小口幸子 (sachin) 翻訳実績

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so the alternative was us playing in a basement and the pipes break. the room floods and we continue playing. we shot the video in the backlot of universal studios on a very cold and long day. i just remember shivering and the water always being shockingly cold every time we had to get in it. bracing. so cold. the first edit came back and no one was really feeling it, so we scrapped it and started over."

Other questions Mark addressed included topics such as musical gear, coffee, video games, and what music has recently been on his radar. Check out the full AMA here, and watch the official video for "Josie," below.




sachin 英語 → 日本語

AP #300 cover star and co-designer Gerard Way was approved to write a limited Batman series under DC's Vertigo imprint roughly five years ago, he has revealed via tweets.

"They wanna put it out I just never have time to write it!" he told Mindless Self Indulgence frontman Jimmy Urine earlier this evening.

The former My Chemical Romance frontman revealed several of his concept sketches from the series, which include twisted spins on Batman, Mr. Freeze and the Joker, which you can view below.

The Batman series, which Way pitched to DC Comics in 2008, prior to the recording of both Conventional Weapons and Danger Days: The True Lives Of The Fabulous Killjoys, was set to feature six issues.


AP #300 cover starと共同デザインのGerard Wayはざっと5年前にDC's Vertigo imprintによって出された限定版Batmanシリーズを書くことを承認された。Gerardがツイッターで明らかにした。

「彼らは私が決して書く時間がなかったものを世に送り出したいのだ!」彼はMindless Self Indulgenceのボーカル、Jimmy Urineにこの夕方に話した。

My Chemical Romanceの前ボーカルはこのシリーズのいくつかのコンセプト描写を公表し、それにはBatmanのパロディも含まれており、Mr.FreezeはJokerのことであり、それは以下で見ることができる。

Batmanシリーズは、2008年にWayがDC Comicsに話を持ちかけ、Conventional WeaponsとDanger Daysがレコーディングするのに先立っていた。The True Lives Of The Fabulous Killjoysが6つの作品をフィーチャーされている。

sachin 英語 → 日本語

or in pursuance of other needs or reasons — you a younger man addressing an older one."The bulk of the nobiles, both ex-Pompeians and adherents of Caesar, banished from Italy, were with Pompeius. With Pompeius they found a refuge, with Brutus and Cassius a party and a cause, armies of legions and the hope of vengeance. When a civil war seemed only a contest of factions in the nobility, many young men of spirit and distinction chose Caesar in preference to Pompeius; but they would not tolerate Caesar's ostensible political heirs and the declared enemies of their own class. The older men were dead, dishonored or torpid: the young nobiles went in a body to the camp, eagerly or with the energy of despair.



sachin 英語 → 日本語

1. In one sense the job of the work group(all 401 teachers) at Western was enriched by the Dean's decision. What evidence is there in the case that this increased a teacher's satisfaction with his work? What basic motivation was satisfied that increase satisfaction?

2.What evidence is there that the 'autonomous work group' decreased a teacher's satisfaction with his work? What basic motivation was removed that had this effect?

3.The text referred to the problem of individual differences-what has this get to do with the Dean's problem?

4.If you were the Dean, would you want the group to continue meeting each year to up-date the syllabus? What factors do you consider in making this decision?


1.ある意味、西洋でのこのワークグループ(all 401 teacher)の仕事は,Deanの判断によって充実したものになった。




sachin 英語 → 日本語

That is why other security functions (such as intrusion detection and monitoring, and computer virus scanning) should be used together. However, it is observed that the boundary between firewall and other security measures is becoming blurred as firewall manufacturers continuously incorporate additional features, e.g. Virtual Private Network (VPN), encryption, etc. to firewall.
Two packet-filtering routers (one external and one internal) are used to filter and route the selected traffic to the firewall from either external side or internal network. In order to connect to the Internet, the external packet-filtering router should be set up. The internal packet-filtering router is used to separate the DMZ segment



sachin 英語 → 日本語

Internet gateway is an interface with dedicated Internet connection. It provides a point of connection with the Internet, no matter whether the interface has any connection with the internal departmental or company network. A secure Internet gateway can tighten the control and establish a more cost-effective and secure operation environment.
Because of the openness of the Internet and the rapid growth of complex network services and applications, the lack of security protection on the gateway may leave the internal network vulnerable to attacks. Hence, an Internet gateway should be properly configured with appropriate security measures to protect it from attacks.



sachin 英語 → 日本語

Apple on Wednesday announced its upcoming Worldwide Developers Conference,which is expected to play host to our first look at iOS7 and OS X 10.9.With the announcement came the unveiling of a brand new logo,and,in typical Apple fan fashion,we've taken a closer look at the logo and its design to speculate over possible clues hidden within it.

Apple is known for its cryptic event invitations,in which the company has previously hidden hints about what to expect during big keynotes.Last year,Apple launched its Retina MacBook Pro at its WWDC keynote,and also showed off iOS6 and OS X Mountain Lion previews,so Apple watchers are eagerly anticipating this year's event to find out what's in store next.


水曜日、アップルは、来たる世界規模の開発者会議を告知しました、そこで初めて見るiOS7とOS X 10.9を案内できることを期待しています。この告知で披露される新しいロゴマークと、典型的なアップルファンのファッションに、私たちは隠された考えられる糸口を推測するため、間近でそのロゴとデザインを間近で見つめていました。

アップルは謎めいたイベントの招待状で知られ、アップルは大規模な基本方針の間に何が求められているのか、前もって隠されたヒントを持っている会社でした。昨年、アップルはWWDC の基本方針の下でRatina MacBook Proを立ち上げ、iOS6とOS X Mountain Lion のプレビューも公開していました、だからアップルを見ている人は次に店に何が並ぶのか、今年のイベントで見つけ出そうと熱心に期待しています。

sachin 英語 → 日本語

-Roman numerals

This year,Apple has gone for Roman numerals to detail the date (MMXIII is the roman numeral for 2013).It's an unusual move for the company,and does remind us of Samsung's use of roman numerals for its Samsung Galaxy S smartphones.

The Roman numerals are depicted as a sort of reflection of WWDC,which some here in the Macworld UK office have suggested could relate to similarities between iOS and OS X,or perhaps improved AirPlay mirroring functionality.

Several of our Twitter followers think that the Roman numerals could hint at an iWatch,which has been circling the rumour mills for a while now,following reports that Apple has a team of 100 designers working on such device.



今年、アップルはデータを表すのにローマ数字を取り入れました(MMXIIIは2013を表すローマ数字)。アップルにとっては普通ないことで、サムソンがSamsung Galaxy Sのスマートフォンにローマ数字を採用したのを思い起こさせます。

ローマ数字は、WWDCの一つの影響として使われ、iOSとOS X、もしくは改良されたAirPlayのミラー機能の間に類似点があることをMacworldの英国オフィスで示唆する人もいます。


sachin 英語 → 日本語

While we'd love to see Apple launch an iWatch in June,Apple CEO Tim Cook's comments that the company is working on "amazing" new products in "exciting" new categories ready for release in Autumn and throughout 2014 suggest that we won't be seeing a venture into a new market from Apple until later this year,at the earliest.

-The shape

Aside from the typography,the shape of Apple's WWDC 2013 logo is also interesting.

The shape of the logo is familiar,with the rounded square resembling iOS icons.We already know that iOS7 is likely to make an appearance at WWDC this year,so this could be an indication that we'll be seeing some new iOS functionality.


私たちが6月のアップルのiWatchの立ち上げを見たいといっていた時、アップルのCEOのTim Cookが、アップルは秋に発売予定の「わくわくする」新カテゴリーの新製品を「楽しみ」ながら仕事をし、2014年に、最速で今年の末頃までアップルからの新しいマーケットにベンチャーを見出さないことを示唆しています。

印刷の体裁は別にして、アップルのWWDC 2013のロゴの形もまた興味深いです。


sachin 英語 → 日本語

It's expected that iOS7 could see a complete user interface redesign,and reports have suggested that Apple may also launch a 'killer app' in the form of an 'iRadio' music streaming service,or perhaps a mobile payment system with the iOS update.

The shape is also shared by the Mac mini and Apple TV,so we could be in for an update of one or both of those Apple products.

-The colours

When it comes to the variety of colours shown in the logo,it's been suggested that this could be a hint at the introduction of new colour options for the next-generation iPhone,dubbed iPhone 5S or iPhone 6.The colours shown in the logo are various shades of green,orange,blue,yellow,purple and red.



その形はMac miniとApple TVと共通していて、だからこれらの製品をどちらかか両方アップデートすれば使うことができます。

ロゴの中にさまざまな色があれば、iPhone 5SもしくはiPhone 6と呼ばれる次世代iPhoneの新しいオプションカラーの導入のヒントになると思われます。そのロゴの中の色はさまざまな濃度の緑、オレンジ、青、黄色、紫、赤です。

sachin 英語 → 日本語

I get a lot of legal documents in, which can be tedious but it’s not difficult and there is a lot of demand. But in general, 80% of the volume of translation on a global level is technical, so I do a lot of that, and it interests me.

I have worked at conferences on an EU level, and you meet interesting people there. Barroso, the ex-European president, I’ve met him. I interpreted for a tour guide in a mine once – fascinating stuff, and really tests your technical vocabulary, too. And I have interpreted for David Copperfield, the illusionist, at a show in my home town. I would say that as a translator, and especially as an interpreter, you do get around more than other people, and learn about a lot of things



私はEUレベルの会議で働いていて、そこでは興味深い人々に会えるでしょう。私は前のヨーロッパ人の大統領Barrosoと会いました。私は仕事としてツアーガイドとして一度通訳をしました。魅力的なスタッフがいて、テクニカルの語彙も試されることでしょう。それから、私の地元のショーで、イリュージョニストのDavid Copperfieldの通訳もしました。私が翻訳者として、そしてとりわけ通訳者として言いたいのは、この仕事は普通の人よりたくさんの所に出かけて多くのことを学ぶということです。

sachin 英語 → 日本語

Simply remove the cheek pads and insert the system, placing the microphone, earphones, battery and card in their housings and then reinsert the cheek pads.
Integration of the AGVoice system in the helmet guarantees improved sound quality without compromising the level of comfort and the fit of the helmet.

The external button is used for simple control of all functions, also thanks to the voice assistance system in 5 languages (Italian, English, French, German and Spanish).

The AGVoice system can control the following connections

Helmet to phone The driver’s helmet and passenger’s helmet are connected with their respective phones.





電話へのhelmet 運転手のhelmetや歩行者のhelmetはそれぞれの電話へ接続しています。

sachin 英語 → 日本語

The helmets can operate in HSP (Headset Profile)/HFP (Hands-free Profile) modes, but not in intercom mode. Both helmets can make and receive calls.

Helmet (Master) to helmet (Slave) In this configuration the driver’s helmet is connected only with the passenger’s helmet in intercom mode.

Helmet (Slave) to helmet (Master) – phone In this configuration the driver’s helmet is connected BOTH with the associated phone and with the helmet of any passenger present. The driver’s helmet can operate in HSP, in HFP and in intercom modes, while the passenger’s helmet only operates in intercom mode.





sachin 英語 → 日本語 ★★☆☆☆ 2.0

It should be noted that the Google translation on the blog's webpage incorrectly states "3 colors added to 2 colors of iPhone 5," suggesting there will be five color options for the iPhone 5S. The actual translation is, "One new color will be added to the iPhone 5's existing two color options for a total of three colors."

The report relates to one analyst's expectations from January, when Brian White of Topeka Capital Markets said industry checks led him to believe the next-gen "iPhone 5S" would come in eight colors: pink, yellow, blue, green, purple, silver and slate shades currently found on the iPod nano, and a (Product)Red model with proceeds benefiting AIDS research.



このレポートは1月からのあるアナリストの予測について言及している、そこでTopeka Capital MarketのBrian Whiteが、次世代の『iPhoneS』は現在iPod nanoで使われているピンク、イエロー、ブルー、グリーン、パープル、シルバーとねずみ色の影(白黒)8色になると予測させた業界チェックレポートと、AIDS研究に対する援助に寄与をするRed modelという製品について話している。