lyunuyayo 翻訳実績

日本語 (ネイティブ) ドイツ語 英語
サイエンス 医療
lyunuyayo 英語 → 日本語

But, this being China’s massively competitive e-commerce sector, it has very close competition from larger sites with a similar inventory, such as OKBuy and LeTao, although both those mostly specialize in shoes.

And so the site differentiates itself by being more vertical, covering more sports in a more in-depth way, selling equipment and clothing related to, say, yoga, tennis or ping pong. It covers literally dozens of different sports. Naturally, there’s a heavy emphasis on brands, from global names such as Nike to home-grown ones like Li Ning.

The company’s CEO, Zhu Qi Hong, said this new injection of funds would be used to boost marketing and upgrade its logistics and inventory systems.



そのサイトは、より垂直に多くのスポーツをより徹底的な方法でカバーすること、たとえば、ヨガ、テニスや卓球に関連する用具や衣類を販売することにより差別化を図っている。文字通り、数十もの様々なスポーツをカバーする。もちろん、重要な注目ブランドについてもNikeのようなグローバル名からLi Ningのような国産ものまである。

同社のCEO、Zhu Qi Hongは、この新しい資金導入は、マーケティングを強化し、物流や在庫システムを向上させるために使用すると述べた。

lyunuyayo 英語 → 日本語

eBay has strict policies related to members' contact information. More information on these policies and reporting violations can be found at the following address:
If you feel your telephone number is being used for harassment, contact your phone company to report the situation. If you receive calls that threaten your property or personal safety, you may also report the incident to your local law enforcement agency
eBay takes its members' privacy seriously. Your contact details are only ever shared in accordance with eBay's Privacy Policy. For example, to help facilitate transactions or to allow other members to contact you.



lyunuyayo 英語 → 日本語

Those are believed to cause more damage to urbanites’ lungs than the larger pollutants that are indexed by the older system that the authorities here use. And so the EPA-backed PM2.5 measure is controversial as it gives a truer picture of what’s in Beijing’s soupy “fog.”

The app’s name in English – DirtyBeijing – is a bit risky too, though its Chinese moniker translates to the more bland “Beijing air pollution index.” The app is a bit basic, with only one screen, but it’s still brand-new and just at version 1.0. At the moment it just has two graphs, the PM2.5 read-out, and two pieces of advice for those who’re venturing outdoors – including whether its advisable to wear a mask.



英語でのアプリ名 - DirtyBeijing- は、ややリスキーでもあり、中国名は当たり障りなく「北京大気汚染指数」と翻訳されている。アプリは基本的に1つの画面のみであるが、まだ真新しくバージョン1.0である。現時点で2つのグラフ、PM2.5出力と危険を冒して屋外にいる人に2つの忠告する-マスクを着用することが望ましいかどうかを含め。

lyunuyayo 英語 → 日本語

Our First Event: Startup Asia Singapore Launches with CEOs, Founders, and PARTY!

Finally! — Today we’re announcing Startup Asia Singapore, our first and very own tech startup event.

We have attended and blogged about many tech conferences across Asia and thought we could contribute to this continent with an event that has a bit of our own DNA: a startup event that is built by entrepreneurs, for entrepreneurs. One with an entrepreneurial attitude.

Startup Asia will be totally focused on startups and entrepreneurship in Asia. Although we can’t promise to have hot babes at the event, one thing is for sure: there will be no boring powerpoint shows or one-man-show presentations.



いよいよ! - 今日、我々は、スタートアップアジアシンガポール、最初で、非常に独自の技術系起業イベントを発表する。



lyunuyayo 英語 → 日本語

Rather, you can expect to witness engaging one-to-one coffee chats and panels with entrepreneurs and investors who will share their journey and valuable experience picked up along the way. You can also expect some tough questions to be asked live on stage.

With our straightforward but friendly approach, we’re glad to announce, in alphabetical order, some of the key folks who will be joining us in the event:

・ “All things Entrepreneurship in Singapore” — Coffee chat with Lim Kuo-yi, CEO at Infocomm Investment.
・ “Building a Hardware startup in Singapore” — Coffee Chat with Lux Anantharaman, co-founder and CEO of iTwin.




・「シンガポールにおける起業家精神すべて」 - Infocomm InvestmentでCEOのLim Kuo-yiとコーヒーチャット。
・「シンガポールにおけるハードウェアの新規企業の創立」-iTwinの共同創設者でCEOのLux Anantharamanとコーヒーチャット、。

lyunuyayo 英語 → 日本語

・ “From Ex-bankers to Entrepreneurs” – Coffee chat with Angeline Tham and Tian Qiuyan, Co-founders of
・“Raising Capital, Generating Revenue, and the God Damn Exits!” – Coffee Chat with Steven Goh, CEO and Co-founder, mig33.
・ “Running LinkedIn Singapore like a Startup” — Coffee Chat with Arvind Rajan, Managing Director and VP, APAC and Japan at LinkedIn.
・ “Starting up in Singapore: the Good and the Bad” — Discussion Panel — Zaki Mahomed (Game Ventures), Alvin Yap (TMG), Sanjay (Replaid), Saumil Nanavati (Chalkboard)

This is just a start to our list of speakers. We will have more to announce as we go along.


・「元銀行員から起業家へ」 - Sold.sgの共同創設者Angeline ThamとTian Qiuyanとコーヒーチャット、
・「資金調達と収益化、苦しい状態からの脱出!」 - mig33のCEO兼共同創設者のSteven Gohとコーヒーチャット。
・「新興企業のようなLinkedIn Singaporの経営」-LinkedInのアジア太平洋地域と日本のマネージングディレクター兼副社長Arvind Rajanとコーヒーチャット
・「シンガポールで起動する:良い面と悪い面」 - パネルディスカッション- Zaki Mahomed(Game Ventures)、Alvin Yap(TMG)、Sanjay(Replaid)、Saumil Nanavati(Chalkboard)


lyunuyayo 英語 → 日本語 ★★★☆☆ 3.0

Besides chats with entrepreneurs and investors. We have also selected 10 to 15 fledging Asian startups to pitch their ideas to our audience of investors and entrepreneurs. Read on…

Startup Arena

no-BSWhat: Startup Arena is a competition in which 10 to 15 Startups will pitch and compete for US$10,000 in cash. Only one will be able to walk away with the check. The selected startups will only be unveiled at the Startup Asia event itself.

Who: We are looking for new and unknown startups in Asia to launch their new ventures at Startup Asia Singapore. Our staff will handpick them for Arena. If you’re interested, kindly fill in and submit the form to us here.



Startup Arena

no-BSWhat:Startup Arenaは10-15社の新興企業が売り込んだり、10,000USドルの現金を手に入れるために争う大会である。1社だけ、調査して立ち去ることができる。選んだ新興企業は、スタートアップアジアのイベント自身で発表​​される。

誰:Startup Asia Singaporeで新しいベンチャーを始めるために、アジアにおいて新しいが知られていない新興企業を探している。当社のスタッフは、アリーナのために慎重に選ぶつもりである。もし興味があれば、ここでフォームに快く記入し、提出してください。

lyunuyayo 英語 → 日本語

In fact, a survey last week by Assumption University’s respected ABAC Poll Center found that social media had surpassed newspapers as a source of information with usage increasing from roughly 19 percent to 25 percent during the floods in Thailand.

Twitter has become probably the most used and trusted platform for flood info, with people who may have never heard of the site before signing up.600,000 in September to 720,000 in October, according to the digital media agency McFiva that owns the advertising rights to Twitter in the country. The platform has achieved buzz throughout all sectors of Thai society, and stories are floating around of nervous mothers asking their teenage kids to join for flood updates.




lyunuyayo 英語 → 日本語

About Facebook, the platform has served as more of a forum for photo sharing and “we’re all in this together” camaraderie during the floods than real-time information. The community feature – pages “dedicated to a topic or experience that is owned collectively by the community connected to it,” as Facebook puts it – has seen the most use.

Probably the biggest community, the name of which can be loosely translated to “When the waters rise, we post”, launched on Oct. 6 and now has over 290,000 members sharing photos of their flooded backyards (sometimes with crocodiles loose in them), advice for house cleaning after the floods, and motivational messages.


Facebookについて、プラットフォームは、写真を共有することと、洪水期のリアルタイムの情報よりも「みんな一緒だ」という仲間意識のためのフォーラムに多くの役割を果たした。コミュニティの機能-Facebookが置くような、「接続したコミュニティによって集合的に所有されているトピックや経験に専用」のページが - 最も利用されている。
