The contact information on the documents you send us needs to match the information on your eBay account. If it doesn't, you'll need to let us know in writing why there are differences. If your address on eBay is your work address, you'll need to send us proof in writing so we can confirm that.Be sure to include the user ID and email address of the account that is being appealed on the submitted documents. If the fax doesn't contain this information, we won't be able to process it.Please submit the following documents:One identity proof document* Driver License (copy of both front and back)* Passport* Military ID* National/Federal ID card
I received the item today.It arrived here in three weeks after purchasing. Thank you for your good packing! I will give a feedback about this time's business later.Does it take thee weeks or so before I can receive items after placing an order?As you carry fishing-related items, I like to buy items from you again. Could you give me a discount if I buy regularly?Of course I am willing to advertise your items to my fishing pals and will buy items from you for my friends. I am looking forward to hearing a good response.
Thank you for your reply.Will you let me know when you have shipped it out?Thank you for your help.In February, I want to buy 100 pieces again.Please send me an invoice.Thank you for you help very much.Kouta
何度も聞いて申し訳ありません。昨夜送っていただいた、「Thank you for ordering from!」というタイトルの下記メールは、商品購入手続きが済んでいるということですか?もしまだなら私はクレジットカードの番号を送信しなければならないということですか?それとも以前のクレジット情報を元にオーダーが完了しているということですか?出来るだけ簡単な英語でお願いします。宜しくお願い致します。
Sorry to bother you many times.I received your message from you last night, which subject was "thank you for ordering from!". I am confused. Are you saying in the mail that you have completed all necessary process for purchasing or still I must submit my credit card number or my order has been completed based on my previous credit information?Will you explain to me a little bit more clearly in a plain English so that I can understand?I am looking forward to hearing from you.
I have received my items today.Please check the attached file and be sure to let me know the EMC tracking number circled with a pink color marker from next time.Thank you.
Do you know about "Gotouchi kitty" or a local kitty?In Japan, Hello Kitty is collaborating with many hings.Gotouchi kitty is a Kitty only sold in a limited area and you can find such Kitty almost anywhere in Japan. Probably there are 1000 kinds or more. Here are some unique Gotouchi kitty.Orange Kitty, which is in a net.Cactus Kitty, which looks perfect.What kind of Kitty does everyone want to see? Please send me your comment and let me know.
Yes sir, shipped today. Thanks for the business. I also threw in a couple of free R11 tour tips for you. Let me know how these sell. I honestly think they are one of the best fairways ever... Sounds good, just sent the invoice. These are the RBZ tour or P model.Great fairway woods, only thing is they are almost too long and theylaunch a little low. Your customers should really like them.Would you be interested in another 5 RBZ fairways for 1000 more? If so I will throw in some gifts for you.I threw in extra weights for you too. Also some ferrules.I only had 1-RBZ 9, for the other on I threw in an R11s 8*, which is more expensive as well as a free tour TM hybrid head. Sorry for the mixup and the delay.
了解しました。今日送りました。お買い上げありがとうございます。R11ツアーティプを2,3本無料で入れておきました。この品の売れ行きを教えてください。本当に最高のフェアウェイの1本と思います。2つ目の品は、インボイスを今送ったところです。RBZツアーかPモデルがあります。すごくいいフェアウェイ・ウッドなのですが、少し長すぎて、少し低めに飛びます。あなたの顧客はとても気に入るでしょう。RBZフェアウエイを5本で1000あるいはそれ以上でいかがでしょうか?興味が有るようでしたら何本かギフトとしてあなたに送ります。予備のウエートもあなたに送ります。ソケットもいくつか入れます。1-RBZ 9しかありません。他の物ですが、より高価なR11s 8*と無料のツアーTMハイブリッドヘッも入れました。混乱や遅れについてお詫び申し上げます。
Thank you for sending me an invoice so quickly.I am sorry that the total amount was deducted by the shipping fee for the porch for last month.I am very sorry about that.I have something I must apologize to you.Paypal restricted the use of my account and I have sent necessary documents to lift the restriction. I am expecting that they will finish their review work by next week. Could you start sewing bags after the payment?Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
親愛なる お客様へこの度は、私たちの商品をご購入頂き誠にありがとうございます。日本の年末年始が重なった影響で発送が遅くなっておりまして誠に申し訳ありません。お客様の商品は必ずお手元に届けるよう只今準備中です。2・3日中には発送のご連絡ができる見込みですので今しばらくお待ち下さい。
Dear customers,Thank you for your shopping our products.We are sorry for the delay in delivery due to Japanese new year's holiday season.We are arranging for them to be sent to you. We are expecting to inform you of the delivery in two to three days.Thank you for your patience.
Hi Masahiro,My name is Anuj Agarwal. I saw your profile on Github.I am working on a rss reader project for a while and i have justcompleted the first working version.I'd like to invite you to have a look. Do you mind if i share with you.Thanks,Anuj---------------------Born developer
マサヒト様私の名前はAnuj Agarwalです。 Githubであなたのプロファイルを見ました。私はRSSリーダーのプロジェクトにしばらく携わっています。最初のバージョンが完成しました。是非ご覧ください。あなも参加していただけますでしょうか?よろしく御願いします。AnujBorn developer
I can send you a PayPal invoice tomorrow if that works for you?
Right now ii can only do 10 Empire State Buildings for $20 each10 Statue of Liberty for $20 each5 White house for $30 each and I will ship the entire order for free.I will be getting in another shipment in 10 days though and I will try to order the ones on your list.Thanks,David
The current shipping method is fine with me. Please send it by the fastest way.
A happy new year.Thank you for your message.Will you let me know the total amount if I buy all Patagonia in your stock? Please send me a quotation and let me know the shipping fee.Please let me know the model name, color and quantity.Items for girls are not popular here.Will you give me a discount?Will you let me know when you will receive Patagonia next time? I am looking forward to hearing from you.
A happy new year.I stayed at my husband's family home during the new year's holiay season and came back to Tokyo last night.My photo is attaced with this message.I am going to send items for the exhibition via EMS tomorrow and let you know the tracking number later. I am looking forward to seeing you next week.P.S.I want to use laundry service a couple of times during my stay at BB+B. Is it possibe?
Hi, how are you doing? I got your message, unfortunately, I sold mine to someone else already. What I do have is some Hi-MD mini discs that I will put on ebay at some point. If you are interested in them I can let you know how many I have and we can figure out a price for them. They will be all brand new of course since I have decided to clean out my mini stock that I had since sony quit making the minidisc players
こんにちは。お元気ですか? メッセージありがとうございます。残念ならがら私の品はすでに他の人に売ってしまいました。私はHi-MDディスクを何枚か持っていますが、いつかebayで売りたいと思っています。もしあなたが興味があるようでしたら、私が持っている枚数と、価格を連絡します。ソニーがミニディスクプレヤーを作るのを止めたので、ミニディスクの在庫品を整理したいと思いましたので、それらはもちろんすべて新品です。
明けましておめでとうございます。去年は敏速なご対応ありがとうございました。私は去年の末に貴社から頂いた見積書の件で、Mr A氏の状況をお伝えしたいと思います。Mr A氏は貴社の製品の購入を強く望んでいます。しかしながら、現状、彼らの会社の財政はかなり悪い様です。それ故、彼は、彼らの購買部に対して購入依頼をしていますが、予算がもらえる可能性は50%程度だと言っていました1月11日頃までには、はっきりとした回答がでると仰っておりましたので、結論が出た後、また貴社に連絡します。
A happy new year to you. Thank you for your prompt response last year. I am writing to let you know about the quotation, which you sent me last year, for Mr. A. Mr. A wants to buy your products very much but their company is in a difficult situation financially. I have been requesting the purchasing department for a purchase order but according to them the chance of getting an approval is 50 percent and they will give me the clear answer by around January 11. As soon as I hear from them, I will let you know.
Will you give me a little more time? I would like to choose other items I want to buy. It is all right with me if items I want to buy gets sold out. I will buy them later anyway.
This is an aditonal order.I want to buy 60 pieces.Will you send me a quotation?Please send 30 pieces to the address 1 and the other 30 pieces to the address 2.Please fill out a delivery slip like you did before.
Someone who purchases products abroad and forward to Japan for usHello, my family name is Fukuda. I do import business in Kumamoto prefecture in Kyushu area in Japan. Primally I import products from US and Europe and sell them in Japan. I was blessed with excellent partners at Odesk.I am looking for someone living abroad who purchase and forward products for us. I hope someone who can work with us as long as possible. Please feel free to ask any questions. Thank you.Here is what we are looking for;We are looking for a trustful person who are living abroad and willing to work as one of our partners for long periods.