I have not receive the e-mail yet.I am in trouble since I cannot handled insurance.The post office in Japan confirmed the post office in USA.Their answer was that "post office in USA does not file "damage of item",and I am in the inconvenience.The post office in Japan said that if you report the damage caused by EMS this time to the post office,it is automatically reported to Japan by document, and it is not sent to me.Your explanation and explanation by post office are different.What is necessary is to file a damage report.Would you let me know the day when you went to the post office, name and person in charge of the post office and number of the document in more detail?
I was told a system. I checked the petition and decided to make a petition.When Akira asked me to come about a question of operation of personal computer, I was in a serious trouble as I did not know how to handle the problems where the PC was changed to quite a different type. I usually try rebooting up when I have a trouble at PC, but I even did not know how to reboot up this PC. It is not a PC we usually use but is connected by laptop, and I even did not know it.I went to find Tsukimori, and he or she operated and solve the problem by him or herself.
去ろうとしたので、月森さんに「何をしたのか教えてもらえませんか?このPCは、何ですか?」と聞いた所、曖昧なお返事で流され、去ってしまい詳細を教えて頂けませんでした。後に、First sergentの所にも、ある質問で行ったときに同じ特殊なPCだったので、「コマンダー関係は皆、新しいPCに変わったんだな」とは思いましたが、教えて頂けないのは仕事にもなりませんし、とてもストレスです上司が、ラキアさん用のIphone獲得の手順を、江口(私)にも教えてください。と、月森さんにメール
When he or she was leaving, I asked him or her, "What did you do? What is this PC?" But he or she did not answer me clearly and left. I could not know the details. When I went to First Sergent to ask a question later, I found that it was the same special PC. I thought that "the computers used with commander have been changed to the new one". As I have not obtained the details, I cannot work well. I feel stressful about it much.
They did not answer me clearly by saying that communication squad does not have an appropriate procedure. They had not answered me clearly from the beginning to the end. As I listed in the beginning, it is the 2nd time that they did not answer me clearly regarding iPhone. The sentences written in e-mail have a nuance as if he or she wrote a document only by him or herself. They said that it is in shared file, but I cannot know the details and procedure by it. Tsukimori makes a variety of execuses and ignores me. I am sure that it is an unreasonable power harassment.The boss writes document of decision. From its details, the problem of Tsukimori and I
Part of medical record we hadI received the document of decision from Akira.I was told that I was going to have a hard time if I did not have an evidence.I decided to consult with a lawyer after collecting the evidence, and make a petition after collecting the evidence again.I have not a fear but an anger for Tsukimori now.As I was diagnosed adjustment disorder and my body does not work well in daily life, I am going to make a petition to Tsukimori who had given me so much pressure for such a long time.I request a measure for correction as follows.I am taking a rest for 1 month. I appreciate your understanding.The hardest part is long time
Why does a store and Internet need to be integrated? Fujimoto explains the problems in the current outfit industry as follows."A retailer that manufactures outfits such as UNIQLO produces a new item each season and sell them in large volume. Then they have to hold a bargain sale to sell what was not sold. In the meanwhile, when we go to the UNIQLO near us, we sometimes do not find the outfit by our size and color. Namely we cannot find what we need when we need in the outfit stores currently."Therefore, we have to establish a system where inventory control by store and that by Internet shopping are integrated and make it work efficiently.
Then, First Retailing took 2 measures. 1 is a cooperation with Daiwa House Industry that was announced in October 2014. Both companies established a large warehouse for distribution by joint capital investment in Ariake, Tokyo.They are going to construct this type of more than 10 warehouses for next generation. In the interview that was held in this warehouse, Mr. Yanai, President, said that "if the items are missing in the store, they are ordered to virtual store immediately on the spot. When a customer goes back home, he or she receives it. This kind of shopping, which is different from the current system, will be popular."
Another measure was announced in June this year. It is a cooperation with Accenture, an international consulting company. Fujimoto said that a large reason of the cooperation with Accenture is personnel. He analyzes that "if we employ staff by conventional system, it will be difficult to find people who can handle the digital revolution. We have to train staff who can analyze the big data and establish the system to win H&M."
ファーストリテイリングとしては、従来の取り組みを加速させるためには、多額の投資を行い構築されたセブン&アイのオムニチャネルのプラットフォームを利用したいと考えた。それが今回の提携のファーストリテイリング側の背景ではないかと藤元さんは解説する。 セブン&アイ・ホールディングスの「オムニチャネル」とは、全国に1万7000店以上あるセブン-イレブンの店舗を中核に100社以上ある業種も多様なグループ企業の商品・サービスを一元的に管理し、顧客のニーズに応える施策だ。
First Retailing thought that they were going to invest large amount and use the omni-channel platform of Seven & I, which had been constructed, to accelerate the conventional handling. Fujimoto explains that it is why the First Retailing executed a cooperation this time.The "Omni-channel" by the Seven & I Holdings is a system where industries by more than 100 companies as well as a variety of items and services of the companies in the group are controlled in the unified method and satisfy customer's needs by focusing on stores of Seven Eleven that have more than 17,000 across the nation
カナダAmazon(Zaira P.)さまへ返信を頂きましてありがとうございます。出来れば、(ca.amazonexport.14.09.07@gmail.com) のアドレスは使用しないのでアメリカAmazonと同じアドレス(us.ca.amazon.m7@gmail.com)に結合して頂けないでしょうか?宜しくお願いします。
Dear Amazon Canada(Zaira P.)Thank you for your reply.As I do not use this address (ca.amazonexport.14.09.07@gmail.com),would you combine it to the address(us.ca.amazon.m7@gmail.com) that is the same address as that of Amazon USA if possible?Thank you for your cooperation.
Thank you for your inquiry. This time we assume that you cannot use the lens since you use the lens by using lens adaptor.We did not find a problem at the lens when we conducted a test that was mounted on the camera.The lens manufacturer does not guarantee the lens by using the adaptor.As this is not a problem at the lens, the buyer has to pay for the shipping charge when the lens is returned. We hope that you understand us.
・Proof of Bank Account ownership of ○○この上記の項目で提出するドキュメントは、私の個人の銀行アカウントの日本の銀行の通帳でOKですか?それとも、Seller Account Information-Bank Account Informationで記入している口座の通帳ですか?
Proof of Bank Account ownership of xxFor the document that I submit by above item, may I use the passbook of my bank account in Japan?Or do I need a passbook of account that is listed in Seller Account Information-Bank Account Information?
少し質問があります。"Required Documents"の・Passport or Official ID of ○○ ・The proof of Address of ○○ match the address belowこれらの項目で提出するドキュメントは、日本の運転免許証でもOKですか?
I have a few questions.Passport or Official ID of xxThe Proof of Address of xx match the address belowof "Required Documents"For the document that I submit by these above items, may I use the driver's license in Japan?
あなたの商品は本日出荷されました。先週のお盆休みの影響で注文が殺到し全体的に出荷遅延があり発送が遅くなり大変申し訳ありませんでした。お詫びの気持ちとして非売品のポケモンカードなどを同梱しましたあなたが気に入ってくれたら幸いです商品は通常1~2週間以内に到着予定ですのでEstimated Delivery Dateには間に合う予定ですこの度はお買い上げ誠にありがとう御座いましたまた何かご質問があればお気軽にご連絡下さい
Your item was shipped today.As we had a number of orders due to Obon vacation last week, we are late in shipment. We apologize for sending late.As our apology, we enclosed Pokémon card that is not sold in stores. We hope that you like it.As you will receive the item in 1 to 2 weeks, it will be in time for the estimated delivery date.Thank you for purchasing this time.If you have a question, please do not hesitate to ask us.
Additional information is required for your Amazon Payments Europe account to remain active. Please provide the requested information immediately in order to continue selling on Amazon. The additional information required is highlighted in red. Learn moreOnce we have received and been able to validate your data, we can open your Selling on Amazon payment account. Otherwise we might ask for additional information. For more help, Contact Us
My name is Ichiro Suzuki.I contact you since a company in Japan would like you to allow the use of article you had written. I am acting on behalf of them.I had already sent e-mail about the details to abc@def.com 3 times on July 2nd, 7th and 24th. I had already sent 3 e-mails including the same message.Re: AAAE-mail address for replying: aaa@bbb.comIf you need the message I had sent to you, I will send them to the e-mail address designated again.I appreciate that you consider it.
I was only concerned that other sellers also have a trouble.Of course, I also have a trouble if my items are not listed at Amazon Canada.Thank you.
<チケット一般発売中!>■チケットぴあ:Pコード 265-6210570-02-9999■ローソンチケット:Lコード 516920570-084-005■CNプレイガイド:0570-08-9999■イープラス:http://eplus.jp/
(Ticket is on sale!)Ticket Pia: P code 265-6210570-02-9999Lawson ticket: L code 516920570-084-005CN Play guide0570-08-9999E-plus:http://eplus.jp/
9/16発売ベストアルバムリード曲・50thSG「愛してるのに、愛せない」Music VideoがYouTubeで公開!9/16に発売となるベストアルバムリード曲・50thSG「愛してるのに、愛せない」Music VideoがYouTubeで公開されました。是非、チェックしてみてください!
The music video of lead song of the album 50th SG "I love but cannot love" that is going to be released on September 16th is going to be released in YouTube.The music video of lead song of the album 50th SG "I love but cannot love" that is going to be released on September 16th was released in YouTube.Why don't you check it?
9/16に発売となる10周年記念ベストアルバム「AAA 10th ANNIVERSARY BEST」と記念すべき50thSG「愛してるのに、愛せない」の詳細はこちらをご覧ください。http://avex.jp/aaa/discography/
Please see here for details of 10th anniversary best album entitled "AAA 10th Anniversary Best" that is going to be released on September 16th and "I love but cannot love" that is 50th SG for commemoration.http://avex.jp/aaa/discography/