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For objects sold under the margin scheme a buyers premium of 25 % on the first € 100,000 and 22 % on all monies in excess thereof including VAT will be added on the bid award. Lots which are listed in the appendix to be sold with VAT are calculated in line with standard taxation, i.e. statutory turnover tax is levied on the bid price plus 21 % premium on the first € 100,000 and 18 % on all monies in excess thereof. VAT currently amounts to 19 % (Objet d’arts, furniture, jewellery, offsets, photographs, etc.) i.e. 7 % (paintings, drawings, prints, etc.). Dealers who are entitled to prior-tax deduction generally have the option of regular taxation. We kindly request these dealers to inform us before invoicing.



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Russian site AppleDigger.ru has created a mockup of what such an iPhone could look like [Google Translate]. One significant part that the video gets incorrect is that the original rumor claimed the larger phone will come with an 8-megapixel camera, whilst the video says it will have a 12-megapixel camera. Instead, an update to the iPhone is said to come before the holiday season this year, upgrading the lens to 12-megapixels.

Considering the sketchiness of the "iPhone Math" rumor and the lack of any specific claims about how Apple would handle the larger display in iOS, the mockup video should primarily be viewed as a concept giving a general idea of what such a device might look like.


ロシアのサイトのAppleDigger.ruは、[Google Translate]のようにそのiPhoneどんな感じかを示す試作ビデオを作った。このビデオで誤解されている部分の一つに、元の噂ではこの大型携帯電話には8メガピクセルカメラが付くだろうとしているのに対し、このビデオでは12メガピクセルのカメラだと言っていることなどがある。一方、レンズを12メガピクセルにアップグレードしたiPhoneのアップデートが今年の休暇前に登場するだろうと言われている。

「iPhone Math」の噂に確証がないことやアップルがiOSでどのように大きなディスプレイを運用するのかについてのはっきりした主張に欠けていることを考えると、試作ビデオは主にこのような新機種がどのようにみられるかの大まかなアイデアを与えるコンセプトとして見ておいた方が良いだろう。

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Motohouse 2-piece engine covers are designed to keep your bike oil tight in the event of a crash as well as to give your bike a custom look that will make you stand out in the crowd. All of our covers are 100% CNC machined from 6061 Aluminum billet to give you both great looks and exceptional strength. The patented replaceable stainless steel or aluminum skid plate adds wear resistance in the most vulnerable area and can keep your cover both functional and looking good through multiple crashes. The plate is internally bolted and o-ring sealed so that you don't have to worry about trying to remove bolts with the heads ground off.

Note: This cover reuses the stock rubber o-ring and must use an aluminum skid pad.


Motohouse 2ピースエンジンカバーはあなたのバイクのオイルを衝撃時もしっかり守りあなたのバイクを独自の外観で街中で目立つものにしてくれます。当社の全カバーは6061アルミ片を100%CNCマシン加工したもので、並外れた強度を誇ります。特許を取得した取り替え可能なステンレススチール又はアルミスキッド板により、損傷を受けやすいエリアでの耐疲労性が高められており、何度か衝撃を受けてもカバーの機能性と概観の良さを保ってくれます。プレートは内部でボルト止めされOリングで密封されているので、ヘッド付きのボルトを外して落とす心配がありません。


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The history of sunglasses can be traced back thousands of years though they were much different to those worn today and served a completely different purpose.

The Roman emperor Nero apparently liked to watch gladiatorial combat through polished gemstones though the first things resembling what we would know as sunglasses appeared in 12th century China. The lenses were made of smoky quartz and did go someway to protecting wearers from glare. These early sunglasses were actually used in courts to shield the expressions of judges when they questioned witnesses. Similar glasses were made in Italy in the 1400's, also primarily for use in court cases.

Later in the 1750's, James Ayscough experimented with tinted lenses,




その後1750年代には、James Ayscoughが色つきレンズのサングラスを作った。

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which he believed would correct certain vision problems. Glare protection was not a concern at this time.

By the turn of the 20th century sunglasses became more widespread and early silent movie stars rapidly took up wearing them before filming to shield their eyes from the right stage lights, which were often as bright as the sun itself.

In 1929, an American named Sam Foster began mass producing cheap sunglasses which were readily snapped up by beach goers in New Jersey and this period saw a massive upsurge in demand and the beginnings of sunglasses as a fashion accessory. Later, in 1936, Edwin H Land, with his patented Polaroid filter experimented making polarized lenses.





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It is widely believed that sunglasses really became 'cool' during the second world war when people viewed photographs of prominent military figures such as General MacArthur wearing them. The popular wartime image of a GI in sunglasses made them become an aspirational item among young people all over the world.

Since then sunglasses have grown in popularity to such an extent that people can be seen wearing them even when it is not sunny, or even indoors. Movie stars, tycoons and musicians all seen wearing them add to the image.

More recently, since Oakley introduced the Thump range with its integrated audio player, sunglasses have taken a further step forward, with many other producers following suit.





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The relatively recent introduction of 'transition' lenses which can give the sunglasses look when the lenses are exposed to bright light show another development.

With increasing concerns over the effects of the suns rays, the future of sunglasses looks assured and many more weird and wonderful sunglasses are sure to result.

How to Clean Sunglases
Keeping a clean pair of eyeglasses ensures your vision is as good as it can possibly be and reduce eye strain and other problems that are associated with poor vision due to unclean lenses. They also improve your appearance, making your eyes that much clearer to everyone else. You clean your eyeglasses regularly.

You should wash your lenses with warm water and a mild soap.






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This will remove dirt, grime and oils. Then dry the lenses with a dedicated lens cloth or non-abrasive cloth, cotton works well. Avoid using paper towels or similar wipes as these can actually cause damage to the lens. Professional lens cloths are designed to remove build ups of dirt, smudges or fingerprints and are available quite cheaply - they are always a good purchase.

You should hold the frame in one hand, careful not to touch the lenses, and use the other hand in a circular movement to gently buff the lenses, taking careful not to rub too hard on the lens itself.

Lens cloths should be treated carefully after use and cleaned regularly with a mild soap.





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Do not use a fabric softener or similar detergent on the cloth as this will reduce its effectiveness.

If stuck for a way to clean your eyeglasses in a rush, you can drop a bit of vinegar onto a soft cloth and wipe this over the lenses. This only works for glass lenses however, never attempt this on plastic lenses. Do not wipe glasses on clothing as the abrasive fibers present in clothing could actually damaged the lens.

General good eyeglasses care is to keep your eyeglasses in a case when not in use as will prevent buildups of dust or accidental damage. Buying scratch resistant lenses, such as polycarbonate, will assist in making sure your lenses are always of the best quality, free of scratches.





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The Benefits of Polycarbonate Lenses

Polycarbonate lenses have many benefits and are the recommended lens material for children because of, amongst other things, there incredible strength. Polycarbonate material was developed by the aerospace industry for use in the space program. It can also be found in police shields, airplane and bulletproof windows. It is ten times more impact resistant than other plastics and is so strong that is exceeds the FDA's resistance requirements by a factor of 40!

The great strength of polycarbonate lenses means that it is incredibly hard to break even in the roughest of situations polycarbonate sunglasses will not shatter.

Polycarbonate lenses are also highly scratch resistant.






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Due to a special anti-scratch coating which will keep the lenses clear for as long as possible, even in the most extreme situations.

Another benefit of polycarbonate lenses is the lighter weight, polycarbonate lenses are thinner than the usual glass or plastic lenses as well as the material itself being lighter than glass and plastic. This means the sunglasses themselves will be that bit lighter, adding to overall comfort.

A great benefit of polycarbonate lenses is that they offer inherent ultraviolet (UV) radiation protection, cutting out around 99% of these potentially damaging rays - it doesn't matter whether the rays are from direct sunlight, computer screen or indoor lighting.




ポリカーボネイトレンズの良さは、ポリカーボネイト特有の紫外線(UV)保護性能であり、悪影響のある紫外線を99%遮断してくれます - 太陽光からも、コンピューター画面、室内照明から発せられる光からも保護してくれます。