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約10年前 男性 30代
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IT ジャーナリズム
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What bubble? The U.S. IPO market has completely collapsed so far this year

Staring ever deeper into its own navel, Silicon Valley just can’t stop talking about whether it’s in a bubble.

If you’re on the ground there, it can certainly seem that way. There’s the endless parades of gigantic corporate shuttles clogging the roads, hiring at a frenzied pitch, partiespartiesparties, and venture capital flowing like vodka down a giant ice luge.

But if you think this is all getting off the rails, well, think again. Through the first two months of 2015, initial public offerings of stock are down to 26, a drop of 35 percent from the same period a year ago, according to statistics from the Renaissance Capital IPO Center.





これは行き過ぎだと思ったなら、今一度考えてみよう。2015年の最初の2か月の間に、新規公開株は前年同月比35パーセント下落し26にまで落ち込んだ、とRenaissance Capital IPO Centerの統計が物語っている。

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Essentially, Instagram is looking at this as a way for brands to share what amounts to multi-page print advertisements on the mobile service, but also the ability to bring users to a Web site to see more. “For instance, a fashion company could use the carousel to deconstruct the individual products in a ‘look,'” Instagram said. “A car company might share an array of different features of a vehicle and provide a link to learn more about the new model. Or, an advertiser could showcase how multiple ingredients come together to make a delicious meal.”



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Intel aims to double the number of women in gaming

Building on Intel’s diversity announcements at the Consumer Electronics Show in January, the world’s biggest chip maker announced that it will work with the International Game Developers Association (IGDA) to double the number of women working in gaming.

As part of this expansion of IGDA’s programs, Intel has already sponsored 40 game development students to attend Game Developers Conference in San Francisco, where the company announced the news.

Intel also said that it will hold the Intel Challenge Katowice, a women’s e-sports tournament, under the same roof as the finals of Intel Extreme Masters beginning March 12.



1月に開催されたConsumer Electronics Showにおける様々な発表の中で、世界最大のチップメーカーであるIntelは国際ゲーム開発者協会(IGDA)と協働してゲーム産業の女性従業員を倍増すると発表した。


Intelはまた、3月12日に始まるIntel Extreme Mastersの決勝大会と同じ場で、女性によるeスポーツの大会「Intel Challenge Katowice」を開催することも発表した。

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Intel announced at CES it would invest $300 million in programs that will bring more women and other diverse talent to the tech and game industries. It was a response to a mistake where Intel pulled ads from a game publication after a group of gamers complained about a pro-feminist column. The problem was that Intel then realized it looked bad, because it seemed like it was supporting those with an anti-women point of view. Intel chief executive Brian Krzanich stepped up to announced the diversity program in response.

“We need not only diverse games, but diversity in the industry,” said Pete Baker, a vice president of software and services at Intel.


IntelのCESでの発表では、テック業界・ゲーム業界により多くの女性と幅広い人材を呼び込む計画に3億米ドルを投資するとしている。この発表は、フェミニズムを称賛する批評に対してゲーム愛好家が非難を表明したにも関わらず、Intelがその記事の広告を掲載していた問題に対する応答であった。Intelは、その広告が女性に対する差別的な考えを助長しているような側面があり、不適切であったことを認めている。Intelの最高執行役員Brian Krzanichは、このことを受けて壇上に上がり、多様性に関する計画を発表した。

「多様なゲームがあることだけでなく、業界にも多様性が必要だ」と、Intelのソフトウェア・サービス部門の副社長Pete Bakerは述べている。

msng4 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★☆ 4.0

About 48 percent of game players are women, according to the Entertainment Software Association. But only 22 percent of those creating games are female.

‘We see this disparity even though we are in the 21st century,” said Kate Edwards, executive director of the IGDA, at Intel’s press event. “Intel has been a fantastic partner for the IGDA. We will see great changes in game content.”

She said she hopes more companies in the industry will step forward on issues of diversity. The programs focus on acquisition of talent and retention of talent. The IGDA hopes to double the number of women in games in the next decade.

“We realize that’s something like a space program goal, but that’s why you do it,” Edwards said.


Entertainment Software Associationによれば、ゲーム愛好家の48%は女性であるにもかかわらず、女性が開発者に占める割合はわずか22%だという。

「21世紀に入りながら、このような不均衡があるのです」とIntelの発表の場で言ったのは、IGDAの執行監督Kate Edwardsである。「IntelはIDGAの素晴らしいパートナーでした。これからは、私たちがゲームの内容にも素晴らしい変化をもたらしていきます」



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While Alibaba’s announcement marks the official disclosure of the fund, it will still be subject to approval from Taiwan authorities before the company can carry forth with investments.

Ma first hinted at the establishment of a dedicated Taiwan fund when he visited the island last December. While giving a speech in front of CEOs from both sides of the straits, the ecommerce mogul expounded on the virtues of investing in young people, and encouraged budding entrepreneurs to head to China to start businesses with Alibaba’s assistance.

In February, Alibaba announced that it would launch a HK$1 billion (about US$120 million) fund for Hong Kong startups. That fund will operate along a similar model.





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Taiwan is home to a handful of early- and late-stage venture capital funds. Pinehurst Advisors, AppWorks Ventures, and Kamia invest semi-regularly in local teams, while CyberAgent Ventures and Cherubic Ventures both have staff on the ground. WI Harper, meanwhile, often participates in bets upwards of US$2 million on firms all over the world, from its offices in Taipei, San Francisco, and Beijing.

This year in particular, Taiwan looks poised to see more money for startups enter its borders. In addition to as-yet unannounced funds, Taiwan’s National Development Council recently pledged US$83 million across three venture capital firms as part of a long-term plan to fuel the island’s startup ecosystem.


台湾には、初期段階から成長したものを合わせ、ベンチャーキャピタルファンドはいくつかは存在する。Pinehurst AdvisorsやAppWorks Ventures、Kamiaがほぼ定期的に台湾での投資を行い、CyberAgent VenturesとCherubic Venturesは現地のスタッフを雇用している。WI Harperは少し毛色が違い、台北・サンフランシスコ・北京のオフィスから、世界中の企業に向けて200万米ドル超の投資をしばしば行っている。
