chipange 翻訳実績

日本語 (ネイティブ) 英語
chipange 英語 → 日本語

They are replica but AAAA quality, the BEST quality before becoming authentic quality which is AAAAA. Most other headphones on ebay that are replica are A quality because of the huge profit margin, I am not making much profit but my quality is superior and sounds identical to real ones.

Please be careful of other buyers, many will lie to make their profit then close their ebay account, I am straight up, I am not desperate to make a buck, I have quality. If you are interested in my headphones I can tell you more or answer further questions.Sorry to inform but most headphones in new condition under the price of 300 are most likely replicas, now the quality of headphone is a different story.




chipange 英語 → 日本語

Quantum programming is a set of computer programming languages that allow the expression of quantum algorithms using high-level constructs. The point of quantum languages is not so much to provide a tool for programmers, but to provide tools for researchers to understand better how quantum computation works and how to formally reason about quantum algorithms.

Efforts are underway to develop functional programming languages for quantum computing. Examples include Selinger's QPL [1], and the Haskell-like language QML by Altenkirch and Grattage [2][3]. Higher-order quantum programming languages, based on lambda calculus, have been proposed by van Tonder [4], Selinger and Valiron [5] and by Arrighi and Dowek[6].



量子計算用の機能的プログラミング言語を開発する努力は行われている。例えば、SelingerのQPL [1]やAltenkirch や Grattage [2][3]によるHaskellのような言語QMLがある。
ラムダ計算式に基づくより高度な量子プログラミング言語が、van Tonder [4]、 Selinger 、Valiron [5]、 Arrighi、Dowek[6]らによって提案された。

chipange 英語 → 日本語

Starting June 1st, a record of your account with our store will be maintained on a cumulative basis for a period of one year. Once your purchases have reached $500, you will be automatically entitled to a 5% discount on any order placed, including orders for sale items. When your orders have reached the $1,000 mark, your discount will increase to 10%. A $1,500 accumulation of orders will entitle you to a 15% discount and once you have reached $2,000 you will receive 20% off all merchandise orders. We think it's a great idea and hope that you agree.

Won't you send us a purchase order today to get you started on your way? If you think of a good name for us to tag onto this new discount program, please let us know!


