Usage (1)remove false eyelashes from the tray carefully and cut it with scissors according to preference (2) apply the eyelash adhesive on the root of the false eyelashes thinly (Apply more layers of adhesive for more sticker effect) (3) apply along the hairline of eyelashes to your own eyelashes while gently pushing to be fitted. It is easier to attach it when using tweezers. (4) when the glue at the hairline is starting to dry, gently push it with your finger to strengthen and adhere to give it a natural look and finish.
CHAPTER 34-2If you communicate to your employees that they need to get something done but fail to clearly say when, they will unconsciously put a lower priority on the work. However, if you are specific and clear about the work, they will plan other things around it to be sure that it is done. Sometimes as a boss, you may feel that you have been very clear, and then you get upset when they haven't gotten work done in the proper time. The employees claim that you never told them when the work had to be done. You can engage in a simple exercise that will significantly enhance your communication as well as give you a fallback to make sure that you did set a deadline.
例えばあなたが従業員に何かをしてもうらう必要がある場合、それがいつであるかはっきり言うことができなければ、彼らは無意識に業務のプライオリティーを下に置きます。 しかし、あなたが業務について明確にはっきりと言えば、彼らはその業務の実行を重視し、その他の事は二の次にくるよう計画します。時々雇い主としてあなたは非常に明白に指示したつもりなのに、彼らが仕事を適切な時間に終わらなかったとき、あなたは怒るでしょう。 従業員は、あなたが仕事の期限について話さなかったと主張します。 コミュニケーション能力を高めるための簡単な練習をする事が、期限を決めることも含め、あなたにとって頼みの綱になるでしょう。
CHAPTER 33-5This approach will also lower anxiety for both you and your employee. You won't wonder what in the world he is working on. He won't be working under a cloud of doubt that no matter what he does, you won't be happy.Here's practice A good exercise to practice is to write out the specifics of each assignment. Give a copy to the employee, and keep one for yourself. This discipline will help you be sure that you have communicated what you wanted.
第33-5章このアプローチは、あなたとあなたの従業員両方の不安を減らします。 あなたは、彼が今何の業務をしているのか、もう疑問に思うことはないでしょう。彼は、何の業務をしていてもあなたが不満足なのではないか、という疑いを持ちながら働く事はないでしょう。以下のように実行できます。よい練習の例としては、各任務を詳細に書きだすことです。 従業員にコピーを配り、自分用のコピーを1部とっておいてください。 この規律により、自分が伝えたい事柄をしっかりと伝えたか確信できるでしょう。
I have concluded that the work will need more time to get back on track so while I am continually working, I have decided to go back to work part time for J-trust to make a living.Trust me as I will always keep the promise between us. I don't want to lose an important friend.I look forward seeing you with a smile on your face.Please take care of yourself.
Thank you for always sending me very nice items.The item which I purchased last time had delivered and I have verified the contents.Two problems have been found.1. The attached lens is broken.2. The sound of the motor is loud which indicates possibility that it is faulty.Could I return the item because there are two problems this time? Though I regret that there was a trouble with ミード goods previously, I am very satisfied with your service.I am very grateful of your support.
Have you checked whether all operations work properly?Please let me know if you find any faulty.
Sina is once again pushing for deeper social interactions, turning the previous weak social bonds that was established under the microblog context into stronger ones that we expect to have in SNS. For most users, people you follow in Twitter are not necessarily your friends, but Sina is attempting to turn around with Weibo. Sina Weibo aspires to also not only a microblog, but a full SNS with shared social relations.
もう一度シーナは、microblogの下で設立された以前の弱い社会的結合を一変し、SNSにあると予想される強い状況になるために、より深い社会的相互作用を推し進めています。 ほとんどのユーザーにとってツイッターでフォローする人々は必ずしも友人ではありませんが、シーナはWeiboと共に転向を試みています。シーナWeiboはmicroblogだけでなく、社会的関係を共有する完全なSNSを求めています。
At present there are only 10 games, ranging from single player fast-paced arcade games to multi-player ones like Texas Hold’em. On 31st May, Sina Vice President Peng ShaoBin announced that Sina would not take any revenue share from 3rd party developers for the first 12 months. Let’s see if Sina can entice developers to join the platform.
現在のところ、シングルプレーヤーから速いペースのアーケードゲーム、またテキサス・ホールデムのようなマルチプレーヤーのものを合わせて、10ゲームしかありません。 5月31日にシーナのPeng ShaoBin副社長は、シーナが最初の12カ月はサードパーティーからレベニューシェアを一切徴収しないと発表しました。シーナが、開発者がプラットホームに加わるよう勧誘できるかどうかを見てみましょう。
I have confirmed the item today which sent by "Forwarding company in the United States which I use normally" yesterday. The objective item is in a broken state. The broken part is the"Lid in the upper part of the item". After plugging in the cord, I pushed open close button to open the player's lid and realized it did not open automatically so I needed to open with my hand(I definitely did not open forcefully), left connecting part is damaged when you look at it from the front and it hasn't closed properly since.
Please agree to partial repayment of repair that I am going to book because I am not able to use it in its current condition.
I am very sorry for not responding to you quickly. Could you send me the list of all the(item name)regardless of the weight? In the email I have received earlier it informed me that there is only (item name) in stock, is that correct? I am very interested in the(item name)and would like to take all of the items. As for the(manufacturer name), I will put all my energy into it.
Hello and thank you for bidding-I do have another Mach 5 Racer in stock, just like the one you were bidding on, but it has some sunwear (the white has tarnished a bit), and it seems as if a few stickers are missing-as well as the hubcaps. It is in unplayed condition though, and still in original box-I can send you a few pictures, in case you're still interested. Thank you
Is it possible to expose trousers by folding up the long top except for the 2nd character? It is for easy movement for the battle. Ideally just trousers showing from the waist down. Also, is it possible to order key image of the boss character's battle scene?
This order has a balance due. Please select a method of payment below
getting back from vacation tonite... sorry
Re:Next order and prospects of future saleCould I have next order within July? What is the estimation of quantity?Also if the current trend continues in which the annual order quantity level hasn't reached the contract quantity level, it is highly possible we will not keep the exclusive rights to market in the Philippines.We are currently discussing about this issue and will discuss it on an ongoing basis with your company.
We previously reported that after our initial story, Facebook began reaching out to the Spartans, reminding them that the information of the project was confidential (while telling the press this stuff was really “nothing new”). Since then, Facebook has stepped up their game as well. We now hear that there’s been a lot of stern talks with the Spartans, telling them that the project is not about going after Apple. But it’s not really working. “I look at these apps and how content rich they are and how they have nothing to do with Apple and everything to do with Facebook and assume that they think we are retarded,” is how one put it.
フェイスブックがスパルタンズに接触し始め、プロジェクトは極秘情報であると念を押した事を以前報告しました。(その間これは本当に「新しい事ではありません」と報道に話していました) それ以来、フェイスブックはビジネス面でも向上しています。 現在スパルタンズとの多くの厳格な会議で、このプロジェクトはアップルに従事する事ではないと彼らに言っていると聞いています。 しかし、それはうまくいっていません。 「これらのアプリの内容がとても豊かであり、アップルと無関係であり、全てフェイスブックで役立つ事であり、彼らは私達がばかだと思っているのだろう」と、人は考えるでしょう。
One developer says that the quality of the apps on the platform is really surprising — in a good way, naturally. Apparently, there are going to be a ton of games that will be a part of the Spartan launch. This shouldn’t be too surprising, HTML5 gaming has been something Facebook has been pushing. And Zynga is believed to be heavily involved in the project.So when will Spartan launch? Facebook is pushing to have everyone ready by July 15. One source expects a formal unveiling to be sometime between then and August 1.
プラットホームのアプリは本当に驚くべき品質であると、ある開発業者は言います — 当然良い意味で、です。 スパルタンの事業の一つとして多くのゲームが発売されるようです。 HTML5ゲームはフェイスブックが推進していたものですから、特に驚くべきことではありません。 そして、Zyngaはプロジェクトにかなり関係していると思われます。では、いつスパルタンは発売するでしょうか? フェイスブックは、7月15日までに企業が準備できるよう急いでいます。 関係者は、前述した日と8月1日の間に正式なお披露目会が行われると予想しています。
FACTORS AFFECTING SOCIALOUTCOMES OF ADOLESCENT PREGNANCYBecause adolescent mothers often end up in poverty but arefrom low-income families to begin with, questions of causeand consequence began to emerge. Studies have shown thatgirls raised in poverty, in single-parent homes, and byparents with lower levels of education are more likely tobecome adolescent mothers. The Kids Count in Michigan1995 Data Book states that low income is “the singlemost important factor” in the increased risk for adolescentpregnancy (p. 6).Girls who are poor students with loweducational aspirations are more likely to become pregnantand have children during adolescence.
・1本5万円のワイン「エヴァンゲリオンスパークリング」エヴァ初号機・レイ・アスカの図柄にスワロフスキークリスタルを埋め込み、それぞれ333本限定、ロットナンバーが001から333まで割り振られ、1本5万円もする「エヴァンゲリオンスパークリング」シリーズが発売される。・手塚治虫をアキバ化する「osamu moet moso」開催マンガ・アニメ業界で活躍するクリエイターが参加し、手塚ワールドをアキバ系作品に再構築するという趣旨。「涼宮ハルヒ」など代表作38枚を展示する。
・"Evangelion sparkling"is a wine that cost 50000yen per bottle.The series of expensive 50000yen Evangelion sparkling has EVA first vehicle・Rey・Asuka's design embeded with Swarovski crystals will be launched. 333 bottles available with each one of them lot numbered between 001 to 333.・"Osamu moet moso"opens to make Osamu Teduka to fit into Akiba style.Creaters on the front line in manga and anime industry gatherd with the intention to remake Teduka world to fit into Akiba style.Exhibiting 38 masterpieces including"Haruhi Suzumiya".