2. 3Restart3Restart is working on gamifying early childhood education. The startup crew is working on memory retention in the learning process and plans to have a product ready in the next few months. The educational game, we’re told, will also provide progress reports to parents. (Update: Added in details about the upcoming product).
2. 3Restart3Restartはゲームを通した早期の子ども教育として利用できる。スタートアップクルーにおいては、学習プロセスの記憶保持に作用し、数か月後用の製品準備のプランを作ってくれる。当社が求められている教育用ゲームでは、親に進捗状況のレポートの提供も行う。(アップデート: 次回の製品についての詳細を追加)
3. The Reading Room ProjectWith 25 million children in Pakistan denied the right to an education, and 65 percent of children aged five to 16 unable to read a simple story, the Reading Room Project (RRP) is keen to give low-income Pakistani schoolchildren access to learning resources – and to do so in a supportive environment.It’s not limited to books, either. In a pilot project, RRP has already partnered with a school in Karachi to formulate a a computer studies program for the kids, many of who, had never accessed a computer before.
3. The Reading Room Project2,500万人のパキスタンの子どもたちが教育を受ける権利を奪われていること、そして5歳から16歳の子どもたちの65%が簡単な物語すら読めない状況を受けて、the Reading Room Project (RRP)は自信をもってパキスタンの 低収入家庭の学齢期の子どもに学習教材のアクセスを提供していける。そして、支援環境のあるところにも提供する。また、これは本に限った事ではない。パイロットプロジェクトでは、RRPは既にKarachiの学校と協定して子ども用のコンピューター学習プログラムを構成している。その子どもの多くは、それ以前にコンピューターに全く触ったことの無い子たちだ。
And we are very pleased that you liked our job.We have seen your website, and found that you are trustworthy. We think we can have meaningful exchanging about blades and kitchen knives, and knives, as the same blacksmith. We can negotiate about retaining and reselling under the condition that you will not sell our products to degrade our brand image and that we can find it makes benefit for the vender and buyer mutually.Please let us know your vending plan. We deal with Western countries mainly, and we would like to know how much quantity we can expect and how much improvement the recognition of our bland can be made through transacting with you.
Our clan consists of 6 blade artisan. It is difficult to explain in English because the terms we actually use are different from the nuance written in English.The first person inherits the (Crafting) skill called ●●.The second inherits the (Crafting) skill called ○○.The third inherits the (Crafting) skill called ○○.The fourth inherits the (Crafting) skill called ○○.The fifth inherits the (Crafting) skill called ○○.The sixth inherits the (Crafting) skill called ○○.That is all. We can make them in the way you want. How much is your budget?
The first LeTV smart TV was one of the first of this kind in China, so the company hoped to collect fees like cable TV subscriptions have been doing. But companies like Xiaomi, founded by a bunch of Internet service developers, don’t think charging end-users is a good idea.
LeTV adjusted the pricing strategy accordingly. The price for the last flagship model X60, launched in May 2013, has been lowered to roughly two thirds of the original. But the company requires customers to pay for a two-year subscription instead of the one-year prior to the price adjustment. The latest model Max 70 also requires a two-year subscription. Priced at 8999 yuan (roughly $1500), LeTV is confident it’s way lower a price than its peers of the same screen size or similar specs.
Is the certification needed for this document, too? If necessary, which name should I prepare with, A company or B company? I am looking forward to your reply.
Before 2011 the Tencent way was licensing a portion of games from third parties and developing Internet services in house. More than half of its revenues were from licensed games and in-house developed games. Another major revenue source was membership subscriptions that offer a variety of virtual items or premium services that were either developed by Tencent or partners — it pays partners and third-party developers, of course.
Although it is estimated the number of iOS devices in China will continue to be lower than that of Android devices, a faster growth of iOS device sales will be boosted by China Mobile’s introduce of 4G-supported iPhones, the lower-cost iPhone 5C and so on. The sales performance of iPhone 5S, accounting for 12% of existing iOS devices in China, seems much better than that of previous models in China.
中国のiOS機器の数がAndroid機器よりも減り続けるという試算がされているが、中国製モバイルの4GサポートのiPhoneやコストの安いiPhone 5Cなどの導入でiOS機器売り上げの急速な伸びが進むと見込まれている。中国の現存しているiOS機器の12%に上るiPhone 5Sのセールスパフォーマンスは、中国の過去のモデルの売り上げよりもはるかに良いと思われる。
This menstruation calendar app just landed $15 million in funding, and it’s quickly turning into a social network for womenMeet You, a Chinese social lifestyle app for women, just announced that it received $15 million in Series B, reports Tencent Tech (hat-tip Technode).The funding comes from Matrix Partners, the Waltham, MA-based global investment firm whose vast China portfolio includes Umeng, the mobile analytics firm that was recently purchased by Alibaba, and Momo, the popular Chinese flirting app.
この月経周期カレンダーアプリはたった1,500万米ドルの資金で完成して本国上陸した。そしてすぐに女性のソーシャルネットワークに変わっている。女性用の中国のソーシャルライフスタイル用のアプリ、Meet YouはSeries Bにおいて1,500万米ドルを獲得したと発表したとTencent Techが報告している(hat-tip Technode)。資金はMA拠点の国際投資社Matrix PartnersとWalthamが出資している。この企業が持つ莫大な中国企業株には、モバイル調査社Umeng社を含んでいる。この企業は先日、中国の人気恋愛ゲームアプリ、AlibabaとMomoに買収された。
What’s Meet You?Tencent Tech states that upon its founding in April 2013, Meet You originated as a menstruation tracker and calendar, but when the company introduced social elements last September, it began to see strong traction.
Meet Youとは何か?Tencent Techは、2013年4月の設立に際し、Meet Youを月経期間追跡とカレンダーとして製作したと述べているが、当社がソーシャルエレメンツを前年9月に発売した時に、強い牽引力が見え始めた。
ph35312 おわりにアニメは動きがあるものばかりではなく文武両道なのです。日本は特に繊細な動きや心の機微を文化にしてきたので、俳句だったり落語だったりを物語にできるのだと思います。これを見て日本、それからアニメをもっと好きになってもらえるとうれしいです。
ConclusionAnime is not only with active move, but is versed in letters and arms.Japan has made sensitive move and nimble mind as their culture especially, so that I believe they can make stories whose subjects are haiku poems and rakugo storytelling. I would be happy you like Japan and anime better, watching these.
ph353011じょしらく 【題材:落語】 ▼あらすじガールズ落語家漫画。作中で「この漫画は女の子の可愛さをお楽しみ頂くため邪魔にならない程度の差し障りのない会話をお楽しみいただく漫画です。」とあるように、日常のどうでもいいことからネタを広げながら話を展開させていく。▼落語って?落語(らくご)は、江戸時代の日本で成立し、現在まで伝承されている伝統的な話芸の一種である。「落し話(おとしばなし)」、略して「はなし」とも言う。
Joshi-Raku [ Subject: Rakugo comic storytelling ]▼StoryCartoon about Girl’s rakugoka comic storyteller. In the scenario, there is a statement “this comic is to enjoy everyday talk whose degree does not prevent you from enjoying the cuteness of the girls.” So mainly, in each episode, the girls develop the story comically from ordinary tiny things. ▼What is Rakugo?Rakugo is a kind of traditional story-telling art, which was established in Japan in Edo period and has been handed down to the present. It is also known as “Otoshi Banashi (Storytelling with punch-line )” or “Hanashi (Storytelling)” for short.
それから4年後。高校生になった千早は、福井に戻った新がかるたから離れてしまったことを 知るが、それでも、かるたを続けていれば再会できると信じ、太一と2人、 瑞沢高校かるた部を設立する。▼かるたって? かるた(歌留多、加留多、嘉留太、骨牌)とは、カードを使った主に正月に遊ぶ室内遊具である。その名称はポルトガル語で「手紙」(葡: Carta)、あるいは紙板状のもの、トランプなどを意味するcartaに由来する。 元々はトランプなどのカードゲーム一般を指した。
4 years later, Chihaya who has become a high school student, learns that Arata has gone back to Fukui to quit karuta, but she believes she will meet him again as long as she continue karuta. Together with Taichi, she forms karuta club in Mizusawa high school. What is karuta?Karuta is a card game played indoors, usually during the New Year’s days. The etymology is Carta, Portuguese word for “letter”, or carta, meaning paperboard or card. Originally it indicated card games in general.
ph35302▼あらすじ姉が日本一のモデルになることが夢である小学6年生の綾瀬千早は、転校生・綿谷新に「自分 のことでないと夢にしてはいけない」と諭される。そんな新の夢は、競技かるたで名人に なること。普段は大人しい新が真剣に札を払うその姿に衝撃を受けた千早は、幼なじみの真島太一も巻き込んでかるたの魅力に引きこまれていく。聴力に優れた千早の才能に、そしてかる たを一緒にできる友達ができたことに新は喜ぶが、卒業後はみな別の道を歩むのだった。
A sixth-grade elementary school pupil Chihaya Ayase, whose dream is that her older sister becomes the best model in Japan, is persuaded by Arata Wataya, a transfer student, “not to dream if it is not about her”. Arata’s dream is to become a master of competitive karuta. Usually he is not talkative, but when he concentrates on playing karuta, Chihaya is greatly astonished his action, and get attracted to the karuta with Taichi Mashima. Arata is pleased by Chihaya’s listening talent, and by getting a friend with whom he can play karuta, but they go to the different ways each other after the graduation.
ph35301美少女たちが青春をかけて日本の伝統文化に挑戦!絶対みるべきアニメ5選世界各国に独自独特の文化があるように、日本にも世界に誇る魅力的な伝統文化がたくさんあります。サムライ、スシ、ゲイシャはその代表格。今回はそれよりもっと深く日本を知ってもらうべく、日本の伝統芸能や伝統武芸に惹かれた美少女たちの、アツく、ときにゆるーい青春を描いたアニメをご紹介。これを機に日本がもっと好きになるかも!ちはやふる 【題材:かるた】
Cute girls challenge the Japanese traditional culture with full energy of their youth!The 5 anime you must watchAs each country has its own unique culture, Japan has a lot of attractive culture that can be boosted to the world. Samurai, Sushi and Geisha represent such culture. This time, in order to show Japan deeply even more, we introduce an anime featuring the hot, sometimes loosened youth of the girls who are attracted to Japanese traditional performing and martial arts!With this opportunity, we are sure you will live Japan even better!Chihayafuru [ Subject: karuta ]
“Nourin”…, when imaging the content only from the title, is it the story to tell us the greatness and difficulty of agriculture, like “Gin no Saji (the Silver Spoon)”? I once have thought like that. No, some parts are serious. Such parts suggest us the issues we must deal with sincerely like the future aspect of Japanese agriculture, which the author Mr. Shiro Shiratory found out though his steady gathering activities. However, basically it is filled will parody; we can enjoy without thinking anything difficult.That’s because the title itself has the atmosphere of a certain anime featuring a rock band club….The story is set in Gifu Prefectural Tamo Agricultural High School.
It has warm atmosphere so I think you can watch the amine at ease. But also, it provides us the exciting scenes for those who hope to enjoy the battle with fantasy magic and blade against devils to be satisfied, which I feel has a good service.Though amine has already ended, the original comic comes in ten volumes. I think the second season can be released, given the contents of the story. You should check it if you want to know the aftermath of the anime.
日本コンベンション事業協会(CPA)女性部会とMPIジャパンチャプターウーマンズネットワークは2月26日、東京・日本橋のバンクオブアメリカ・メリルリンチオフィスで「第1回MICE女性ネットワーキングイベント」を開催する。同イベントは、競争力をもった魅力あるJAPAN MICEの環境整備にはステークホルダーの連携が必須として、関連する2団体の女性の会が主導。日本のMICE業界の女子力を結集する上質なネットワーキングを目的に実施される。
Convention Planners Association of Japan (CPA) Woman’s committee and MPI Japan Chapter Woman’s Network will hold “the 1st MICE Women’s Networking Event” at Bank of America Merrill Lynch Office in Nihonbashi, Tokyo, on February 26th.This event is led by the woman’s department of the related 2 associations, stating it is indispensable to cooperate the stakeholders in order to create a good environment for competitive and attractive JAPAN MICE. It will be conducted for the purpose of high quality networking that unites the woman power in Japanese MICE industry.
Sony’s 4K Ultra Short Throw Projector- 4K display, 4 HDMI ports, adjustable screen size from 66 inches to 147 inches.- Said to be released this summer, priced upwards of $30,000It looks like a bench, but it’s a projector, and it turns any wall into a crisp display for all your entertainment needs.
Sonyの4K Ultra Short Throw プロジェクター-4Kディスプレイ、4系統のHDMIポート、66インチ~147インチまでサイズ変更可能なスクリーン。-今夏リリース予定。価格は30,000米ドル超。ベンチのような外見だが、プロジェクターである。どんな壁に映しても、全てのエンターテインメント用途に合うようにはっきりとしたディスプレイになる。