scientiphique 翻訳実績

英語 日本語 (ネイティブ) フランス語
医療 サイエンス 音楽
scientiphique 日本語 → 英語 ★★★★★ 5.0



With the iPad application version 0.7.5, you can:

Read books. Post comments. Create your scrapbook. Read other users' information. Get e-books' information. See your information.

E-book files must be prepared by users. At this time, only e-books in ePub can be read. Please download e-books in ePub onto your PC or Mac at websites such as Project Gutenberg and GoogleBooks.

There is no concept of "pages" in Qlippy Viewer; books will be shown in "chapters," where you can scroll up and down just like you do on a website. In the regular view (vertical mode), user comments will not be shown, therefore you can concentrate on reading the book. When you rotate your iPad horizontally, you can now see other users' comments and enjoy reading them along with the book (Screen rotation lock must be OFF). If you see an inappropriate comment, you can report by clicking the report button.

scientiphique 日本語 → 英語 ★★★★★ 5.0



When you register as a new user on Qlippy application, it will create your profile page on the Qlippy website. User data and annotation data will be automatically updated via the application. Users can manage their information, see other users' e-book lists and annotations, and get detailed information of e-books by logging onto the website.

Qlippy's concept is to change how we "read!" We have constraints as we are a small team that operates everything as well as develops, therefore this application (version 0.7.5) features only one part of what we aspire. However, to make e-books more enjoyable for everyone to read, we really hope to improve its service quality and to enable more functions.