassroots balloting has also had a perceptible effect on villagers’ attitudes. Kevin has argued that elections are not only
efforts to draw rural people into the local polity, but they are also an avenue through
which citizenship practices may emerge before full citizenship is recognized.
Li has shown that free and fair elections enhance feelings of political
efficacy and can help implant the idea that political power derives from the consent of
the people. And in a recent study of a long-time ‘demonstration’ area,
Schubert suggest that elections can boost regime
legitimacy, owing to a ‘rational trust’ that villagers come to have in their leaders, in
which elections assure voters that this trust will be honored.



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Exercising power in Chinese villages
Observers have rightly noted that village elections exert some influence over political
life in the Chinese countryside. Lianjiang Li, among others, has found that balloting
has an empowering effect: free and fair elections can produce more responsive
leaders and make them more impartial when enforcing state policies; it also provides
an opportunity to dislodge cadres whom villagers like least. John Kennedy and his
coauthors, based on a 2000–2001 survey of 34 villages, likewise discovered that
freely elected leaders were more accountable to villagers and that their land
management decisions reflected popular preferences for fair reallocation.


オブザーバーたちが、中国の地方では村民選挙が政治生命に何らかの影響を与えるということに注目したのは正しかった。中でもLianjiang Li氏は、投票が権威的な影響を与えることを明らかにした。自由かつ公正な選挙は村民の声により一層応える指導者を誕生させ、国家の政策を実施する際にはいっそう公平性を期するものとなり、村民の支持が得られない幹部を退陣させることも可能にする。ジョンケネディと彼の共著者たちは2000年から2001年に34の村々を調査した結果、自由選挙によって選出された指導者たちは村民からさらに多くの信頼を獲得し、土地管理局の決定が、再分配を公平に行うことを希望する多数派の意向を反映したものであったことを同様に明らかにした。

tani1973 英語 → 日本語

25 additional individuals were nominated, and two of them made it to the
list of final candidates.

Once nominees are set, campaigning, ballot secrecy, and the use of roving ballot
boxes and proxy-voting are all important factors that affect whether villagers can
express their preferences on election day. Elklit’s early study found that campaigning
amounted to little more than informal discussion among villagers because many local
regulations failed to mention campaigning. This has changed. Despite continuing
anxiety about candidates ‘pulling votes’, candidates in most places are now
given opportunities to deliver speeches or engage in other forms of campaigning.

Enhanced ballot secrecy and security is also evident.





tani1973 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★★ 5.0

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