For me, being a dad and running a startup seemed to be working fine. In fact, I don’t think I am slacking at either job and I often get asked how I balance both tasks. After significant reflection and a great conversation with my three-year-old daughter on the topic, I think I started to understand what it takes to manage both lives in parallel.
First of all, I disagree with Brian’s comment. It is possible to be a parent and an entrepreneur – and I think there are thousands of role models out there who prove this. However, in order to do so, you must be absolutely ruthless with your schedule. This means giving your personal life the same dedication that you give your startup. I have always had an extremely busy work schedule – logging 90-hour work weeks and 350,000 plus air miles a year; I am currently the CEO of Bubble Motion, a Sequoia-backed startup based in Singapore, but I have also founded and worked at six different Silicon Valley startups before this.
まず初めに、ブライアンの意見には賛同しない。親であり、かつ起業家であることは可能だ。このことを証明するロールモデルは何千といると思う。しかし、そうするためには、スケジュール管理に関して完全に鬼にならなければならない。それはつまり、起業に打ち込むのと同じだけの献身を個人の生活にも行うということだ。私はいつも仕事上、超過密スケジュールを組んできた。週90時間働き、年に350,000マイレージを貯めてきた。現在私は、シンガポールを拠点とするSequoiaを後ろ盾として起業したBubble MotionのCEOであるが、その前に6つの別のSilicon Valleyの起業を立ち上げ、働いてきた。
Even with the hectic work demands that I face on a daily basis, I’m still able to be very involved in the lives of my wife and two young daughters. Before having a family, I had a “work hard, play hard” mentality and the “play hard” was my free time to let loose. Now I’ve just replaced the “play hard” with intense family time; thus, whether you’re 25 or 35 or 45, it’s no different. This balance hasn’t always been the case, and certainly doesn’t come easily – it takes a lot of effort and perseverance to achieve an equilibrium.4 lessons for a good work-family balanceHere are some of the lessons I have learned that may help aspiring entrepreneurs maintain a strong work-family balance:
1. Managing time effectively is a must – When everyone wants your time, everything must be scheduled. Rather than attempting to multitask with the deluge of daily requests and to-do’s, creating 15- to 30-minute increments per task helps me hone my focus. Most tasks and meetings can be completed in less than 30 minutes and by keeping to a rigid schedule I can turn my focus on and off. With this comes the ability to prioritize more easily. It’s also important to have one central means for communication and staying on top of things. For me, it’s my email Inbox.
1.時間管理の実行は絶対である。 - 自分の時間がほしい人はすべて、何もかもスケジュール化しなければならない。日々の雑事やするべきことの洪水をマルチタスクで処理しようとするよりも、それぞれの作業に15分から30分割り当てるほうが、集中できる。ほとんどの作業やミーティングは30分以内に完了でき、確固たるスケジュールを維持することで、集中力を切り替えることができる。こうすることで、物事の優先順位をつける能力も容易に得られる。コミュニケーションのための中心的手段を一つ持ち、それを物事のトップに置くことも重要である。私にとってそれは、電子メールの受信箱だ。
Everyone knows to get something on my list, email me. I read every email and reply to most of them. I religiously empty my inbox at least once a week. This allows me to focus all of my communications and ‘to do’ items in one place and ensure I’m not missing something.2. Maximizing off time at home – When you do get to be home, it’s important to make the most of it. For me, this means setting aside time to relax with my family and give them my full, undivided attention. Each week, my daughters and I have a “daddy-daughter” night where the three of us go to dinner.
みんな私の作業リストに載るにはメールをすればよいとわかっている。私はメールをすべて読み、ほとんどに返信する。受信箱は少なくとも週に一度、律儀に空にする。これによってすべてのコミュニケーションとするべきことに一つの場所で集中でき、見落としがないことを確信できる。2.家庭での自由時間を最大にする - 家にいるとき、これを最優先することが重要である。私の場合、家族とくつろぐ時間はとっておいて、私のすべての注意を逃さず彼らに向ける。毎週、私の娘たちと私は3人で夕食に行き、「父子」の夜を過ごす。
Both my daughters and I live for these nights out – they keep me grounded, and I’m sure my children love to see a distraction-free dad. In addition, having a supportive spouse who understands your lifestyle and is able to pick up your slack when you need it helps tremendously and is basically a necessity to finding simultaneous success in both the startup world and the daddy world.3. Making sure work trips aren’t all work – For founders with children, why not bring them with you when you travel for work? This is something that I try to do whenever possible. My three-year-old has already been to 23 countries across four continents!
娘二人と私は、これらの夜を外で過ごす。子供たちは私を下に座らせる。子供たちがよそ見をしない父を見るのが好きだということはわかっている。加えて、自分の生き方を理解し、必要な時に引き締めてくれる支えとなる配偶者を持つことは、とても大きな助けであり、起業の世界と父親の世界の両方で同時に成功を収めるには基本的な必須要素だ。3.すべての仕事がうまくいくわけではないことを理解する - 子供を持つ創業者として、出張に行くときになぜ子供たちを一緒に連れて行かないのか?これは私ができる限りやろうとしていることだ。私の3歳の娘はすでに4大陸の23か国に行ったことがある!
Hotels can always get a sitter to watch children during meetings and then once work is out of the way, the evenings can be dedicated to them. Not to mention the fact that children often love the opportunity to get on a plane and go on an adventure with their parents. Everything is new and exciting for them; even the most mundane places you have seen a hundred times. Some of my best one-to-one time with one of my daughters is sitting in the airport lounge together – time that would otherwise be wasted. I’m not exaggerating when I say that bringing my daughters along makes business travel ten times better – not to mention how much they learn and see the world in the process!
4. Be available when out of the office – Ignoring email when you get home is not the answer. It’s important to be available to your employees during off hours at home. Getting online and staying responsive some mornings, nights, and weekends will help to keep productivity flowing when you’re out of the office and save you the stress of being bombarded with emails when you walk in on Monday morning, which can be paralyzing to productivity. I’m online 24/7 and always checking email. My most productive times of the day are often at night, after I put my daughters to bed, or early in the morning before they wake up.
4.職場にいない時に対応可能にしておくこと - 家にいる間、電子メールを無視することは解決策ではない。家にいるあいだ、部下と連絡が取れるようにしておくことは重要だ。朝、夜、週末などにオンラインにして対応可能にしておくことは、職場にいない間も生産性を維持し、月曜の朝に職場に入った途端、生産性をマヒさせる電子メールの砲火を浴びるストレスからも解放してくれる。私は四六時中ネットにつなげており、メールはいつもチェックしている。一日のうちで一番生産性が高い時間帯は、娘たちを寝かしつけた後の夜や、娘たちが起きてくる前の早朝だったりする。
Beyond fundraisingSocial Project.PH goes beyond fundraising, though. “We’re helping market and brand social enterprises and NGOs in the Philippines to a global audience.” It’s one thing to run a socially-relevant project, and it’s another to raise awareness about it to a global audience. The platform tries to cover both.
Additionally, the platform also connects NGOs and social enterprises to potential partners. “It’s a good value proposition to the NGOs because we also refer partners who can help with posters, videos, even websites that all are within reach of NGOs limited budgets. The NGOs and non-profits do tremendous work on the ground with little to no fanfare and with minimal social media presence. We want to help them as strategic, long term partners by creating an eco-system of like-minded leaders and orgs.”
もう1つだけ聞きたいことがあります。AAA では BBB の投稿はできますか?下のURLでは BBB の投稿が見当たらないので確認したい。-----------------------------------------------------タイトル、ディスクリプションを指定できるプラグインカテゴリごとにそれぞれタイトルやディスクリプションを指定できるプラグインが欲しい。こういうプラグインは無いですよね?
I have one more question.Can I contribute BBB to AAA?I want to confirm it, because I can't find contributions of BBB at the following URL.-----------------------------------------------------Plugin allowing to specify the title and the discriptionI want a plugin with which I can specify the title and the discription for each category.We don't have such a plugin, do we?
Do you have stock of the item which you exhibited before?I would like to purchase it definitely.
AngelHack Comes to Asia, Sees Potential in Singapore and South Korea, Offers Readers Free TicketsThe AngelHack competition prides itself as the biggest hackathon in the world and will kick off this weekend in Los Angeles. And for friends in Asia, this might be your chance if you are looking to Silicon Valley for expansion, as AngelHack will be travelling to your cities, too.
AngelHack will be organizing over 100 hackathons and aims to aggregate over 15,000 developers in more than 50 cities. This is its first step into Asia, which the team had originally planned for the last quarter of the year. But thanks to the kind sponsorship from Amazon Web Services, the plan has been accelerated and hence the launch this upcoming April. So web developers and entrepreneurs in APAC region such as Melbourne, Sydney, Bangkok, Jakarta, Manila, and Chennai can now have their chance to eventually become part of the inaugural AngelHack accelerator program.
AngelHackは100以上のハッカソンの開催を予定していて、50以上の都市から15,000人以上の開発者を集めようとしている。これはAngelHackが今年の第四四半期に計画していたことの、アジアでの第一歩である。スポンサーであるAmazon Web Servicesの好意により、計画は前倒しされ、その結果この4月に開幕となった。つまり、APACの各国、メルボルン、シドニー、バンコク、ジャカルタ、マニラ、シナイなどのウェブ開発者と企業家には、結果的に、新時代の幕を開けるAngelHack加速計画の一翼を担うチャンスがあるわけだ。
MNC Group as Rakuten’s previous partner now makes partnership with another Internet giant from China, Tencent, bringing several mobile and Internet products to Indonesia. The flagship product of this venture is WeChat.RBO currently has 370 merchants and aggressively aiming to reach 1000 merchants by the of the year.
Rakutenと以前提携していたMNC Groupは、今度は中国のインターネット大手、Tencentと提携する。Tencentはいくつかのモバイル商品やインターネット商品をインドネシアにもたらした。このベンチャーの目玉商品はWeChatである。RBOには今は370の卸売業者がいるが、年内には卸売業者を1000まで増やすことを精力的に目指している。
But I also think that if the idea is that good, it’s worth taking the risk and going solo.App ideas are a dime a dozen and while anybody can have them, not everyone can build them. This is in part why good coders are in high demand everywhere. Business people shouldn’t think the idea is the “hard” part and that coders are doing the “easy” part of building a product.At the same time, I think it will be prudent to bear in mind, that to have a successful business venture, all sides will have to bring their A-game. A fantastically developed app with perfect UX and UI can easily slip through people’s attentions due to the myriad of options available in the market.
For any product to succeed, it requires a good mixture of geeks and suits. There is a joint-course conducted by Stanford and University of British Columbia, called “Technology Entrepreneurship”, which is offered in the Business school not in the Engineering or Computing department. The requirement is that the business students are to form teams of four with at least one technically inclined partner to launch a business and pitch it to VCs. This balance in the back office and the front office is required to build something solid that will be sold widely.
どんな商品も継続するには、変なものとちゃんとしたものがうまい具合に混在している必要がある。StanfordとUniversity of British Columbiaのジョイントコース、”技術的起業家精神”というのがある。これはビジネススクールに提案されたもので、工学部やコンピューター学部のものではない。ビジネススクールの学生にとってビジネスを立ち上げベンチャー資本に投ずるための条件は、少なくとも一人の技術面に長けたメンバーを含む4人一組のチームを作ることだ。事務管理部門と営業部門両方におけるこのバランスは、広範囲に売れる確かなものを築き上げるのに必要なのだ。
You should decompile an apk file into the specified exiting app, and reconstruct a java project that is executable and buildable by Eclipse.If you prefer to be sent the apk file, it is available.As our minimum requirements, please make them order by refactoring, and don’t remain the decompiled names of files, classes and methods.The delivery files are the reconstructed java project and the checkable apk file as a result of the build.If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask me.
It is not the broken product.Could you check my previous e-mail?Also, the address is different this time.Please treat the problems differently.There are two problems. One of them is about the incorrect connection part, and the other is about the broken connection part.I would like to ask you to correspond to the two problems.
Million Moments (iOS, Android) – Produced by Sony and primarily focused on photo viewing, Million Moments is a nice though possibly useless departure from the other apps in this list. It allows you to assemble small slideshows so that you can view with your friends. I’d rather view photos on my computer or TV though.Snapdish (iOS, Android) – Another interesting niche take on photos is Snapdish. It’s all about photos and food, the ideal app for food-lovers, and they’re big population, half of my friends take photos before they eat. Snapdish puts this all in one place and connects food-lovers with each other, thus socializing food.
Million Moments(iOS, Android) - Sonyが作った、主に写真を見るためのアプリであるMillion Momentsは素敵だが、このリストに上がっている他のアプリに比べてこれといった使い道はない。短いスライドショーを作ることができ、友達と一緒にみることができる。個人的には写真はコンピューターやテレビ上で見るほうが好きだ。Snapdish(iOS, Android) - もう一つ、写真を撮る面白いアプリがSnapdishだ。写真と食がすべてであり、食道楽の方には理想的なアプリで、大変人気がある。私の友人も半数は食べる前に写真を撮っている。Snapdishは撮った写真を一か所にまとめておくことができ、食道楽同士つながることができる。食のソーシャルネットワークだ。