Anne (nnneko) 翻訳実績

英語 日本語 (ネイティブ) ロシア語
nnneko 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★★ 5.0

If we look at the more developed markets such as South Korea, Japan and Hong Kong, we will see many great entrepreneurs disrupting existing and entrenched players related to payment and content consumption or creation.

In South Korea for example, the issue of cyber security via the smartphone in connection to financial transactions is becoming increasingly important and thus spurring a lot of innovation in product and service ideas.

In Hong Kong, we will see various startups looking at the securities market in a different light — they apply different interaction tiers and various pricing regiments to fundamentally change how consumers and users see the system.





nnneko 英語 → 日本語

Issues confirmed in a recent interview with that they will be in fact releasing an acoustic EP. The EP will feature reworked versions of songs on their debut release Black Diamonds.The acoustic EP is dubbed Diamond Dreams.Read an excerpt from the interview confirming this below.You guys are coming out with a new acoustic EP, Diamond Dreams, later this year that will consist of acoustic versions of your songs from the previous EP, Black Diamonds.It has been rumored that when you re-master “King of Amarillo,” it is going to be less dramatic and there may be some lyrical changes.Is there any specific reason why?Tyler: Yeah, we completely rewrote the song.


Mindequalsblown.netへの最近のインタビューの中で、本当に、アコースティックのEPをリリースしようとしていることが確認されました。そのEPは彼らのデビュー作、Black Diamondsの歌詞を書き換えたものとして注目されるでしょう。アコースティックEPにはDiamond Dreamsが追加録音されます。この内容を含むインタビューを下に抜粋しますので、読んでください。みなさんは新しいアコースティックEP、Diamond Dreamsを今年の後半に発表するそうですね。そのEPは以前のEP、Black Diamondsの曲のアコースティックバージョンで構成されるそうですが。いつ"King of Amarillo"をリマスターするのかと噂になっていましたが、それほど劇的ではなく、叙情的な変更になりそうですね。これについて何か特別な理由はありますか?Tyler: はい、歌を完全に書き直したんです。

nnneko 英語 → 日本語

Even with the hectic work demands that I face on a daily basis, I’m still able to be very involved in the lives of my wife and two young daughters. Before having a family, I had a “work hard, play hard” mentality and the “play hard” was my free time to let loose. Now I’ve just replaced the “play hard” with intense family time; thus, whether you’re 25 or 35 or 45, it’s no different. This balance hasn’t always been the case, and certainly doesn’t come easily – it takes a lot of effort and perseverance to achieve an equilibrium.

4 lessons for a good work-family balance
Here are some of the lessons I have learned that may help aspiring entrepreneurs maintain a strong work-family balance:


