If as time goes on, additional orders come in for an item beyond what we have on order with the manufacturer, we will continue to place additional orders for that item. However, we may need to wait for additional shipments to be able to fill those orders that come in later. So, as we receive additional shipments (which will be later than the listed estimated arrival date of the first shipment), we will continue to fill those orders that did not get filled by the first shipment with shipments that arrive later. That is when you will see that estimated arrival date get pushed further out further or an item is marked as out of stock or sold-out depending on what's going on with the item.
I contacted you again about the customs duty for this product. I explained that we don't have the money to pay it first so that you need to transfer this money to us first. If this is not done then the package will be returned by customs and we will require a full refund. Please advise as I am waiting for your response.
This is for the first time (since we run bussiness in ebay) we meet very impolite customer, can you be polite, of course we will find the solution for both of us, how terrible you are, the product is broken during shipping time, please send back all the helmets and we will refund you.
Hello!I was thinking a lot about your offer € 130,00 for each. I have to agree with this because in January I bought already cutleries for you. Well, if you like you can have 4 cutleries and later if you want 4 again. But then I will end this conection and not bring any new once in my stock. The work is too much for less profit. So it will be € 520,00 to pay for you.Greetings
WOW $60.00 USD, I guess the shipping in Japan is more expensive than USA.Would you like me to send this money to you via paypal, or keep it as credit for the next purchase.The replacement will be shipped out today
1.Remove battery cover from the back of the BabyPlus® unit. Install 4 new “AA” batteries into the battery compartment, taking care to align the positive and negative contacts properly. Place the ribbons under the batteries to insure easy future removal. For optimum performance of BabyPlus®, regular battery replacement is recommended. 2.Begin using BabyPlus® any time during the 18th week of pregnancy or later. For optimal learning, begin lesson one between the 18th and 32nd week of pregnancy3.Place the unit inside the fabric pouch. With the speaker pointed inward, place the unit on your abdomen at mid-level and fasten the strap around your waist.
1.BabyPlus®本体後ろ側の電池カバーを外します。新しいAA電池を電池ケースへ4本入れて下さい。プラス、マイナスの方向を確認して正しく入れてください。電池を取り出し易いように、電池の下にリボンが来るようにして下さい。最高のパフォーマンスの為に、定期的な電池の交換をお奨めします。2 妊娠18週以降であれば、いつでもBabyPlus®を使用開始頂けます。最適な学習の為に、18週から32週の間にレッスンを開始して下さい。3 本体を布製のポーチに入れて下さい。スピーカーが内側に向くようにして、お腹の真ん中の高さに合わせて、ストラップをウエスト周りに回して留めてください。
It isn't as much as you would earn working full time for a translation agency, but it’s a great opportunity to translate text that is needed by other people and improve translation skills at the same time.If you are very skilled, you are entitled to translate better paid Premium and Business requests. They require higher standard than general requests, therefore I feel the responsibility of the work I am doing and I'm proud of every point that I earn. At the end of the day, I have done a good job and I am happy I have earned enough money to purchase myself a reward for my effort.If you speak more languages and want to earn some money easily, sign up as a Conyac translator and start your new job today: LINK
Dear mr Yamane,Thank you for your e-mail and your order.As we said before, the ○○ with the Blue logo are old models, so mostly out of stock.The ○○we have for you is with the blue logo on the add-a-bag holder.Not with the blue logo at the front as in your picture.The only ○○ with the blue logo at the front are ○○, ○○ and ○○.We cannot promise to send you the Rimowa with the blue logo always. We only can inform you about the Rimowa we have and then you can decide if you want the Rimowa.Do you still want this one?
1. Want to take part? Just write your nickname and SN in this topic, but please on or after 1st day of the month and no later than 7th day (Greenwich Mean Time)2. Each month we will open a NEW Lotery list.So if you want to take part monthly, you will have to write your nickname and SN each month3. By taking a part in lottery you give up your current serial number.If you win, don't ask to reserve your current SN.4. In what order will drop out numbers, in that order and will occupy vacant SN's. Imagine that vacant SN's are 543, 567, 577, 589, 590 and lottery winning numbers - 12, 34, 1, 48 and 20. Number 12 gets SN 543, number 34 - SN 567, number 1 - SN 577 and so on.So don't ask vacant SN
1. 参加をしたいですか? このトピックにニックネームとSNを書いてください。但し毎月1日から7日(グリニッジ標準時)の 間にお願いします。2. 毎月新しい宝くじのリストを公開します。毎月参加したい場合は、毎月ニックネームとSNを記載してください。3. 宝くじに参加することで、現在のシリアルナンバーが無効になります。4. 当選番号が発表された順番に、空いているSNを埋めていきます。例えば、空いているSNが543,567,544,589,590で、宝くじの当選番号が12,34,1,48,20である場合、12番がSN543,34番-SN567, 1番-SN577となります。ですので、空いているSNを聞かないでください、
I apologize for the delay, we are able to ship to Japan however keep in mind the warranty provided is honored by our company not the manufacture therefore if service is needed the product must be sent back to our facility for further assistance. All items are shipped in its original manufactured packaging.