bemaxer 翻訳実績

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bemaxer 英語 → 日本語

Games consoles like the Xbox are technically illegal in China, and are only available via the grey-import market. The only real – well, legal – challenger to this new Ubitus and China Telecom tie-up would be the newly-launched, home-grown CT510 ‘eedoo motion’ device.

It gives Taiwan-based Ubitus the first commercial cloud gaming platform that’s running in China. No pricing details have yet been revealed, and this will likely be limited to China Telecom (NYSE:CHA; HKG:0728) home broadband subscribers who actually have a fast enough connection speed (after factoring in China Telecom losing more than half of your promised speed somewhere in the tubes) to handle this new wave of cloud gaming.


Xboxのようなゲーム機は中国では技術的に違法で、灰色の輸入市場によってのみ入手できる。この新しい、Ubitusと中国電信の提携への唯一の適法な本当の挑戦者は、新たに開始した国産のeedoo CT510 motion デバイスであるだろう。
