Yes just between me and you, we intend to lower our ○○ Prices soon, perhaps starting June. reason being we are working on the New ○○ so we want sell what we have on the current inventory.As for exclusive distributors, we always want an exclusive distributor but we need someone that can sell to retailers in Japan as oppose to just online. Because if just online anyone can do it, so we are looking for someone with existing gaming channels to retail shops. We have a few distributors in Japan now as you know, and next time around we will limit the number of reseller to probably 2 but not exclusive. Do you sell other gaming products such as gaming titles and controllers to retail shops in Japan?
iQONとMONOCOについてはこのような考察もしている。ラウンド3/クラウドソーシング:CrowdWorks vs Lancersプラットフォームのコンセプトが微妙に違う両者だが、共に幅広い仕事を取り扱うことで日本という国の「働き方」のあり方を変えられる可能性を持っている点が、他の単カテゴリ・マッチングサービスやコピーキャットとの違いだと感じている。
iQON and MONOCO are also considered that way.Round 3 / Crowdsourcing: CrowdWorks vs LancersTheir concepts of the platforms are slightly different. But I feel that both have a potential to change the concept of “the way people work” in Japan, which differentiates them from other category matching services and copycats.
ラウンド4/ペイメント:Coiney vs 楽天スマートペイやPaypal hereここは相手がスタートアップではない、という点で他のカテゴリよりも熾烈だ。ただ、Coineyの取材時に感じたのは、巨大資本と真っ正面から勝負をするような戦略は取っていない、ということだった。詳しくはインタビュー記事をご一読頂きたい。[他にも盛り上がりを見せているカテゴリやライバル関係があればぜひコメントなどで教えて欲しい。]
Round 4 / Coiney vs Rakuten Smartpay and Paypal hereIn this category competition is more fierce as players are no startups. But, what I felt when I covered Coiney is that it’s strategy is not to compete head on with the giants. Read the interview article for details.[If if you know other categories or rivalries that are hot, please let me know by leaving comments or by some other ways.]
ラウンド5/クラウドファンディング:CAMPFIRE vs READYFOR? vs COUNTDOWN何かと話題の多いCAMPFIREは先日最高額となる600万円以上を集めることに成功したが、海外サービスと比較するとまだまだパンチが足りない。スタートが一番早いREADYFOR?は他のプラットフォームに比較して寄付やNPOといった社会活動に寄ったテイストが差別化に繋がっている。話題づくりやマスへの拡大がキーか。
Round 5 / Crowdfunding: CAMPFIRE vs READYFOR? vs COUNTDOWNMuch talked about CAMPFIRE successfully raised a record Yen 6 million recently. But compared with foreign counterparts it lacks the punch. Compared with other platforms READYFOR?, which was launched earlier than others, has a taste for social activities such as donation and NPO, resulted in enabling it to differentiate itself from others. What it needs might be to create buzz and gain mass traction.
ラウンド6/ニューステクノロジー:SmartNews vs Gunosy vs Vingowここは相当面白い。なぜなら他のカテゴリに比較して圧倒的なテクノロジー勝負だからだ。SmartNewsは全員がほぼ同じ情報を見ている点で他の二つと違い、パーソナライズドのコンセプトは似ているGunosyとVingowだが、Vingowはリアルタイムに情報が更新される点でまとめ配信のGunosyとやはり違いがある。それぞれ組み合わせて使う人も多いだろう。
Round 6 / News Tehcnnology: SmartNews vs Gunosy vs VingowThis is an extremely interesting category. Because, unlike other categories, technologies play an overwhelmingly important role in the competition. SmartNews differs from the others in that all of its users see almost the same information. Gunosy and Vingow are similar in their concept of personalization, but Vingow differs from Gunosy, which aggregates information, in that Vingow updates information real time. Probably many people use them by combing them differently.
Dokter Gratis Offers Live Health Consultation with Doctors in IndonesiaThere are times when you might not be feeling well and have some medical questions, but you’re not sure that those questions are even worth the trip and perhaps money to go to the doctor. There are also times when distance becomes an issue. This is where Dokter Gratis (meaning “free doctors”) comes in.
インドネシアではDokter Gratisを使いリアルタイムで医師の相談を受けることができる体調が悪く医学的な質問したいと思っても、わざわざ医者に行きお金を払う価値があるかどうかわからないことがあるものだ。また、医者までの距離が問題になることもある。そこでDokter Gratis(無料の医師)の登場だ。
Alexander explains:We have a significant percentage of these features complete but [require] a bit of polishing of course. The general idea of the system is that one does one’s inventorying and management on the system and at the same time, the auction information is automatically copied in from the inventorying system.
For every auction that takes place on the CloudHerd platform, the Sydney-based startup collects a transaction fee of one percent. And apart from the basic inventory version, it will also be selling a premium inventory version in the future as well.This sounds like a good solution for farmers to aid in their supply chain management. We wish the CloudHerd team the best with the upcoming pitch at Echelon Ignite: Australia 2013 organized by our friends over at e27 on May 8.
CloudHerdは同社のプラットフォーム上で行われる競売に対して1%の手数料を徴収する。在庫管理のベーシック版に加え将来はプレミアム版もリリースする予定だ。農場主のサプライチェーンマネジメントを支援するソリューションとして良さそうだ。e27が5月8日に開催するEchelon Ignite: Australia 2013でのピッチでCloudHerdが健闘することを祈っている。
Next Version of WeChat Rumored to Have Mobile Payments and Paid Publishing PlatformWe know that Tencent (HKG:0700) is working on a social gaming platform for WeChat, its popular social messaging app, but what else is in the pipeline? According to industry analyst Guan Peng, the next major version of WeChat app, which will be v5.0 for iPhone and Android, will come with support for three major new features.
WeChatの次期バージョンにはモバイル決済と有料コンテンツの配信機能が加わるとうわさされているTencent(HKG:0700)が同社の人気ソーシャルメッセージアプリWeChat向けのソーシャルゲームプラットフォームを開発していることは知られているが、同社は他に何の準備を進めているのだろうか?業界アナリストのGuan Peng氏によるとWeChatの次のメジャーバージョン(iPhoneおよびAndroid用v5.0)では以下の3つの主要な機能が新たにサポートされるという。
Anticipating that WeChat v5.0 will appear later this month, he reckons we’ll see:Paid publishing or subscriptions for accounts on the WeChat public platform – ie: those run by celebrities, media outlets, and brands.Mobile payments with users able to scan QR codes to make payments within WeChat.Social gaming integration will arrive as promised.In addition to all that, Guan Peng expects the WeChat brand/celebrity accounts to be given more emphasis and prominence.
Peng氏はWeChat v5.0が今月中に登場すると予想した上で、以下の機能が搭載されると考えている。WeChatの公開プラットフォーム上のアカウントのための有料配信あるいは定期購読機能。それらは有名人、報道機関、ブランドにより運営される。モバイル決済機能。ユーザーはQRコードをスキャンしてWeChat内で支払いをすることができる。予告されていたソーシャルゲーム機能の統合。これらに加えWeChatのブランド/有名人アカウントが強調され目立つようになるとGuan Peng氏は予想している。
Of course, none of that is officially coming in WeChat v5.0. We know there is a social gaming platform coming for sure – similar to those from rival apps Line and Kakaotalk – but it might not be ready to go live this month. E-payments are far from a certainty as well; indeed, when we listened in on Tencent’s most recent earnings call in March – revealing $7 billion in revenue in 2012 – Tencent president Marin Lau had this to say of mobile payments:We take a long-term view – there are so many hurdles and a lack of standardization [for payments]. So it’s an experiment that we take a lot of interest in, but it takes a long time to see what needs to be done to build a business model on it.
もちろん、これらの機能がWeChat v5.0に搭載されると公式に発表されているわけではない。ライバルアプリのLineやKakaotalkのものと似たソーシャルゲームプラットフォームが登場するのは確かなようだが今月にスタートするかどうかはわからない。電子決済も確実というには程遠い。事実、3月に行われたTencentの最新の実績発表(2012年の売上高は70億ドル)のなかでプレジデントのMarin Lau氏はモバイル決済について以下のように語っている。われわれは長期的な視点に立っています。決済機能に関しては多くの障害や標準化の欠如という問題がありま、実験を行うといことについては大いに関心を持っていますが、それを基盤とするビジネスモデルを構築するためには何をしなければならないのかを見極めるには長い時間がかかるでしょう。
As for paid publishing or subscriptions for content, that’s also an area covered by Line and KakaoTalk. Just a few weeks ago, KakaoTalk rolled out its KakaoPage platform for selling digital content, while Line recently started selling e-books. Neither of those will impact WeChat in China, we suspect, where most of its users actually are, but it’s interesting to see these similar patterns.It’s conceivable that WeChat will pursue many other channels in the future as well, such as a rumored mobile wallet capability.My own feature request for WeChat is a badly needed makeover – especially for its slow and clunky Android app with its dated, pre-Android 4.0 stylings.
コンテンツの有料配信、定期購読というのもLineやKakaoTalkが手をつけている分野だ。数週間前にKakaoTalkはデジタルコンテンツを販売するためのKakaoPageプラットフォームを公開した、一方Lineも電子書籍の販売を開始したところだ。いずれも中国のWeChatに影響を与えることはないだろう。WeChatのユーザーのほとんどは中国にいる。しかし、このように同じパターンが展開されるのは興味深いことだ。WeChatが、将来うわさされていうるおサイフ携帯機能などの他の機能を追いかけることはあり得るだろう。WeChatの機能についての筆者の要望は、ぜひとも必要な手直しをしてほしいということだ。特に、Android 4.0以前の時代遅れのスタイルで動作の遅い出来の悪いAndroidアプリはなんとかしてほしい。
Now Zalo, the homegrown contender, has hit two million users. It’s a huge coup for VNG and one of the fastest growing periods for a domestic mobile app in Vietnam. According to Vuong Quang Khai, who manages web and mobile at VNG:Two million users is an important milestone for Zalo. Of course, the mobile internet in Vietnam is just starting and the opportunities are still fresh for mobile services. Our next goal is five million users, which would account for 50 percent of the smartphone market.
ベトナム発のチャットアプリZaloのユーザー数は200万人に達した。これはVNGとって大成功であり、ベトナムにいて最も早く成長した国産モバイルアプリの一つでもある。VNGでウェブとモバイル分野の責任者を務めるVuong Quang Khai氏は次のように語っている。200万ユーザー達成というのはZaloにとって重要なマイルストーンです。ご存知の通り、ベトナムのモバイルインターネットは始まったばかりで、モバイルサービスは新しいチャンスがまだまだあります。われわれの次のゴールは500万ユーザーを達成することです。これはスマートフォン市場の50%にあたります。
Zalo’s breakneck pace can be strongly attributed local support and more significantly, advertising. This has allowed chat apps like Zalo to puncture the market and access smartphone users that may not even be accustomed to using apps on their phones. In many ways, VNG is doing the hard work of educating the smartphone market, a market where many smartphone owners buy smartphones for the novelty more than for the apps and services.
The interesting thing you’ll find in the infographic is Zalo is also getting users abroad, this in part can be attributed to the large population of overseas Vietnamese and, strangely enough, Vietnamese wives of Korean husbands. The app will come out with an English version in the next few months, which will position Zalo in a more global setting. The app is also now in a closed beta testing a calling function.For more insights on Zalo’s growth, check out the infographic, which has some interesting insights into mobile growth in Vietnam.
Crowdbaron Brings Real Estate Crowdfunding to AsiaWe’ve seen crowdfunding been put to use for zany gadgets and enacting positive social change, but we’ve not yet seen it being used for investment purposes. But Crowdbaron wants to change that. It’s a Hong Kong-based startup that wants to make investing in real estate as simple as booking a hotel online. Aimed at folks who want to bolster their personal investment portfolio, the idea is that buying a small stake in one or numerous properties lets you take advantage of surging property prices in several countries.
While you are buying a share in a property, this is not a sort of timeshare for the 21st century and so you won’t be staying in the apartment or villa in which you have a stake. This is purely for the profit. So you can spread the risk, Crowdbaron lets you take as little as a one percent stake.
Crowdbaron is aiming its platform at users across Asia, with an initial focus on customers based in Hong Kong, China, and Indonesia. Founder and CEO Saeed Hassan explains to us that the startup is “targeting a less wealthy target group” than would normally take a 100 percent stake in properties – a phenomenon seen recently with wealthy Chinese snapping up properties (and potential escape routes) in Australia, the UK, the US, and many other nations. Instead, Saeed says the site is good for “middle income families who are saving for the future, and who have been burned by the stock market and are frustrated by low interest rates”. He adds:
Crowdbaronのプラットフォームはアジア全域のユーザーを対象にしているが、当初は香港、中国、インドネシアの顧客に的を絞っている。Crowdbaronが狙っているのは、最近オーストラリア、英国、米国などの不動産(脱出先の候補)を買いあさっている中国の富裕層のように不動産を1件丸ごと購入するほど裕福ではないグループだと創業者兼CEOのSaeed Hassan氏は説明する。将来に備へ貯蓄をしており、株で損をしたことがあり、低金利に不満を抱いている中間所得層にとってCrowdbaronはちょうど良いとSaeed氏は語る。また同氏は以下のように付け加えた。
For these individuals, there is little chance they can purchase in Hong Kong or elsewhere. This group is very large and are willing to enter shared purchase arrangements – because it opens the door to potentially higher and stable returns they otherwise wouldn’t be able to afford. It’s about lowering the entry barriers and getting more people involved.
Aside from making a profit from rising property prices, Crowdbaron investors can also earn revenues from renting out their properties, which will be unfurnished to save hassle for the crowdfunded landlords. Saeed points out that these properties will remain managed by Crowdbaron through its network of property agents, and is also responsible for finding tenants. In the event of a property being empty, Crowdbaron promises to pay investors their share of rental revenue anyway.