I have confirmed with the pharmaceutical company regards to the license, however since the product is not medicine but food additive, there is no requirement for a license. When the pharmaceutical company exported this product previously, there were no need for any license.If the license is really necessary, could you please advise how much the licensing cost would be?Are there any other companies that already have the license?As regards to the container, due to the possibility of it being stopped by the customs office, we plan to export only the amount necessary until we can confirm safety.My visit to Vietnam depends on the import of the medicine, hence the trip has not yet been decided.
【Showroom】你好!東京女子流(ニーハオ・ドンジンニューズーリョウ)【Showroom】你好!東京女子流(ニーハオ・ドンジンニューズーリョウ) 2010 年1月1日結成の小西彩乃・山邊未夢・新井ひとみ・中江友梨・庄司芽生からなる5人組ガールズ・ダンス&ボーカルグループ「東京女子流」が、アジアに向けてお送りする新番組!
【Showroom】Hello! TOKYO GIRLS' STLYE【Showroom】Hello! TOKYO GIRLS' STLYEThis is a new TV program aimed to viewers in Asia by the dance and vocal unit known as the "TOKYO GIRLS' STLYE" set up by Ayano Konishi, Hitomi Arai, Yuri Nakae and Mio Shoji on the 1st of January 2010.
If the screen is off when it's on eco mode, the screen will turn on by touching the screen.Touch the button indicating "meal, others" for non-flex applicants (above layer). (There is an indication, however, due to systematic reasons please do not use buttons other than "meal, others")You can go back to the previous screen by touching the "back" button. (Same for the below)Check the input column (where the cursor is flashing) and touch the number button to apply for overtime, holiday shifts and for late-night shifts ( applies only to overtime late-night shifts). Use the sexagesimal system to apply.Late night working hours for shift work within the normal working hours will be calculated automatically, therefore there is no need to apply separately.
I have recently received a negative feedback. However, I have resolved the problem with the buyer.You can see that this is true from the message sent by the buyer.Also, the buyer seem to have contacted eBay regards to this issue but was told that the feedback cannot be erased.Why is this?Furthermore, I cannot send the request for alteration.I am running ebay seriously. Hence, your reply to my queries above would be grateful.Please note that both buyer and myself are eager to solve this problem.
My name is Tanaka at A. I also have my boss Mr. Sato with me.We are very happy to be able to invest in B.We strongly believe that your backup has made it possible for us to invest in B.May we kindly ask what was the background to you being appointed as Chairperson of B?Since the Japanese market is very unique, it may take a while to introduce B's services.However, we are determined to act as a bridge between yourselves and our group companies.Mr. Sato and I plan to travel to Paris on the week of June 22nd.If you have any time to spare, we would be very pleased to see you.
1. Thank you for your reply. The problem product A has now been withdrawn from sale. We will never sell this product A ever again.2. The Amazon.com account that had issues has now re-opened. May I politely ask for your kind consideration to re-open the account at Amazon.ca as well? (原文直訳は、Would it not be possible to re-open the account at Amazon.ca as well?)The product that we are selling have no problems.I would be grateful for your kind consideration.
The issue of homeless exists in very country and there are various efforts made by its government to reduce the issue. The most important thing is to help these homeless people exit the current situation and not about finding the process to rescue them from their current situation. Helping them become independent is not about giving medical treatment to an injured, but to prevent any injuries. The form of being independent differs between each individual, and will have many types equivalent to the number of people. One thing that can be said in common, I think, is that being independent is about “self-awareness” and “pride” in one’s strength to make a living. I remember when I was in Japan, that a magazine called the Bigissue was pick up by the media.
Improvement Plan1. From now on we will always indicate the availability of any product description, information on the brand, manufacturer, how it is packaged, how to use the product and instructions.2. Firstly, we will review our shipment measures. In order to have our customers be satisfied as much as possible, we will avoid time consuming shipment measures and will use air couriers to make the quickest delivery possible. Also, we will never sell any products that has not been bought by the customer. When sending our product to the exhibition, we will allocate our exclusive inspector who will check and confirm the product’s operation when selling.
Pitching is about being selectiveNeither funders nor founders should consider pitching a statistical exercise based on the concept of: more pitches = higher statistical probability of finding the right match.Founders and funders should do significant upfront work before committing time to each other. Let’s engage in a process of deep reciprocal learning of each other only when it’s understood that it’s worth our time to do so. Today there are tons of public data available for both founder and funders that should be reviewed and analyzed in advance of deciding on any meeting (e.g. LinkedIn references, Twitter profiles, App store rankings, etc).
売り込むと言うことは、選択することである。出資者も創立者も、数のうち当たると言った概念、つまり統計上の高い確率で適合見つけると言った統計上の分析をベースに考えてはならない。創立者及び出資者は、双方に時間を費やす前に十分な事前調査を行うべきである。深い相互理解をするためのプロセスに入るのは、その時間が無駄にならないことを確認出来た時のみである。現在は、創立者と出資者双方に役立つ公開されている情報が五万とあり、双方が会談を決める前に、それらの公開情報を検証、分析するべきである(例えば、LinkedInにおける評判、Twitterで公開されているプロフィール、App storeの順位等)。