lyunuyayo 翻訳実績

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lyunuyayo 英語 → 日本語

Jiepang Check-Ins Reveal Favourite Brands, Foods, Movies in China [INFOGRAPHIC]

A heat-map of Jiepang check-ins across Greater China. This and all infographic images in this post are provided by Jiepang,com.

The Infographic of the Day series visually expresses important stories from Asia and the world of technology.

One of Jiepang’s most popular location-based services (LBS), Jiepang, has made a neat infographic that breaks down some user trends. It gives a snapshot of how China’s smartphone-carryin’, LBS-lovin’ youngsters spend their time. It reveals a pretty keen engagement with brands by these users, and a good understanding of what’s hot right now.


Jiepang Chek-Insは中国で人気のブランド、食べ物、映画を明らかにする[インフォグラフィック]

巨大な中国全域のJiepang check-insのヒートマップ。この投稿にあるこれとインフォグラフィックの画像すべてがJiepang,comにより提供されたものだ。



lyunuyayo 英語 → 日本語

“In the end, they basically offered us a fantastic deal,” Gwertzman said, adding that Renren is footing the bill for a major public advertising campaign on buses and in subway stations in the major Chinese cities. Gwertzman wouldn’t comment on the terms of the Renren deal. But the experience echoes what we’ve heard from other developers in that Chinese platforms tend to be more flexible on revenue split than American social networking sites are. Renren’s open platform usually gives 48 percent of revenues to the developer from for-purchase applications, a higher cut because building a payments infrastructure in China and dealing with censorship make operating a platform here more expensive.

