miffychan 翻訳実績

英語 (ネイティブ) 日本語
miffychan 日本語 → 英語



We have inherited Japan's traditions. Japan is an island nation in the Far East, and 67% of the land area are covered with forests. As one of the highly-forested countries in the world, we have inherited Japan's traditions of building up our history together with our forests. A wide variety of plants grows here, and we can see different views in different seasons. Through the cycles of nature, the unique fragrance of each land area has not change despite the passing years. I want to capture this aspect of Japan's tradition and transmit it to the fast-moving days of today. This age-old fragrance that lives on in the different forests of Japan, that has existed from olden times. This fragrance that we have inherited from nature phenomenon and from plant activity.