Sorry for the late reply. I just followed you (on Twitter).School is closed today here in Japan because of a typhoon.I have plenty of time, shall we chat?
Could you imform about the current progress of the issues on the contract renewal, which will take place in November?
He seemed like a man waiting for the right moment to take what everybody knew was coming his way.
I'd like to re-schedule our next lesson since I can't make it due to my work schedule.The 13th is preferable, at any hour.I hope it won't be too much a problem for you. Thank you very much, as always.
See if there is anything special they would like you to do for them, or anything you should avoid.
Another reason is that there are many more women of childbearing age today than in the past, so the population has continued to grow. In 1950, the fertility rate was 6 children per woman on average, but in 2008 it dropped to 2.9. However, this drop has not resulted in a population decline. Why are there so many large families? Although the fertility rate has dropped by half, there are still high fertility rates in some populous regions like Africa and Central Asia.
Others have painted on pebbles and on found fragments of natural and artificial objects, exploiting the irregularities of the ground and the physiognomy of the object as part of the charm of the whole. But I incline to think that the prehistoric surface was neutral, a still indeterminate bearer of the image.
Someone stole my line. It was obvious where the joke was heading along the way.
Hey, it was a joke, somebody say something!
The audience just froze to this tale. Show some positive reaction when you hear this.
It was a totally one-sided, runaway victory.
The application server can be local to or remote from the environment where the process is initiated
An application process must be connected to the application server of a database manager before SQL
What were the big challenges, if any, during the development process you've been involved in?
It seems that the meaning of Internet has been changing recently (, do you agree with this view?)
Tell me how the idea of that tool was conceived, or in what process did it went through to be invented.
many primitive peoples continue to draw and incise their pictures on untreated, unenclosed surfaces.
Would you like to put something cold on your eyes and mouth, where the skin is reddish?I'll repeat it, just to make sure.Please hang your gown on the hanger over there.
You'd better stop brooding over and get something going.
If you have a good command of Japanese, you'll be able to learn English over a short amount of time.