Dear Mister Ono!Your mail is making me happy in one case and very sad in other case. I am very sorry, that you have had problems in your life and really hope that you solved everything. Otherwise I am sadiesfied that it was not my mistake that you so suddenly stopped contact. I thought by myself: "Hey, if he is disappointed about my sending cutlery why he doesn't tell. I can apologize or sending a indemnification or money back, or what ever!" Then I thought maybe it is common in Japan to act like this; a special Japanese characteer. :) ......
We have to order some of this product in, and we’ve still got a package or two from your last order to send, so we’ll be sending in a few days. We have had to put the price up slightly this time around, due to an increase in shipping charges. It’s a small increase, from $14.11 to $14.43. We are also under some pressure from the manufacturer to keep prices high, please don’t disclose the price to pay to any other party. The good news however is we are throwing in two units for Free. Being a Scented unit, and a Cooling one. We can now get this product at the same price as Original (being $14.43). See the attached invoice.
この商品を仕入れる必要があり、また、前回ご注文された未発送の品物もございますので数日のうちに発送いたします。配送費の上昇により、今回僅かですが価格に変動があります。$14.11から$14.43に値上がりになりました。また、高めの価格を維持するようメーカーに要請されておりますため、この価格につきましては他者に開示せぬようお願いいたします。良いお知らせもあります。Being a Scented unitとCoolingを無料で提供することにしました。この二つをオリジナルと同価格(beingは$14.43)で仕入れることができるようになりました。添付されている納品書をご覧ください。
Hello,I haven't yet received 〇〇 that I ordered on the 2nd of April, I wanted to confirm if it was sent already.I have already made the payment through Paypal. I would appreciate hearing from you soon.
ニューヨークで評判の日本人ネイルアーティストをしっていますか?彼女の顧客は、レディー・ガガ、アリシアキーズ などなど・・・彼女の斬新なアイデアと技術が評判です。例えばこれをご覧ください。アイスクリーム・ホットドック・・・のネイルアートです。この時、彼女はお客さんにどんな注文をされたのでしょう?!答えはこちらの動画でご覧ください。ニューヨーカーのネイルリクエストも斬新で面白いですよね。
Do you know this Japanese nail artist gaining fame in New York? Lady Gaga, Alicia Keys are her client and her innovative idea and technique made her famous. Let's have a look at this.Ice cream, hot dogs in nail art...How did she get the request from her client then? The answer is in this video.The request from New Yorkers is also unique and interesting isn't it?
Hello,Thank you for your purchase.I hate to tell you this but the card you have purchased got wet and ripped by the accident occurred by the courier. Is it possible to refund you? I'm terribly sorry for what have happened and please accept my sincere apology.
1.Remove battery cover from the back of the BabyPlus® unit. Install 4 new “AA” batteries into the battery compartment, taking care to align the positive and negative contacts properly. Place the ribbons under the batteries to insure easy future removal. For optimum performance of BabyPlus®, regular battery replacement is recommended. 2.Begin using BabyPlus® any time during the 18th week of pregnancy or later. For optimal learning, begin lesson one between the 18th and 32nd week of pregnancy3.Place the unit inside the fabric pouch. With the speaker pointed inward, place the unit on your abdomen at mid-level and fasten the strap around your waist.
1. BabyPlus®の本体裏面から電池カバーを外します。極の方向に注意しながらホルダーに新品の”AA”電池を4つ装着します。リボンを電池の下に引くと、あとで電池を取り外しやすくなります。また、 定期的な電池交換をするとBabyPlus®を常に最適な状態でご使用いただけます。2. BabyPlus®は妊娠18週目以降であればいつでも使用開始できますが、妊娠18週目から32週目までの間に始められると最適な結果を得られやすくなります。3. 本体を布ポーチに入れます。内側にしたスピーカーが腹部中央にくるようにセットし、ストラップを腰周りに巻いて締めます。
The recurring patterns of BabyPlus® and the progressive changes in the rhythms over the course of your pregnancy are the most beneficial for earliest development. How do I keep track of my lessons?You can print a lesson calendar to record your daily use from our website, if I have completed all sixteen lessons and still haven’t delivered? Simply continue playing lesson 16 until delivery. My baby moves more when I am using BabyPlus®. Is this normal?. Many mothers report an increase in activity during or prior to the use of BabyPlus®. This is perfectly normal. Most infants will move gently in response to the lessons while others will sleep.Do I have to rest while using BabyPlus®?
A. BabyPlus®の繰り返されるパターンおよびリズムの変化は、妊娠初期の胎児の発達にもっとも効果的です。Q. どのようにレッスンの経過を追えばいいのですか。A. 当社ホームページからレッスンカレンダーを印刷できますので毎日の記録にご活用ください。 出産前にすべてのレッスンを完了してしまった場合はどうしたらいいですか。A. 出産までレッスン16を続けてください。Q. BabyPlus®を使っていると私の赤ちゃんが動きます。これは正常でしょうか。A. 多くのお客様よりBabyPlus®使用前より胎児の動きが激しくなったというお声をいただいており、完璧に正常です。ほかの乳児が眠っていても、BabyPlus®を使用した乳児はレッスンに反応して穏やかに動くようになります。Q. BabyPlus®を使用している間は体を休めていないといけないのでしょうか。
You may continue all normal daily activities except bathing or swimming. Using BabyPlus® during periods of relaxation is also encouraged to fully enjoy the bonding experience between you and your baby. Why didn’t my system automatically turn off after 60 minutes? The internal timer will reset if the pattern is interrupted for any reason Where should I place the speaker? Place the speaker in the area that elicits the best response from your baby, ideally mid-abdomen. Please note that this position may change slightly from week to week as your baby grows. There is a “b” or a “6” flashing in my LCD window and/or has started making a very rapid sound.
引き続き、日常的なアクティビティを楽しむことができます。(入浴と水泳をのぞく)また、リラックスしているときにBabyPlus®を使用すると、赤ちゃんとの絆を充分に深めることができます。Q. 一時間経っても電源が自動的に切れません。A. 何らかの原因によってパターンが中断されると内蔵タイマーはリセットされます。Q. どこにスピーカーをあてるべきですか?A. 胎児からの反応が一番強い部分です。理想的なのは腹部中央です。胎児の成長とともにこの位置は変化しますのでご注意ください。Q. LCDディスプレイに「b」や「6」が点滅し、音が素早く小刻みに鳴っています。
Your batteries are too low for optimal performance. Insert 4 new “AA” batteries, taking care to align the positive and negative contacts properly. Please be sure you are using new, high quality alkaline batteries. My BabyPlus® is making an unusual static sound. It is likely that your battery connection is loose. Please be sure that your battery contacts are making a tight connection with your batteries. Please be sure you are using new, high quality alkaline batteries. How do I store my BabyPlus® when I’m finished using it?With proper care, your BabyPlus® can be used for several pregnancies. Just remove the batteries and return it to the original box. Store in a cool, dry place.
A. 電池の残量がかなり少ないようです。新品のAA電池をプラス極とマイナス極に注意して装着してください。電池は新品で高品質のアルカリ電池を使用してください。Q. BabyPlus®から異常な停止音がします。A. 電池が緩んでいる可能性があります。電池がホルダーに隙間なく装填しているか確認してください。また、電池は新品で高品質のアルカリ電池を使用してください。Q. BabyPlus®の使用を終えた場合、どのように保存すればいいですか?A. きちんとケアをすればBabyPlus®は何度でも使用することができます。電池を本体から外して箱に戻し、湿気のない涼しい場所で保管しましょう。
I am very sorry to tell but No,7 was already sold out when I checked our stock.Please let me know if you would like alternative item.The shipping fee would be $14 for 2.I will give you the money back that you paid in excess for the shipping later.-Thank you for ordering multiple items.I have returned you some money back for the shipping as I will pack and send all of them together.Please confirm your Paypal account.-If you have won multiple items I will send all together at once.Rest assured that I will give you a refund later for shipping if you paid extra.
I have opened my online shop in 2011 that receives about 10,000 hits daily.The sales are still moderate, but I focus on this shop only at the moment.I am planning to customize the shop for the future.That is my current situation, I am not sure if I can call it as my company profile, though.I am hoping to do business with you dearly. Look forward to hear from you soon.
Hello,I am very sorry for the belated reply.I am currently only selling on an online shop in Tokyo.Generally I purchase of stock after accepting order from customers.That enables me to provide high-quality products at a low price. I stock some popular items as well. I really like your products, and since they are not sold in Japan so much I would like to introduce them to Japanese consumers.I have stopped selling items at shops as it costs too much money. Will carry on my business only on online shops for the future.
The think I have realised while writing my stories is that my life is about the repetition of same things. I cannot maintain multiple environments at once. For instance, I cannot hold the relationship with my friends from junior high and friends from high school at the same time. I cannot focus on studying while I am working hard at group activity. Therefore everything had been reset every time I got into a new environment. I mostly rather hoped it that way because changing environment means that I wanted to get away from it. Even though I had tons of friends at junior high and had good relationships with them, I chose to go to a high school where has nobody who knows me.
I think I'm quite an ordinary person. I may add that I think much more than others do, and spend much more time on thinking than others do, too. I constantly think something even though it's not a big deal to think so much or to be bothered by. This habit may have been inherited from my mother and I know that. It always keeps me awake and I take forever to go to sleep. I can't go to sleep even I'm tired. If I could rebirth, I just wish to be someone who doesn't overthink nonsense in head and has no problem with sleeping.
I have written some stories of my life. Working hard for high school entrance exams, about high school life, university entrance exams, my best friend, group activity, part-time job, a story of Hokkaido and films. These are the topics that I picked randomly from my experience that gave me vivid impressions and to show what I always was thinking at that time. So I think -- I am not even sure who I am. I have decided to recall and write about what I have done in past and to pull all my thoughts together. It was a real fun to get to know what I was thinking in my past.
I didn't realize at the first sight that you answered in french!good translation!As for me i'm doing the same thing as you.Working to be able to travel from time to time.Actually i just come back from south america:argentina and chile,mainly desert and mountain.Not as easy as Japan with a bicycle.Not as safe either...I'd like to go to Hokkaido next year during the summer with my brother.But i will have to do extra-work in order to do that.Money is the keyword i guess...
I have always been caring about whiff of people. My brother lives far away from here, so the next room has been vacant for a long while. However, when he comes home at times, he sleeps in the room. Then I feel quite restless that I catch the whiff of him from next door. I'm not keen on getting somebody's eye on me or feel the presence of anybody else but mine. Thus I'm so envious of those who don't care about these stuff because they can sleep anywhere and don't have to mind making sound or noise. I'm much more tensed up than others and that's why I feel exhausted to be in a big group of people.
Apparently you are living in the UK, and I wonder if the electric voltage in the UK is between 220 to 230V? If that's the case you will need an electric converter to change the voltage to 100V. You will also need a Type A, BF or C power point that aren't included in the unit. You can purchase it by yourself or we can enclose it in the same parcel for you that would cost you additional 60$ and 3 to 5 days to prepare. Thank you for your consideration.
すみません、注文を間違えました。注文したいのはTMT-181 を10個です。先ほどお支払いしたTMT-141 15個は間違いです。一旦返金をお願いします。それから改めて、TMT-181の代金をお支払いします。
I'm sorry but I have made the wrong order.TMT-181 x 10 is the correct order, so TMT-141 x 15 that I have ordered a while ago is a mistake.I would request you a refund, then I will make a payment for TMT-181 anew.
ご連絡ありがとうございます。"TourIssue 913D3 D2 Head"の追加購入をお願いします。在庫はどのくらいありますか?第2世代のTシリアルで、出来ればシュリンクが破れていないものを送っていただけると嬉しいです。ProjectXを販売したいのですが、日本のオークションに偽物の疑いがあるものが出品されており、かなり相場が安いです。残念ですが値段が合わないです。cameron Head Coverの卸値を参考までに教えてください。ご返信お待ちしております。
Thank you for your reply.I would like to purchase additional "TourIssue 913D3 D2 Head".How many have you got in your stock?I would much appreciate if you could send me the second generation T serials with undamaged shrink packaging.I also would like to sell Project X but the price has been low since a possible imitation of the item is on the sale at the auction site in Japan. For that reason, unfortunately the prices don't match.Please let me know the wholesale price of Cameron Head Cover just for information.I will look forward to hear from you.