I'm so happy that lots of people give me likes and comments. I was especially pleased that some of them commented in Japanese for me! Sorry that I sometimes do not notice your comments although I really want to respond to you as soon as possible. I feel bad when I realize that I missed to respond.You are kind of saying so!I can understand only simple English.It is so nice that I am excited!
Thank you for the discount you made.We would eagerly like to purchase it.There are our storehouses in Florida and California, so would you please send the merchandise we bought to the One in Florida. If you send it inside the U.S, could you make its shipping cost free?Please let me know the shipping cost in case of sending to Florida and to California.We will pay through paypal, so please give me an Invoice.Could you give us your contact to know the cost? Hopefully we would like to keep in touch with you to know details.By the way, do you own another shop?
I mainly to manage and develop web sites for Smart phone users as my job.Several languages are available for clients; for example ~ and ~. Also, we can develop apps for iPhone or Android users.I checked out Japanese sentences you wrote, which was nice. Most Japanese speakers are probably to understand them. You hardly made any mistakes, but later, I will send you a picture with which you can figure out several wrong grammars and phrases of the sentences.By the way, would you write messages in Spanish, hopefully with simple sentences? I would like to read them with dictionaries I have and Google.Thank you.
こんにちわお問い合わせありがとうございますこの度は残念なことになり心苦しいばかりですまたPSVita1000 対応のトリガーグリップを調べてみましたがありませんでしたお役に立てればと思い他のショップも探してみたのですが、ご満足いただける商品がありませんでしたこの度はご納得頂けるお取引にならずに申し訳ありませんまた機会がありましたら私のショップをご利用くだされば大変嬉しく思いますこれからも、あなたからの問い合わせをいつでもお待ちしております
Hi.Thank you for contacting.We are sorry that we could not satisfy you.Also, we searched for Trigger Grips which can be used with PSVista1000, but they are not available.We hoped to help you and contacted other shops to find one, but they do not have ones neither.We apologize you that we could not please you by our deal.It will delight us if you shop at our shops nest time.We are willing to responding to your questions anytime.Thank you.
That's also if you get a photo with a baby tiger cub or orangutan then it's $349! But I hear the tour is amazing and so are the pictures you get to feed to the tiger cub milk or have them on your lap. As for the poster okay if you can't knock the price down then please do the combined shipping with the other items then the shipping will at least be less for me. Then I need to cool it on buying things because of the beach, too. I do love to shop that much is true.So let me know the cost with the combined shipping when you get the chance and then since I am back now you can send the items out. Can't wait to get them.Will be there a card case and 4 business cards of 4 main characters with it?