Anne (nnneko) 翻訳実績

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nnneko 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★☆ 4.0

Back on planet earth, the next Apple iPhone is expected to take on a very similar (if not identical) form factor to the current flagship, with its marquee feature being a fingerprint sensor as opposed to a transparent display. Accompanying the next-gen iPhone is purported to be a low-end / entry-level device to help Apple widen its appeal to developing markets and those with less extravagant budgets.

Still, we’ve taken a bit of a shining to this design, and would love to know what you make of Huismann’s efforts. Please do drop your comments – as ever – via the usual mediums below.




nnneko 英語 → 日本語

perhaps he suggested that Gaul should cease to be a province and be added to Italy.That would preclude competition for a post of vantage and armed domination.A fair prospect of concord or a subtle intrigue against the consul had been brought to nought.In no mood to be thwarted in his ambitions,he still hoped to avoid an open breach with the party of Brutus and Cassius.With what consummate art Octavianus worked upon this material in the month of July has already been narrated.Rumours went about in the July days at Rome that Octavianus,though a patrician, had designs upon this office. Nothing came of it for the moment.So it was to be in the end. But this was no time for an ideal and patriotic appeal.



nnneko 英語 → 日本語

It takes far more energy to improve from incompetence to mediocrity than to improve from first-rate performance to excellence.

Eisenhower was in total command. When he became president, he succeeded two listeners, Frank-lin D. Roosevelt and Harry Truman. Both men knew themselves to be listeners and both enjoyed free-for-all press conferences. Eisenhower may have felt that he had to do what his two predeces-sors had done. As a result, he never even heard the questions journalists asked. And Eisenhower is not even an extreme case of a non-listener.
A few years later, Lyndon Johnson destroyed his presidency, in large measure, by not knowing that he was a listener.



nnneko 英語 → 日本語

Just as people achieve results by doing what they are good at, they also achieve results by working in ways that they best perform. A few common personality traits usually determine how a person performs.
Am I a reader or a listener? The first thing to know is whether you are a reader or a listener. Far too few people even know that there are readers and listeners and that people are rarely both. Even fewer know which of the two they themselves are. But some examples will show how damaging such ignorance can be.
When Dwight Eisenhower was Supreme Commander of the Allied forces in Europe, he was the darling of the press.



nnneko 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★☆ 4.0

Too many people work in ways that are not their ways, and that almost guarantees non-performance.
For knowledge workers, How do I perform? may be an even more important question than What are my strengths? Like one's strengths, how one performs is unique. It is a matter of personality.
Whether personality be a matter of nature or nurture, it surely is formed long before a person goes to work. And how a person performs is a given, just as what a person is good at or not good at is a given. A person's way of performing can be slightly modified, but it is unlikely to be completely changed-and certainly not easily.



nnneko 英語 → 日本語

has considerable expertise in handling sales in francophone countries. Inaddition to the plan to increase exports, PPM is seeking to move up the value chain. Senior management want to move into biotechnology and start making vaccines, despite conceding that they currently lack theexpertise, know-how and equipment. Investment funds are also likely to be lacking.

In June 2009, Vietnamnet Bridge reported that Vietnamese drugmakers were looking to enter theCambodian pharmaceutical market and that several drugmakers had already exported their products to thecountry. One Cambodia-based distributor, FD Pharma Company, claimed that sales of its Vietnammanufacturedmedicine exceeded US$1mn per year.


2009年6月、ベトナムネット・ブリッジは、ベトナムの製薬会社はカンボジアの製薬市場に参入の機会をうかがっており、いくつかの製薬会社はすでに製品をカンボジアに輸出した、と報告しました。カンボジアに地盤を持つ販売業者のひとつ、FD ファルマカンパニーは、ベトナム製の薬品が1年で100万米ドルを超えておると苦情を申し立てました。

nnneko 英語 → 日本語

Despite this, it reported that Vietnam’s reputation asa pharmaceutical exporter remained relatively low in Cambodia.

In January 2009, according to The Phnom Penh Post, an Indian investment group was planning to investapproximately US$1mn in Cambodia. The funds would be used to build a new pharmaceuticals manufacturing plant in the country, with a view to assisting the country in becoming less dependent onimports and curbing the amount of trade in counterfeit drugs.

●Pharmaceutical Wholesale
One of the leading importers and distributors of pharmaceuticals in Cambodia is Zuellig Pharma, asubsidiary of the regional player Zuellig (which is headquartered in Singapore).



カンボジアにおける支配的な輸入業者で製薬の卸業者のひとつはZuelling Pharma で、シンガポールに本社をおくZuelligの地域企業の子会社でもある。

nnneko 英語 → 日本語

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