Shimauma (shimauma) 翻訳実績

約9年前 女性
日本語 (ネイティブ) ドイツ語 英語
shimauma 英語 → 日本語

We have many customers who send photos of the watch to Fossil to authenticate, and they (fossil)
confirm it is original. But, to be honest with you, we do not get the products through Fossil,
thus able to offer the much better pricing. I dont know what the manufacturing sector is like in Japan,
but in China, everything is very loosely controlled, and license holders have very little control in how
factories make products and supply directly to the secondary market, outside of the official channels.
We take care to only deal with factories that make licensed products,
so we know products are original, and made to exact same quality and specifications.


お客様の中には、時計の写真をFossilへ送り、真偽を確認してもらう方も多くいますが、Fossil側はそれらの時計がオリジナルであると確認します。 しかし、正直に言うと、我々はFossilを通じて製品を購入しているわけではありません。 したがって、よりより価格を提供できます。 日本の製造業がどのようなものであるか知りませんが、中国では全てが非常に緩く管理されています。 ライセンス保持者は、工場がどのように商品を製造しているかについてほとんど管理せず、正式なルートを通らず、直接流通市場へ供給します。 我々は、許諾製品を製造する工場とのみ取引を行います。 ですので、製品がオリジナルかつ、厳密に同じ品質および仕様で製造されていることが分かります。

shimauma 英語 → 日本語

Of these 3 factories, we work with 2 of them on a regular basis. Now, the only 100% original,
genuine Armani products are supposed to be ones supplied through the official Fossil supply chain.
Our supply, on the other hand, is grey market, which is outside of the official Fossil supply chain and being
supplied by the factory directly to the secondary market.

So, what that means, is that the product is exactly the same. However, it is not through Fossil group.
These are sometimes referred to as grey market, or factory overruns. So, if you take a look at our products
vs ones bought in, say an EA store, they are exactly the same thing, down to the movement inside.


これら3つの工場のうち、定期的に取引をしているのは2工場です。 現在、100%オリジナル、本物のアルマーニ商品は、正式なFossilの供給チェーンを通じてのみ供給されているはずです。 一方で我々は、正式なFossilの供給チェーン外であり、工場により流通市場へ直接供給されるグレー市場に供給しています。

ということは、商品はまったく同じであるということです。 しかし、Fossilグループを通ってはいません。 これらは、グレー市場または工場オーバーランと呼ばれることもあります。 したがって、我々の商品と、例えばEAストアで、買い付けた商品を見比べていただいても、中身の動きまでまったく一緒の物です。

shimauma 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★☆ 4.0

I will be sending you this gift via HongKong ePacket, and will update you with a tracking number very soon.
The balance of your last order will also be going out later today, and tracking number will follow sometime
tomorrow when available.

Thanks again and I look forward to hearing from you soon!
Also forgot to ask, any particular style you want in the RayBan RB3025 series?
we have the entire line of 58mm size, so any one you choose is fine. If you are not sure,
just let me know what you like, ie black frame/ gold frame/ silver frame,
classic dark green lens/polarized lens/ flash mirror lens, etc etc?




お聞きするのを忘れていましたが、レイバンRB3025 シリーズで、あなたが欲しい何か特別なスタイルがありますか?
分からなければ、どういう物が好きか教えていただければ結構です。例: ブラックフレーム/ゴールドフレーム/シルバーフレーム/クラッシックダークグリーンレンズ/偏光レンズ/フラッシュミラーレンズ 等。

shimauma 英語 → 日本語

What do you mean cancel a refund, if it's refunded the funds should go to my account

No it's not -£4.58 just refund the £30.42 immediately

Can you confirm Refund has been made to my account or i will be contacting Amazon to complain and settle the claim.

Yes that's correct, to the card I paid off please.

After reading Amazons policy after the faulty item you have sent me, you have an agreement with them to either give a full refund or pay full shipping costs. None I have received and now I am getting fed up. I want a full refund for the item within my account in the next 72 hours or I will be taking further action against your business. The service and communication has been shocking!!!!



いいえ、-£4.58ではありません。早急に £30.42 を返金してください。




shimauma 英語 → 日本語

Hi bought this in Knife for my cousin and he has just taken it out of the box and it only has one edge on the blade? I thought it would have both edges on because it doesn't state otherwise

The speaker that you sold me is not charging. I have not been able to use it since it arrived. Please could you either refund the item or send me a replacement product? I am very disappointed, especially as I had to wait several weeks for this order to arrive!

WHen I charge it, 1 led on the side flashes continously, but it will not turn on.

Furthermore, I had to pay £20 import tax, which was not advertised on the item's page, so am quite unhappy with the amount of money I have now spent on a product that doesn't even work!






shimauma 英語 → 日本語

I won your auction and just finished paying when I suddenly noticed the "paypal only" in the description. I paid using visa on accident. I was wondering how would you like me to proceed regarding this matter. If possible I would be more than happy to send the money through paypal if there's a way to so without getting charged twice. I'm super sorry about this mixup!

Many members already have limits placed on their account. Account limits allow us to learn about your selling activity and make sure you're adhering to our selling practices policy and performance standards. Limits vary by seller and can change over time.




shimauma 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★★ 5.0

Thank you so much for the concern. I really appreciate it. You are a true friend.
I am Communicating with my father's kidnappers and we are arranging the exchange of my father with the money the kidnappers are asking.
We have a tentative schedule for the exchange on Sept 18. We have to go to Jolo, Sulo where the Abu Sayaff is keeping my father.
Please schedule your trip here let's say Sept 21 onwards.
I will give the payment when you get here. Will that be alright with you?

I discovered that the 1% serum is good for acne and for ages 39 years below. And the 20% is for 40 years old and above. If the result is too slow people would say the product is nt good. People now want instant results as much as possible


