進捗確認シートは、それぞれの具体策について、1ヶ月の実践計画及びその成果、結果、課題を毎月確認しました。進捗確認シートは日本語版、英語版を作成しました。途中、韓国の企業であるHIZEの研修生と交流もしました。これは、行動計画書、進捗確認シートの作成した資料です。HIZE研修生にはB787 SPAの生産工程を案内しました。これは案内中の写真です。3項目めは研修で成長した点、成果です。まずは研修で成長した点です。1つ目は自己認知です。2つ目はグローバル社会での仕事の進め方です。
Regarding the progress confirmation sheet, I made confirmation every month on the execution plan for the month, result, achievement and the issues for each detailed action plan. I created both Japanese and English versions of the progress confirmation sheet. I also had a relationship with the trainee of Korean company HIZE during the course. These are the action plan documents and the progress confirmation sheet. I provided a guide tour to HIZE trainee of the manufacturing processes of B787 SPA. This is a picture showing the guide tour. The third topic is the achievement, which is my improvement gained from the training. The first one is self identification. The second is the methodology how to drive my tasks in a global society.
The third one is clarification of my objectives. The fourth is about English skills. Next. the achievement gained from the action plan document. In BAC spec translation course, I mainly translated the updated portion. In the course of layout improvement of B787 production area and document generation course, I executed the paint of the production area, layout modification of shipment area, and creation of the document explaining the layout. The fourth is about the issues and the objects in the future. I have settled the objective target in the future, based on current issues.
As the stock is getting little by little, we are planning next purchase order. If we buy 100 pieces, 200 pieces or more, then would be the wholesale price getting lower?We would like to order V300 as well, what is its wholesale price?In the future, we are going to sell in Japanese market in a full operation, but we need to acquire PSE mark certification(which certificates that the electrical product is safe in Japan.) Would it be possible for you to obtain it?
As a result that we had marketing research, we conclude that it is difficult for us to fully participate into the market with this price because some major makers are already selling similar products in cheaper price.
Will the GK-3 pickup come with all of the hardware to install it to my guitar?What type of power adapter will I need for power in the U.S?I would need to be guaranteed shipment arrive by May 20 th. Would that be a problem ? I noticed you are selling a new GK-3 Pickup on one of your other auctions could you give me a good price on it with the synthesizer ?RegardsRuss
We are going to transfer our mail order business assets (www.******.com) to company A.Would it be possible for you to keep wholesaling to company A in the same way as before?The person in charge for the purchase in Company A is Mr.B. His email address is test@test.com.Can you please let him know about the terms and conditions of the purchase, and how to purchase the items from you?Mr.B would like to know such things in a hurry. Please contact him as soon as possible.
When I was preparing for the shipment, we had an accident that the shelves fell off.Fortunately no staff members were injured, but the item got broken.I tried to find the same item with my staff members, but no shops had the item in stock so that we could not find any.I am very sorry for not being able to deliver the item sooner.We cannot foresee when we can get the item again at all, but can you please wait for its arrival?In that case, if we can get the item after your cancellation of this order, I will definitely let you know immediately.Please let me know about your favorite choice.I am sorry for the inconvenience.Thank you in advance.
This is a gift, so if there's any way you'd be willing to slip a gift note in there for me, I'd be very grateful :) I'm sorry if there's a gift option and I missed it! "Happy (possibly very early?) birthday! This gift shipped from Japan so I was scared it would be late if I waited too long! Maybe I'll get one too and we can be pen pals again like when we were kids.
It looks like this CLE has the original Minolta grip. Is that included? Thanks.I am sorry I didn't have a chance to purchase the camera yesterday.Please can you reduce the postage again and I will purchase today.I will need to pass but I am very grateful for your service. Thank you so much xo, GiePS: I am certain that I will be back with something else to purchase from you :-)eBay told me to contact you for instructions on how to return this bag . So how do I ship it back ?? hello, what is the best for Lv ??
このCLEはオリジナルのミノルタのグリップが装着されているようです。そのグリップは商品に含まれますか?どうも有難うございます。昨日、そのカメラを購入する機会を逸してしまい、すみませんでした。もう一度、郵送料を値下げして頂けますでしょうか? そうすれば今日、私はカメラを購入したいと思います。今回は購入を見送るんですけれど、あなたの提供して下さるサービスをどうも有難うございます。(キス&ハグ) Gie より。追伸: また別の商品を購入するときに、あなたのショップへもどって来て購入したいと思っていますよ。 :-)eBay はこのカバンをどのように返品したらよいか、あなたに連絡して指示を仰げ、と私に伝えました。そこで、どのように返送したらよろしいですか?こんにちは。Lv には何が最適ですか?
In order for Ansell to serve you better and make it easier for you to do business with Ansell, we are pleased to announce the implementation of a new toll free number for you to contact our Customer Service Centre. In addition to a new toll free number, we are also introducing new email communication channel for Customer Service, Ordering, and Customer Complaints. All these new communication channels will become effective as from XX MMM YYYY.
Ansell がより良いサービスをあなたに提供し、あなたがAnsell 社とより快適にお取り引き頂くために、新しい通話料無料のカスタマー・サービスセンターの連絡電話番号を開設させていただきました。新しい通話料無料の電話窓口に加えて、カスタマー・サービスセンターへのメールによる連絡もできるようにいたしました。注文や苦情などをメールでお送りいただけます。これらの新しい連絡方法は、XX MMM YYYY(日/月/年)からご利用いただけます。
Hello, Thank you for your response to our request. However, we still need more information regarding your plan of action for complaints from rights owners regarding items that infringe their intellectual property rights, specifically, the rights owner indicated that the items are not to be sold in the European Economic Area (EEA),before we can consider reinstating your selling privileges. The EEA currently consists of the EU countries plus Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway. Under some circumstances brand owners may use their trade mark rights to prevent distribution into the EEA of genuine branded goods sourced from outside the EEA. What you can do 1. Contact the rights owner directly to resolve this dispute:
こんにちは。私たちのリクエストに返信を下さり有難うございました。しかしながら、私たちはさらに次のことについて、詳しい情報が必要です。まず、知的財産保有権を侵害しているとされる商品に関して、権利保有者からの不服の申し立てに対して起こす予定のアクションについての情報、そして特に、あなたの販売権を回復する前に、権利保有者が示す、その商品は欧州経済地域(EEA)では販売されていない、とすることについての情報です。EEAは現在、EU各国およびアイスランド、リヒテンシュタイン王国とノルウェーで構成されています。EEA外から入手した純正ブランド品がEEAにおいて販売されることを防止するために、何らかの環境下でブランドの所有者は商標を使うかもしれません。あなたができることとしては以下のことです。1, この争議を解決するため、権利保有者に直接連絡する:
I have removed all of the items in the shop.--I ma very sorry for having bothered you a lot.We really regret that we had caused you a lot of trouble.We would like to make two offers in order for us not to cause you any trouble after now onward.1. We removed all of items in the shop. By doing this, we never sell your products again. As at April 26th, we removed all of 160,000 items we had.
2. After now, we never list your products again because I myself and one of my staff members will double check the listings, even if our account is allowed to be activated again.We promise we strictly follow these two above for sure.We realize that it is brazen asking a favor, but, regarding the fact we had listed the item of your brand products, can you please forgive us because we removed all of our items in the shop?We would really appreciate if you accept our correspondence and re-activation of our account.We greatly appreciate your consideration.
In case you see some items marked with yellow ? or ! displayed in the device manager, then make "right click" on the item and choose "delete". After that, please remove the product and reboot your computer. After rebooting your PC, please reinstall the software driver.If there are multiple USB ports in PC side, please try to use other USB port and connect the product there.If you use a hub or other linkage devices between PC and the product, please try to connect the product directly to USP port of your PC.If some resident software (such as Virus Check Software or System Management Software) are installed on your PC, the please try to set up our product after terminating such resident software.
検討の結果、今回に限り一部返金にてご対応します購入金額から現在の最安価格を引いた差額3ドルを返金しましたこの商品には英語説明書がありませんパッドを刺せば自動的に認識してドライバもインストールされる筈ですがパッドをさして、新しいデバイスが見つかったといったようなメッセージは表示されましたか?されていれば自動的にインストールされコントロール パネル\ハードウェアとサウンド\デバイスとプリンターの所に追加されている筈です
After our review, we decided to make a partial refund to you this time only.We have made a refund 3 dollars, which is the different amount of money between your purchase price and current cheapest price.English instruction document does not come with this item.If you connect the pad to your PC, then the par would be identified automatically, and the appropriate driver should be installed automatically as well. Have you seen such message that a new device has been detected when you connected the pad?If you've seen such message, then the device is installed automatically, and you should be able to find it in Control Panel \ Hardware and Sound \ Device and Printer.
Welcome to our Japan IdeaScale Evangelists community!In this community, you can submit ideas, vote on existing ideas, or add comments to improve IdeaScale operations in Japan.To submit an idea, please click the Submit New Idea button at the top of the navigation sidebar. You will then be asked to add a title and choose a campaign for the new idea. You will also have the option to add tags to the idea. To vote on an idea, simply click the up or down arrows to the right of the idea title/description. And to add a comment, click in the box below the idea.To return to this page, click the All Ideas link.
弊社 IdeaScale の日本の支持者のコミュニティーにようこそ!このコミュニティーでは、あなたはご自身の考えを投稿したり、既存のアイデアに投票したり、コメントを書き込んだりしてIdeaScale の日本での活動をより良くしていくことができます。あなたの考えを投稿するには、ナビゲーション・サイドバーの上部にある「新しいアイデアをサブミットする」ボタンをクリックしてください。タイトルを追加し、そのアイデアについてのキャンペーンを追加するように指示されます。アイデアにタグ付けすることも可能です。アイデアに投票するには、アイデアのタイトルや内容の右側にある上向き、または下向きの矢印を単にクリックするだけです。コメントを追加するには、アイデアの下にあるコメント欄をクリックして書き込みます。このページに戻るには、オール・アイデアのリンクをクリックします。
how can we do to deal this problem?I don't know the situation in Japan so just wait from you. I didn't receive any information so I though you have some ways to deal with it.
Companies to produce old type of western razors in Japan now ceased to exist 30-40 years ago.The western razor I sell on eBay is a used item that I purchased at flea market, and it was used by an old retired barber.I do not own a shop nor company, and I only sell western razors as hobby. Therefore, I cannot make western razors either. If you have any other question, please give me an email.--The manufacturers of traditional razors in Japan vanished three or four decades ago.The razors I sell on eBay are used ones which I have purchased from antique markets; they were used by barbers who had retired due to their age. Since I own neither a store nor a company, I cannot actually produce razors.
I have sent 100 dollars to you. I think you'll receive it in a few days. Please conform once you receive.When the shipping fee is fixed, please let me know about it.Is it OK that the receiver name of the bank is ●●?Do you accept any other payment method, such as PayPal, other than wire transfer?Please send the item to me with the cheapest cost among the delivery agencies you introduced me before.Please use the delivery agency which you use most frequently when you send items to Japan.I would appreciate if you send me a brochure as well as the item.Would it be possible for agent A to send to the address below?What item is selling the most to Japanese business operators?
This is the limited item.I will take a photo showing the serial number.Please allow me some time to take photos.Of course, the functions are perfect.This camera is unused and perfectly brand-new, there is noissues at all.I am sorry for my late reply.I have received the item successfully.I will make a refund in a few days.I am sorry for the inconvenience, but please wait in a couple of days.And, I am sorry for having bothered you this time.I will discount when you make successful bidding at our shop next time.IN that case, please let me know.