chipange 翻訳実績

日本語 (ネイティブ) 英語
chipange 英語 → 日本語

Gas cooling is not a fire extinguishment method but simply a way of reducing the hazard presented by the hot gas layer. This technique is effective when faced with a shielded fire; that is, one you cannot see from the doorway because objects are shield- ing it. In these situations, you cannot apply water directly onto the burning material without entering the room and working under the hot gas layer.

The hot gas layer accumulating in the upper levels of the compartment can present a number of problems for you and the other members of the hose team. Remember that smoke is fuel, and it may transition to rollover, flashover, or a smoke explosion at any time. In addition, hot smoke radiates heat to furniture and





chipange 英語 → 日本語

Folks - What you are looking at is my Carr Slant 6V custom. I initially bought a Carr Mercury and fell in love with Carr. I wanted more, and I got it.
What's custom about it:
1) It also has REVERB on the high gain channel (not stock)
2) It has a PASSIVE effects loop (not stock)
I hate Twin Reverbs. They sound like an icepick in the ear to me. This does not. It can do the best cleans you have ever heard (why Carr is famous), and as a bonus has a gain channel that can either be edgy to full on saturated. It has a footswitch that switches between normal and high gain channels. There is another switch on the front panel that switches between medium gain (crunch to rock) and a high gain mode (Zep to Santana).


みなさん。今ご覧になっているは、私のCarr Slant 6V カスタムです。Carr Mercuryを買って、惚れ込みました。もっとほしくなり、手に入れました。
2)PASSIVE エフェクトループもあります。(通常はありません)
これまで聞いたことがないような澄み切った音がします。(Carr は有名な理由です。)そして、さらにゲインチャネルもあり、ぎりぎりからいっぱいになるまでできます。

chipange 英語 → 日本語

It also has a wiring pig-tail that will allow you to use something like a Boss FC-??? as a channel and a gain booster switch.
It's a blistering (seriously) loud volume amp unless you keep it under 2 or 3. I like the distortion because it saturates better than my Fuchs (which is also for sale). I LOVE the clean channel by itself, but I typically use a Carl Martin Compressor and a TC Electronics Chorus. Yum!Details: It's a 40watt dual channel Carr amp. It has a 40 watt mode, a 22 watt mode for fixed, and 18 watts for the cathode-biased mode. I almost always run it in the last mode, and still have trouble keeping the volume under control.Unlike the stock Slant 6V, this one also allows reverb on the gain channel.


またワイヤリングピッグテールもあり、チャネルとゲインブースタースイッチとしてBoss FC-??のような物も使うことができます。
私はディストーションが好きです。なぜかと言うとFuchs(こちらも売っています)より音を出す(サチュレート)するからです。クリーンチャネル自体はとても好きですが、特にCarl MartinのコンプレッサーとTC エレクトロニクスコーラスを使います。
それは40ワットのデュアルチャネルCarr アンプで、22ワット固定モード、18ワットカソードバイアスモードがあります。私はいつも最後のモードにして使用しますが、ボリュームをコントロールするのに苦労します。ありふれたSlant 6Vと違い、これはゲインチャネルでリバーブ(残響)できます。

chipange 英語 → 日本語

It also has a passive effects loop (bad choice, I think - I'll tell you why...)
The effects loop - left alone, it does work, but it darkens the tone of the amp (yuk). I bought a SUHR mini-mix (buffered loop amp) to manage the loop, and it does a great job (for sale separately on eBay - item 170806718403). I use a TC Electronic D-Two in the loop for delays. Sounds great. (D-Two is also going on the block).
Did I mention it was a 2x12? Yes - I think I did, unlike so many of the Slant 6V's that show up on eBay.I will start the auction low (see the other Slant 6V's on eBay) because: a) I am paring down and b) I want to ensure it sells. As stated, I am down-sizing.Please feel free to ping me with any questions.


SUHRミニミックス(バッファードループアンプ)を買いループをどうにかしましたが、大変です。(Ebayで別に販売しています。商品番号 170806718403)私はディレーとしてループにTCエレクトロニックD-Twoを使用します。(D-Twoも販売中です。)
それが2x12だといいましたでしょうか?はい、言いました。Ebayに出ている他のたくさんのSlant 6Vと違い、オークションを最低価格から始めます。(Ebayにある他のSlant 6Vをご覧ください。)
a) 私は少しずつ減らしていきます。
b) 私は確実に売りたいです。述べたように、規模を絞って行きます。ご質問ありましたら連絡ください。

chipange 英語 → 日本語

I am not POSITIVE, but I believe I also have a cover for it in the basement. If I do, it will be included, along with the footswitch.
In any case, thanks for having a gander.
This amp is heavy. Shipping will be $75, and I will probably take a hit with that.
Boring stuff:
Payment: PayPal at close of auction, and add any shipping. The amp will be professionally packed, insured, and shipped via my local UPS Store.
Pete Revision 1: I did find the amp cover, and it's a heavily padded cover made by LeCover. It fits perfectly, and affords the amp more protection. This comes at no additional charge.

