The steel is made by Japanese skillful smithy and the edge is extremely good.You can get rid of weeds with weed roots without extra power.The durability is also good and you can use it for a long time. You can hone the edge as well.You may think the hook is heavy because of the long handle.But, the total weight is just 8.4 oz. Extremely easy to handle.The handle is made of Japanese hard wood and is very light. It is tough and hard to break.You can widely scrape soil.As the handle part is long, you can get rid of weeds in front when you hold the front part of the handle, and you can get rid of far part of weeds if you hold the end of the handle.
Thank you for listing up. Unfortunately, in the list, there is not anything which I am interested in. Do you have anything you can offer in my wish list?
さて、〇〇は何と交換できますか?その交換は見送らさせて下さい。他に何か提案はありますか? その提案に合意します。あなたはどんな方法で発送しますか?私は国際宅急便で発送する予定です。もし可能ならDHLかfedexで発送して欲しいです。
Well, what can you exchange with 〇〇? Can you allow me to skip the exchange? Do you have any other proposal? I agree to the proposal. Which method are you going to use to make shipment? I will make shipment by international delivery. I would like you to make shipment by DHL or FedEx, if possible.
Incidentally, next time I will post this. Are you interested in this? If yes, what can you exchange with it?
片手で土ごと削り取る除草用鎌です。高品質鋼を使用しており、切れ味抜群です。日本の鍛冶職人の工場によって制作された、プロフェッショナル仕様のHand Tool Hoeです。炭素鋼と特殊軟鋼の二層鋼でできています。研いでもご使用いただけますので長期間使えます。とても使いやすく、品質の高さから日本でロングセラーとなっている製品です。ガーデニングや除草に活躍してくれます。
This is a hoe for a single hand, with which you can crop grass and soil. It is made of high-quality steel and the edge is great. It is a Hand Tool Hoe for professional use, made by blacksmith master in the factory in Japan.It consists of two layers, carbon steel and soft special steel. You can sharpen the edge so that you can use it for a long time. It is very easy to use and high-quality long-seller product. It is really useful for gardening and weeding.
As a matter of fact, I bought a CD from you about 10 years ago. Do you remember me? I recently got to know that your CD came with a box. Therefore, I am sending this e-mail. Also I heard you had released the third album. Is that true?
上記の様にA copy of the Shareholders Registry Certificate (株主記載事項証明書)の提出が求められました弊社は合同会社なのですが出資者名簿を作成して送ればよいのでしょうか?名簿のフォーマットはこちらが作成したもので問題ありませんか?あるいは、以前提出した登記簿や定款に不足していた情報があるのでしょうか?
As described above, I was asked to submit A copy of the Shareholders Registry Certificate.Our company is a limited liability company. Should we make a stakeholder list and submit it?Is it OK for us to use our own format for the list?Or, is there any missing information in the registory book and the company contract which we submitted before?
We conducted an simple calculation solving experiment inviting 71 university students to estimate the amount of time required in advance. After that, we investigated the correlation between the estimation ability and the questionnaire about critical thinking score and his/her personality. As a result, we found significant positive correlation , such as inference ability, patience and sympathy, and significant negative correlation , such as weakness, slow performance and indulgence. Also, we found significant positive correlation between degree of optimistic estimation and patience, sympathy and confidence, and found negative correlation between degree of optimistic estimation and weakness and self-doubt.
A notice from SAM&DAVE, extention of voluntary restraint period.
SANKIの金物はすべて本物の鍛冶職人がはたらく工場で制作されています。金物が仕上がるまではいくつかのの工程があります。そのひとつひとつに職人たちがそれぞれの役割と責任を持って次の工程へとつないで、一つの自信を持ってお使いいただける製品ができあがります。SANKIの製品は日本の金物の名産地、 Tsubamesanjo, Miki, Ono and SaKiなどで生産されており、熟練工から若い世代へ、技術と製品は引き継がれています。
SANKI's ironmongery goods are all manufactured in a factory where consummate smithies work.There are several steps to finish metallic goods. Smithies play each important role and are responsible for handing the product to the next step. Then, we are confident about the final product which you can use for a long time.SANKI's product is made in the place famous for ironmongery goods in Japan, such as Tsubamesanjo, Miki, Ono and SaKi. The skills and products are inherited skilled smithies to younger generations.
決して大きい金額ではありませんが、私はあなたの会社と2012年から取引しています。昨年、今年とコロナウィルスの影響で、取引金額は減少していますが、これまで9年に渡って取引してきました。Order Confirmationの一部を添付するので、私の会社の情報を先に調べて下さい。私の会社の情報が無い訳がありません。Aについてはセキュリティに関して大変重要な情報なので、あなたが理解してくれることを望みます。
I have been doing business with your company since 2012, although the size is not big.Due to the coronavirus, the deal size is getting smaller last year and this year, but we have been dealing together for 9 years.I am attaching a part of Order Confirmation. Please investigate our company credit first.Our company's information definitely known.Regardig A, it is highly confidential security information, So, I hope you understand the circumstances.
Thank you for your message about payment.I am really sorry that my payment is delayed.I have one question about payment method.Do you only accept bank wire?I remember that you used to accept credit card and PayPal.I am really sorry that I am submitting the documentation so late.Currently I am working on it, and will send it to you soon.Thank you very much.
Please confirm 3 topics below when you make a quote.- Is the case this time an incremental one, or about the spare for equipment renewal?- Can we get the information about the existing equipment spec?- Is there any problem or complaint about the existing equipment? Is there anything to be improved?We need a breakthrough (technical and pricing aspect) in order to replace existing equipment with our product.Please confirm above to review what strategy will be effective.
I have issued the transmittal letter. I will send it to you via e-mail together with the details of the transmit.This time, I chose "pick up" just to make sure. You told me that FedEx would not accept pick up, but I just hope they might accept it by any chance. I hope this may not bother you.If FedEx tell you they cannot pick up at any rate, please change the method to walk-in to their center.Thursday is the expected pick up day.Please let me know how the things are decided later.I am sorry that it took time because I am not good at English.
Can I assume that you bring the package to FedEx?If so, I am sorry for bothering you, but I appreciate your help.Today, I will go through the procedure of transferring money and issue a transmittal letter and invoice.I will also send then to your e-mail address.I asked you about it several times, but is the below your company name?Although you have not replied to me about EEI, I recognize that I can go through the process,Can you please confirm the topics below?
今私の荷物がドイツのFEDEXで止まっており、至急EORI番号を取得必要があります。その理由は、転送会社のミスで1000€を超える荷物を出荷させたからです。本日、このサイトにアクセスし、EORI番号の取得にトライしました。ELSTERサイトでアカウントを取得しましたが、"EORI-Nr. Verwaltung"にアクセス出来ません。この後どうすればEORI番号取得することが出来るかアドバイス頂けませんか?ELSTERサイトには問い合わせのEMAILアドレスが見つかりません。
My package is now suspended at FedEx in Germany. I need to get EORI number immediately.The reason is that the forwarding company let the package, whose price is over 1000€, shipped by mistake.So, I accessed this site and tried to get EORI number.I could get an account in ELSTER site, but I cannot access "EORI-Nr. Verwaltung".Can you advise me how I can obtain EORI number after that?I cannot find support contact e-mail address in ELSTER site.
I understood that the application for compensation after receiving the package may not be accepted. So, I will not open a case.I think there was a problem in layout of the items in enclosing them in one package in your side.I believe something must be improved.I would like to ask you again never to put the figure out of the box when you ship figures like the one this time.I will also e-mail to you before asking you about shipment.Would it be possible for me to ask you not to open the cardboard box which I specify when you enclose items in the future?
Do ypu know these bands?Do you have the book of 〇〇, by the way?That is the book which I have been serching for a long time. Can you please sell it to me, if you don't mind?
I forgot to tell you important information.As you want to ship the items in one package, the declaration price exceeds $2,500 including the shipping fee.As I explained first, you need to make EEI when you export items over $2,500 from the U.S.Only the shipper can go through the process of making EEI. So, we address only the question from the shipper.E-mail contact is not available. Only the phone number below is available.We will arrange pick up once you are ready after reviewing the URL below.
Since I will present a demonstration of X system to Company A, I will be absent from the regular meeting tomorrow.