Today the product was sent back to my house.The mail clerk told me that it was delivered to Denmark on Aug 20 but the storage period was expired so it was sent back to Japan.When the package was delivered to you, you seemed to be out, but was there any information from the post office?Was there a reason you could not receive it?I'm afraid you need to pay for the shipping cost if you need it to be shipped again as this is not my fault.125 types of real silk that won for the 1st Silk Committee which took place on 1936 at Fukuoka Prefecture in Japan is attached on the book.
・Aはインテリアとしても愛着の沸くデザインを目指し、試行錯誤の末に生まれました。 金と銀を用いた繊細な表現が可能にしたのが、日本の伝統工芸であるB技術です。 この技術により、桜の花びらをモチーフとした、ラグジュアリーと知性、心地良い落着きを感じるデザインが生まれました。・快適なタイピング環境を提供する人間工学に基づいた18度傾斜。・インテリアにも自然に溶け込む、上品でクラシックなデザイン・その表面には日本の伝統工芸であるB技術によって、繊細な金と銀の桜の花びらが描かれている。
・A was invented after many try and error, aimed to be designed so that you will grow fond of it as an interior too. B technology, which is a Japanese traditional craft, made the delicate expression by gold and silver possible. By this technology, this design with luxury, intelligence, and nice calmness, having cherry blossom motif was born.・18 degrees ergonomic slant which will offer a comfortable typing environment.・Elegant and classical design which will blend in naturally in your interior\・Delicate petals of cherry blossom in gold and silver is designed on the surface by B technology which is a Japanese traditional craft.