こんにちは!!先日は商品が破損し、返金で対応させて頂きました。本当にご迷惑をおかけしました。また新たに NEW SONY VGP-PRZ10 Docking Station For VAIO Z110が入荷しました。あなたには特別価格で提供出来ますがどうでしょうか??オリジナルの箱と説明書はついていない中古ですが、とてもキレイで状態は最高です。あなたからの返事を楽しみに待っています。ありがとう!!
Hi!On the other day, we processed a full refund for the damaged items.We apologize for that. Now we'd like to inform you the arrival of new item, NEW SONY VGP-PRZ10 Docking Station For VAIO Z110.We can give you a special price if you have an interest in buying it.It is a used one and doesn't come with its original box and manuals though it's kept in a very good condition.We look forward to hearing from you.Thank you!
卸売りアカウントの登録について。ご担当者様私は、日本のAmazonでアメリカの商品を多数販売している株式会社NEXTのバイヤー統括、MASAAKI SANDOと申します。御社の卸売りアカウントに是非とも登録をさせていただきたいと考えております。そこでお聞きしたいのですが、営業許可書がすぐに用意できないので登記簿謄本で代用することはできるでしょうか。支払いの方法ですが、ペイパルは可能でしょうか。なお、我々はフロリダ州に住所を持っているので商品はそこに送ってもらえれば大丈夫です。
Wholesale Distributor Account RegistrationTo Office ManagerI'm Masaaki Sando , a Buyer-Supervisor of NEXT corporation, and we're selling U.S. products at Amazon in Japan.We would like to register for your wholesale distributor account.Thus, here is my question. Since it takes some time to obtain business permit, can we use registration certificate of our company instead?Also, do you accept Paypal payment?Please note that we have an address in Florida, you can ship to there.
Thank you for your cooperation.Below are the orders.It is very helpful for me that if you can label or something so that I can recognize product names when it's delivered. About the color, basically I want the same color of the product on your website.If you don't have the same color, I will take other colors.As Climbing Gym, a client, is in hurry, please deliver goods as quickly as possible.
Please do it properly. I received a wrong head from you again.I don't understand why you made a mistake even though I specified the product number.It is most likely to be returned by the customers again.I am making my customers waiting too long, so could you send it to them directly?What I need is a head with a product number XXX.This time, please never ever made a mistake again.Please send it as soon as possible to the following address.
メール返信有難うございます。小さいクリップを見つけてくれて、有難う!サンプルの送付の件となりますが、1、160007 ファイルボックスの正しいサイズのサンプル2、160003 小さいクリップを取り付けたもの上記、2点を前回と同様、UPSでお送り下さい。宜しくお願い致します。
Thank you for your reply, and also thanks for finding a small clip for me!About sending a sample,1. 160007 a sample of correct size of the file box2. 160003 with a small clipplease send above two items by UPS like you send me before.thank you.
Miki Hoshiiは「眠れる姫君」です。彼女は15歳ながらとてもスタイルが良く(B86/W55/H83)、一度見たダンスは完璧に踊る事が出来ます。若干世間知らずですが素直で明るく、Haruka Amamiとは違う形の「天性のアイドル」です。ですが、最初の頃はやる気があまりなく、才能を発揮できる機会が訪れません。アニメでも最初は寝てばかりで、そのせいで彼女は大きなチャンスを逃すことになります。それを意識してからの彼女は仕事に対して真面目に取り組み、すぐさま人気者になります!
Miki Hoshii is a sleeping princess.She is only fifteen yet has a very attractive body proportion (B86/W55/H83) and can dance perfectly when she saw it only once.She is somewhat inexperienced but cheerful and honest. Unlike Haruka Amami, she is a "natural born idol."However, since her motivation was low during her earlier period she couldn't show her talent very well.In animation, she always sleeps at the beginning and finally misses a big chance.After the failure, she changes her mind to take her work more seriously with higher motivation and become a popular idol.
Especially it was fabulous song and dance called "a Heart of the Marionette" in the episode 13.I repeatedly watched my recorded video everyday for a week!Both dance and song were amazing.She is very talented and depicted as a sweet devilish girl yet blindly loves one when she falls in love.In animation, she falls in love with a producer and calls him "honey."It is very cute that she does her work very hard because she wants his attention and praise.If you like a sweet devilish girl, just watch her active role in the animation.
Chihaya Kisaragiは「孤高の歌姫」です。彼女はアイドル、というよりも歌手を目指している女の子です。ストイックで真面目な性格で、16歳という年齢なのにとても大人びています。歌唱力も高く、彼女はアニメの中で、アメリカにレコーディングに向かうなど、のちに世界からとても良い評価を得る才能を持っています。そんな彼女は、最初は表情も暗く、歌う事だけに専念するあまり、アイドルとしては魅力的ではありません。
Chihaya kusaragi is a "aloofness diva."She is a girl who dreams of being a singer rather than an idol. She is only sixteen but is mature than her age and has a stoick and serious characteristics. She is also a talented singer so in animation, she goes to U.S. for her recording and got praised by people from all over later on.So she was not a fascinating idol when she was a new to idol because she devoted herself only for singing and had a dark expression on her face.
However, through the encounter with Haruka and many other experiences, she gradually plays role in other tasks excluding singing and became brighter than before.However, she has a secret.It is the reason of why she wants to be a singer and the later episodes focus on her secrect.And episode 20 which is her episode is my favorite.I guess you would shed tears when you watch that epidode even if you are not a huge fan of her!!( I cried after watching it...and there is a special trap in ending so please check it.)
Yayoi Takatsukiは「小さなお姉さん」です彼女は5人兄弟の長女で、家計を助けるために14歳でアイドルになりました。ダンスや歌などを上手くない事をコンプレックスに思っていますが、仲間に励まされて一緒に困難を乗り越えます。アイドルを始めた頃は落ち込む姿が多くなっていくものの、仕事が上手くこなせるようになると、明るく前向きになり、元気いっぱいの姿を見せてくれます!日本では彼女の熱狂的なファンが多く、彼女の愛らしい言動や歌に友達も(少し危ないくらい)夢中でした…。
Yayoi Takatsuki is a "small elder sister."She is an eldest of five brothers and to help the family circumstances she become an idol at the age of 14.She worries about her complex from not good at singing a song nor dancing compared to other idols though with the encouragement from her friends, she gets over the difficulties.When she starts working as an idol she is often discouraged but as she gets used to being as an idol she becomes bright and positive, and you will see her full of pep!In Japan, she had many hardcore fans and my friend was also addicted to her adorable behavior and songs.
Her key item is bean sprout!When it comes to Yayoi, it is bean sprout. You can find the reason of the beansprout in animation, it is like a leek of Miku Hatsune's. Yes, two are the same.She shows her fascination when she sings a song. So, let's just listen her songs!Even If you don't understand Japanese, still you will be able to feel the adorable atmosphere that she creates because it is a free of language barrier. My recommendation to you is a song named "Sampo"All of my co-workers know that song because we listen it everyday in an office for a while....Yayoi, what a incredible girl!
I'm going to upload the item on the website, and can I use the picture that you sent me before by email? Also, I would like to use the image on a booklet citing Magritte. Is it possible to use it? If so, i appreciate if you can send me the image file.
England1. I understand it.I will process the full amount of refund as soon as when the merchandise is returned. It seems that the package is still held at Customs.2.I arranged it by EMS, so it will be on-time if nothing happens.However, Customs randomly inspect the packages so it might happen some delay in delivery if it is caught by the inspection.Therefore I can not guarantee you when it will arrive.Thank you.
1972年 神奈川県生まれ独自にイラストレーションを学び、2002年頃よりイラストの仕事を始めるギャラリー勤務などを経て2005年頃よりイラストレーターとして独立フラットな色面を使い、子供の頃を思い浮かべられるようなシンプルで身近にどこにでもあるような風景をコンセプトに制作をしていますイラストレーションの制作には主に、adobe illsutratorのフラットな面を使い風景や子供、果物や花など色々なモチーフを表現していますお問い合わせについてこのホームページについて
Born in 1972 Kanagawa, Japan.I studied Illustration by myself and from 2002 started to work as an illustrator.I worked at galleries and started a business as an illustrator in 2005.My work concept is a simple and ordinary scenery that you can imagine your childhood by using flat colors.I use mainly two-dimensional flat colors of Adobe Illustrator and draw scenery, children, fruits and flowers as a motif.About Us.About website.
イギリス①My item is currently being held at the Post Office due to custom charges and it will therefore be returned to you by them. I look forward to receiving my full refund from you as soon as possible.②hi, since last time we have a talk was few days ago, i just want to make sure it is can delivery before June 1th? thank you so much