I am sorry for the delay in responding.We have been negotiating with Japan's administrative body, to find that, as suspected, we cannot import and sell the supplied AC adapter without the administrative permission. Also we are informed that their factory inspection is required to obtain it. Under the above mentioned circumstance, I must inform you that we have decided to terminate handling the power supply as it is not financially profitable.I deeply apologize that we cannot continue selling your products due to our lack of capacity.
1.N2 purgeは仕様書には無い、追加事項になります。2.1のため、実施する場合は追加コスト及び納期をいただきます。3.弊社は4月中に出荷の計画のため、4月までしか倉庫を借りていません。 N2 purgeを実施する場合、倉庫延長費用も追加で発生します。4.保管期間が32ヶ月であれば、VpCIを1度交換することで対応が可能だと思います。5.4での対応で良ければ、追加のVpCIの費用については検討したいと考えています。一番の問題は3の倉庫延長費用になります。
1. N2 purge is an additional item, which is not included in the specifications.2. Because of 1. above, there would be additional charge and time for delivery required, in case it is conducted.3. Our company had leased the storage up to April, as we plan to ship the product within the month. Therefore, if N2 purge is conducted, additional cost to prolong the lease term is also required.4. It could be adaptable if VpCl is replaced once, having 32-month storage period.5. If 4.above is acceptable, we could consider the VpCl cost for replacing.
お世話になります。india buying社のオーダー分仕様書をお送り致します。寸法等大きな変更点はございませんが、270032と270031の色をマット ミディアムアンティークフィニッシュ(カラーNO、2)へ変更しております。その他、前回までの納品分で気になった点を記載しておりますので、こちらの仕様書を見て頂き、製作して頂けます様お願い致します。また、新商品270037につきましては、前回もお伝えしておりますが、サンプル確認後量産をお願い致します。宜しくお願い致します。
Dear sir,I am sending the specification sheet for the order made by India Buying corp. Although there is no major change, such as sizes, in the specification, the color for #270032 and #270031 has been changed to medium antique matte finish(color no.2). Also written are something concerned about the items delivered so far. Please check the sheet and follow the specs for production. As for the new product #270037, as said before, manufacture should be started after our examining the samples.Thank you very much for your cooperation.
2012年2月19日 avexのアイドル専用レーベル「iDOL Street」の第2弾アーティストとして結成された9人組アイドルユニット。 通称「チキパ」。2013年1月9日にメジャーデビューシングル「BUNBUN NINE9'」でデビュー。シングル5枚、ミニアルバムを含むアルバム2枚、LIVE DVD2枚をリリース。歌唱力の高さ、そして一体感のあるアグレッシヴなライブパフォーマンスで急成長をみせるアイドルグループ。
The Cheeky Parade, street name "Chekypa," a nine-member idle unit, formed on Feb. 19, 2012 as the second artist from the iDOL Street, an label dedicated for idles of avex. It made debut on Jan. 9. 2013 with it's first single "BUNBUN NINE9."It has released 5 singles, 2 albums including a mini one, and 2 live DVDs. With its high singing prowess and aggressive live performance, "Chekypa" is one of exploding idle groups.