長野光洋 (nagano0124) 翻訳実績

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Following news of Apple's "iWatch" trademark filing in Japan, identical applications were made public in Mexico and Taiwan on Monday, adding to the mounting pile of reports pointing to the company's possible entry into the wearable computing device market.

Like the Japan filing, Apple requested protection of the "iWatch" moniker in Mexico and Taiwan on June 3, just two days prior to yet another application in Russia. All requests pertain to computing hardware or, more specifically, portable computing devices.

Included in of the filing with Mexico's Institute of Industrial Property, as first discovered by 9to5Mac, Apple includes a basic graphic of the name, which reads "IWATCH" in bold block letters.





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Also noted in the document is Apple's name and address at 1 Infinite Loop in Cupertino,though the application was lodged by a local law firm.

According to a separate report by MacRumors,the Taiwan filing also bears the same graphic and notes Apple's name and California headquarters.

While there has yet to be any "leaks" surrounding the supposed device,many reports cite insiders as saying Apple is hard at work on the "iWatch" project.Also unknown is what form the purported device will take,though most believe it will look like an advanced wristwatch.

AppleInsider was first to discover a U.S. Apple patent filing in Feb for a wearable computing device that boasted a flexible touchscreen fitted to a bendable bracelet.


さらに、現地の法律事務所が提出したこの書類には、Apple社の名前と同社の住所1 Infinite Loop in Cupertinoが記載されていました。




nagano0124 英語 → 日本語

Due to cost and the current state of technology, such a design is unlikely to appear anytime soon, though the technical features detailed by the invention could make it into a possible first-generation product.

Other tech companies like Apple rival Samsung have already announced that they will be rolling out "smart watch" products later in 2013. With the exception of Google Glass, the head-mounted augmented reality "glasses" device, most are believed to be wrist-worn.

Most recently, Apple's partner manufacturer Foxconn announced it will debut an iPhone-compatible smart watch this year, complete with biometric data sensors and low-level remote control features.



Apple社のライバルであるSamsun社の様な他の技術会社はすでに、"スマートウォッチ"の計画を2013年後半には立ち上げると発表しています。Google Glassは例外としても、ヘッドマウント型はメガネ型の実現性を表していますが、リストバンド型がもっとも望まれています。


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Schematics claim to show detailed design of Apple's fifth-gen iPad

A new set of design schematics claimed to be for Apple's fifth-generation iPad show a design akin to the current iPad mini form factor.

The documents, published by Nowhereelse.fr, show an iPad with a thinner profile than the current fourth-generation model. The unconfirmed drawings also show a next-generation iPad with a reduced width, presumably due to a thinner bezel outside of the 9.7-inch display.

Aside from sporting a larger display, the design appears to be based on the current iPad mini design, complete with rounded off back corners and a new speaker location facing downward rather than backward.



SchematicsがApple社の第5世代iPadだと語る、最近のiPad miniの形状の流れを汲むデザインの一覧を掲載しました。


挑戦的な大型ディスプレイは別としても、このデザインは最近のiPad miniのデザインを踏まえており、背面の丸められた角と後ろ向きではなく下向きの、新しいスピーカー配置など、より洗練されています。

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The schematics match up with earlier rumored details, leaked parts and third-party cases that have all been claimed to offer a glimpse at what Apple's next iPad will look like. The next-generation model is rumored to be 15 percent thinner and 33 percent lighter than the current fourth-generation model, and is expected to go on sale later this year.

However, it should be noted that case makers have in the past obtained schematics claiming to show the design of a next-generation Apple product, only for those documents to prove incorrect. Most notably, case maker Hard Candy ordered $50,000 worth of steel moldings in 2011 based on a bogus "teardrop" iPhone design.



しかしながら、気をつけなくてはいけないのは、以前にケース製造者たちが手にいれ、Apple社の次世代モデルの設計図だと言われ発表してきたものは、最終的には誤りが証明されたことです。特に、ケース製造者のHard Candyが2011年に噂だけだった"ティア・ドロップ"iPhoneデザインのために50,000ドルのスティールの鋳型を注文してしまった事です。

nagano0124 英語 → 日本語

at this link: http://nolp.dhl.de/nextt-online-public/set_identcodes.do?lang=de&idc=EL005893530JP&extendedSearch=true
can you see and test that the final delivery is incorrect

※ [german] Sendung wurde zugestellt an Herr SCHMIT* = [english] Shipment was delivered to Mr. SCHMIT * but im denis gajs.

※ when you click on: [german] Detaillierte Empfängerinformationen anzeigen = [english] Show detailed recipient information
-you can type my zip-code and he says:
Die eingegebene Postleitzahl stimmt nicht mit der Postleitzahl des Empfängers überein. Bitte überprüfen Sie Ihre Eingabe.
The postal code entered does not match the zip code of the recipient. Please check your entry.



※ [ドイツ語] Sendung wurde zugestellt an Herr SCHMIT* = [英語] 荷物はSCHMIT様へ配送されましたが、私はdenis gajsです。

※ [ドイツ語] Detaillierte Empfängerinformationen anzeigen = [英語] 受取人の情報の詳細を見る


[ドイツ語] Die eingegebene Postleitzahl stimmt nicht mit der Postleitzahl des Empfängers überein. Bitte überprüfen Sie Ihre Eingabe.

nagano0124 英語 → 日本語

Here is one of my most favorite character of all time. He is an outstanding, MINT in original box, R John Wright 9" wood jointed PInocchio with his original Certificate of Authenticity, original booklet and his original registration card. The workmanship and detail is perfect and true to the perfection that R John Wright puts into every one of his characters. This Pinocchio was a limited addition from the year 1997 and only 500 pieces were produced and only sold at Disneyland or a Disney convention. I beleive the 9” size were the first Pinocchio’s made by the R John Wright Company then the 15" Pinocchio and then the Pleasure Island Pinocchio with the donkey ears which is extremely rare to find.



nagano0124 英語 → 日本語

The end of his box reads, R John Wright The Disney Collection Pinocchio No. 198 / 500 R John Wright Dolls Inc. Cambridge New York. The box is perfect with tissue and ties that hold Pinocchio in place when traveling. Pinocchio is 9" tall and has his original booklet attached to his wrist and his original RJW brass button imbedded in the bottom of his shoe and the other shoe is signed “The Walt Disney Company. His original felt cloths and cap are perfect as is his wonderfully soft mohair wig. His coloring is marvelous and the detail to his carved face and body is amazing. He has huge side glancing blue painted eyes with round rosy cheeks and the most adorable ears and all is perfect.


箱の下部には、R John Wright The Disney Collection Pinocchio No. 198 / 500 R John Wright Dolls Inc. Cambridge New Yorkと書かれています。箱には包装と搬送の際にピノキオを固定するタイも完全な状態で付属しています。ピノキオは9インチの高さで腰にはオリジナルのブックレットが付いており、靴の底にはオリジナルのRJWブラス・ボタンが埋め込まれており、もう片方の靴にはThe Walt Disney Companyとサインされています。オリジナルのフェルトの服と帽子は、彼の素晴らしいモヘアの柔らかいウィッグと共に完璧な状態です。着色も非常に素晴らしく彼の体や顔のカーブのディティールは驚くべきものです。瞳は大きくブルーに着色されており、ばら色の丸い頬と、最もかわいらしい耳も完璧です。