So these scroll isn't written by hand and a reprint of an Original like some newer scrolls of Miyamoto Musashi's birdpaintings?Do you perhaps also have works with the Bonji /Sidham script as used in the esoteric buddhism like shingon and shugendo?
はじめまして。 私の商品ページを見て頂き感謝します。2003年から鞄工房で修行し、2009年に独立いたしました。 【JAPLISH】=【和製英語】 世界へ向けて発信したいと名づけ、現在は3人で製作をしております。革が持つ素朴さと手仕事の温かみを組み合せたレザープロダクトをご覧ください。私たちは日本で愛されている製品を作り続けています。そして、世界の人々へ自信を持って販売致します。
Nice to meet you.I appreciate your view on my item page.I had been trained in a bag craft workshop since 2003, and became independent in 2009.[JAPLISH] = [Japanese English]We named this wishing that we want to send out all over the world, currently three staff members are producing products.Please look into our leather product combined naiveness of leather and warmness of hand craft.We have been producing products that are loved in Japan.And, we are proud of them and selling them to the people all over the world.
We’re sending this message because of we receive this morning a model coming from You . Why did You send it out ?We have never received any message from You side asking for support or information about a LAMBO15A.Our procedure for damaged models needs an email where the customer introduces his problem with pictures and explanation and our customer service will help him to solve the situation . BTW , now You model is here and fortunately we haven’t had to pay any fees for custom declaration . ( this is the reason why we don’t accept parcels sent without a touch in advance ) Please can You tell me something about it ?
弊社は今朝、あなたが送ったモデルを受け取ったのでこのメッセージをお送りしています。お客様はなぜこのモデルを送り返されたのですか?弊社はランボルギーニ15A についての情報要求やサポートの依頼のメッセージをお客様の側から全く受けていないのです。破損のあったモデルについて私たちの定めている手続きは、まずお客様がモデルの問題についての写真と説明をメールで知らせて頂き、弊社のカスタマー・サポート部門がまず問題の解決にあたる、ということになっています。ところで、今、お客様のモデルはここにあり、幸運なことに税関の申告をまだ行っておらず関税も払っておりません。(これが、弊社が事前のお知らせを頂かないうちに小包を受け取らない理由です。)お客様のモデルの抱えている問題についてご教示いただけますでしょうか?
Authorization FormはサラさんにFAXしました。予定通り4/21に商品を発送できそうでしょうか?
Authorization Form sent a FAX ti Sarah.Would it be possible for you to ship the item on April 21st, as previously planned?
お久しぶりです お元気でしょうかAではお忙しいところお会い頂き誠にありがとうございました。あれから随分時間が経ってしまい、返事が遅くなりまして大変申し訳ございません。3月は年度末で忙しく、なかなか集中して情報収集に時間を当てられませんでした。心よりお詫び申し上げます。
Long time no see. How have you been?Thank you very much for sharing your time to meet with me at A in spite that you were so busy.It has been so long since that, I am sincerely sorry for my very late reply to you.In March, I could not intensively spend much time on collecting information because it was the end of fiscal year.I deeply apologize for that.
Regarding collecting information this time, It has been so difficult because a public facility such as prefectural government does not provide any information for commercial use, but, thanks to many concerned members with A, they supported me a lot.(Of course, I have not mentioned anything about you.)At first, I am sending this email as a current status report of the market.I am awaiting for your reply.Regarding the strategy, I will send you an email later.
「$1500分の商品を注文したいです。」弊社でこのweb shop を立ち上げて約4年経ちますが、ここ半年で売上が急激に伸びています。弊社はOregonとフロリダに配送拠点があります。また、国際輸送が可能なFedExアカウントもあるので御社から日本へ直送手配して頂くこともできます。初回注文として$1500分の商品を注文したいです。つきましては、弊社用のgg.comにログインできるディーラーアカウントを開設して頂きたいです。もちろんですが、注文代金の支払いは前払いします。
"We would like to make order equivalent to $1,500."It is about four and a half year since we launched the WEB shop, but our sales revenue is growing rapidly in this half a year.We have delivery hubs in Oregon and Florida.Also, we have a FedEx account which is available for international transportation,so you can arrange shipment directly to Japan.As our first order, we would like to make order equivalent to $1,500.Therefore, can you please open a new dealer account which enables us to login to to mention, we will pay for the order in advance.
ミャー子は、ずっとあなたの帰りを待っています。普段はツンツンしてるけど、本当はあなたにデレデレしたい。好物はドーナツ。おあずけ?感謝しないでもないニャ!お返事 待ってる…きもちわるっ何ですってぇ…?ダメニャこの人…やるじゃないはぐっ //ドーナツを食べる擬音ヘンタイニャ!!お帰りニャフーッ! //怒り行ってらっしゃいお話したいニャじーっ //凝視の擬態語おやすみニャ…
Myaako has been waiting for your return. Usually she is so brusque, but she actually wants to be overly friendly with you, Her favorite food is donuts. Waiting?I do not mean I do not appreciate you, mew!Waiting for your reply..So yuck.What did you say?Man, so hopeless, mew.Well done.Munch!Dirty, mew!Hi, mew.Fury!Bon Voyage,Want to talk with you, mew.Peer!Good night, mew..
What I want to study at the school is, the way to learn and consider just daily phenomenon from the perspective of re-seizing and reconfigure by way of the communication and field work with other people with various background.The reason I want to transfer to your department is, at first, that I can work on the production and research of my work in the local society in France, which is geographically and culturally much different from Japan which I currently live in, and the secondly there are many foreign students who belong to the University. I would like to enlarge my eyesight by learning how the students with various cultural background understand things with direct communication with them.
By exactly matching the points of things and human beings together each other, each point newly acquires independence as a point. And, I call the trace of the point left when each point is brought back to the original position "Stitching of the World", and I let my finger trace over it softly.I create works which inquires the relationship among things and human beings again, by structures combined with daily materials extemporarily.After graduation from school, I want to be an artist who will catabolize existing concept of values, and will extend the concept of the art.
I understood.I am very sorry about that this time.I will refund $25 to you.Please allow me for a couple of days to arrange the refund.I see. Please send the item back to me.After I receive the item, I will make refund.I am deeply sorry for having bothered you this time.
apartment managerが、何かを話しかけてくることは無いのでご安心ください。もし何か尋ねられたら、友達の家に遊びに来たとでも言ってもらえれば、大丈夫です。もし何か、ご質問があればご遠慮なく私に聞いてくださいね。
Please feel at ease because the apartment manager is not going to talk to you anything.If you are asked anything from the manager, then please answer such that you come to your friend's house to play with.If you have further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
The dial wheel on the camera back does not work. When you shoot Manual, it can not dial for Lens aperture. I ask for partial refund of USD 25 for me to buy another back or you replace a good working camera back. Please let me knowCan you at least issue a partial refund? I talked to my credit card company and they said to return it and get my money back since the object didn't serve its purpose but I'd rather hear from you first.
カメラ本体背面のダイヤルのホイールが機能しません。マニュアルモードで撮影すると、回転させてもレンズの絞りを調節することができません。そこで、別のカメラを購入するために25米ドルの部分的な返金をお願いしたいです。もしくは正常に動作するカメラと交換して欲しいです。どちらの対応を頂けるかお知らせください。少なくとも部分的な返金はお願いできますか? 私のクレジットカード会社に話したところ、商品がそもそもの目的を果たさない物だったのだから返金は可能である、とのことでしたが、まず最初にあなたの確認を頂きたいと思っています。
They were very friendly and kind. Also, they used the room in very clean manner. I spent long time with them. We enjoyed BBQ and went to a BAR and so on. We had a very pleasant time together, Then brought me a souvenir, told me what they experienced on the day, and showed me pictures they took on the day. We really appreciated it, and we wanted to see them again. Kathleen and Pauly, I am very sorry for my poor English. I will definitely let you know when I am visiting Singapore.
I will attach a picture showing the detail of my flight!As it is my first time to use business class flight, I am excited about it.As a matter of fact, I have not made hotel reservations because I am still wondering where to stay. I myself will stay in a hotel located in the place which makes me easier to meet you. Which place works for you well?Thank you for your appearing on the video!I will let you know again once the detail of the scenario is finalized. Thank you for your order of the guitar. I will find one in good condition.Do you want a vintage in 70's? Or, any re-issue model?
Cherry blossoms has been in full bloom everywhere in Japan.The picture shows that the cherry blossoms in Kumamoto Castle are in full bloom.
Oh, the cloth has arrived to you, hasn't it?I will ask Mr.◯◯'s schedule on ◯/◯, too.It must be a good idea we meet together at B, which is near shop A.I also live around here.Then, let's send messages each other again.
I have successfully received your return of the lens..I am sorry for having bothered you this time.And, thanks to you that you submitted the damage report, we could be covered for the damage from our transport company.We really thank you for that.★ I have one request for you.Can you please withdraw your negative feedback against me as a seller in eBay?I would like to keep selling in eBay from now onward, so, I would like to keep my review as clean as possible.I need your cooperation.Thank you in advance.
Hello.Regarding my order, 100110493 and 100110494, it is already 15 days have passed, but they have not arrived in Japan yet.Have the already arrived at Hong Kong?I would like to have this item by 24th.Today, I ordered 2 pieces of the item, but as my previous orders have not been delivered, would I be able to order the same items again?I am looking forward to your reply.Thank you.Yamane
そうです。トラッキングナンバー AAAの荷物は今日届きました。BBBだけ入っていません。そもそもBBBが入るような箱の形ではなく長方形の細い形の箱です。対応をお願いします。
Yes. The package whose tracking number is AAA was delivered today. Only BBB is not included. In the first place, the outer box would not be able to contain BBB, but the shape of the box is thin and rectangle. Please cope with this.