We sincerely apologize for selling restricted items on amazonEU. We are very sorry for causing troubles to many other sellers and AMAZON.The reason for mass spillage of restricted items is the occurrence of system error on the item screening function as items are uploaded in CSV to cause the outflow of the banned items which must not be sold there normally.We have taken the following counteraction to improve the above issues. review over the item management system
我々が作成したPayPalのインボイスを再度メールいたします。そちらでお支払を試してみてください。もし、PayPalで支払ができなければ銀行振込でもお支払可能です。USDとの本日のレートで英ポンド **ポンドを下記にお振込みください。ただし、振込み手数料はお客様のご負担となりますのでご了承ください。
I am emailing you the invoice for PayPal we created once again.Please try to arrange the payment with it.You can also arrange the payment by bank transfer in case PayPal fails again. Please transfer GBP*** converted with today's rate of exchange for USD.Please understand that the transfer commission fee should be born by your end.
4/27(月)~ 『AAAデザイン GREEプリペイドカード』販売決定!『AAAデザイン GREEプリペイドカード』限定販売開始! 全国のセブン-イレブンで4/27(月)~販売!GREEにて配信中のゲーム「Another story of AAA」で使えます!! 数量限定なのでお早めに!
'AAA design GREE prepaid card' will be released on April 27!'AAA design GREE prepaid card' will be on limited sale!Available at Seven-Eleven convenience store around the country from April 27 (MON)!You can use it in the on-line game 'Another story of AAA' currently distributed by GREE!!Come fast, the sale will end when the stock is gone!
Dear,I have repeatedly ordered your products.I placed a new order on 25th of April.However, I found it canceled when I checked the order history in my account.Checking the web shop site, it looks you still have size 40 in stock.I would love to have it immediately. Could you please process my order at once?Looking forward to receiving your reply soon.
週末休みでご連絡が遅くなりすいません卸売りのお問い合わせを頂きありがとう御座います我々は製品リストを持っておらずあなたから依頼のあった商品をその都度探してその時の最良の価格を提案させて頂きますこれは我々が様々な仕入元から商品を仕入れるため価格や用意できる数量がタイミングにより一定では無い為ですPanasonic facial steamerとその他にどんな商品をお探しですか?希望の数量と商品の品番もしくはASINもしくはEANコードのいずれかを教えて下さい
Sorry for the late reply due to the weekend off.Thank you very much for your inquiry on wholesales.We do not have products list ready. We search for a product you need upon receipt of your request each time and offer the best price at the time.This is because we purchase from several suppliers and each price and quantity vary depending on the timing of each purchase.What products are you looking for other than Panasonic facial steamer?Please give us your required quantity and product part number, or either of ASIN or EAN code.
Thank you for your message.The dust in the lens are so tiny that it is impossible to shoot by camera.
Please inform me in advance before you'd like to start the test purchase, And I think you can confirm to do the product purchase by your side now?
こんにちは 日本ローランドに問い合わせてみました。GK-3 のピックアップを左右逆(ピックアップのコードが出ているほうが 1弦)でギターに取り付けたときは、システムの DRIVER SETTING にある DIRECTION の設定を REVERSE に変更してください。ピックアップを左右反対に使用する時は REVERSE 設定してください。故障ではありません。よろしくお願いします。
Hello,I have inquired to Japan Roland.If the GK-3 pickup is attached in reverse position (the side where the cord of pickup comes out is the first string),please change the setting of DIRECTION in DRIVER SETTING of system to REVERSE.When the pickup is used in reverse position, please use REVERSE.It is not a breakdown.Hope this helps.
We have been informed that you should just keep the part at no cost.No need to send back.Please send the items back (collect), to be paid by receiver.
We regret for inconvenience caused to you.The brand new replacing goods has been shipped out.We feel sorry that the damage occurred consequently, even though we tried to prevent it by double-packing as damage tends to be serious when shipping overseas. For your reference, please have a look at the photo image of manufacturer's box before its shipping.Could you please provide me with photo images of crack or scratch?It will be appreciated if you could understand it that apparently minor scratches and cracks happens during manufacturing process at the factory.We will arrange the refund as soon as the damaged goods is received from you.
出力形式をAにすると、幾つかの属性値は失われてしまいます。それでも属性値を有効にしたい場合は、対象オブジェクトの種類をCustom Viewにしてください。
Some of attribute values will be lost when the form of output is set A, nevertheless, you would like to validate the values, set the type of the object Customs View.
The registration of new items will be suspended until the said program error is corrected and the review of current stock is completed. We will conduct routine error check to identify whether or not there is a banned item on the uploaded data as a new CSV file is actually uploaded.We have taken an immediately action and deleted the banned item.I would appreciate it if my account is re-activated soon.
Dear I have read your mail and understand, I agreed on what you statedhere in your mail, to get more trust in each other as internationalbusiness, so now one thing I want you to do for me is to shortlisthere in your next email those my INFORMATION YOU WILL need and one youwill need from the bank where the fund is deposited that you want tofollow with the agreement letter. To go in the agreement will help tobuild more trust and faith so let me know now those information’s youwill need.