UKI apologise for the inconvenience this has caused you. I understand that you are requesting to remove the feedback because you consider it product review. We have reviewed your request for feedback removal and we commend your efforts in maintaining your high ratings. However, the feedback for order ID: ●● you received does not meet the criteria for removal because it is unspecific, therefore we consider it neutral. We do not know if the buyer pertains to the product or the customer service, so we are unable to remove it. The guidelines indicates that if the feedback is related to how well a seller performed when listing items, fulfilling orders and providing customer service, it's not removable.
UK ご不便をおかけしております。お客様が商品レビューをご覧になりフィードバックを削除希望とのことですね。 レビューに関する 高評価を維持されようというお気持ちは十分に理解できますが、今回受けとられたオーダーID:●●のレビューに関しましては、残念ながら 削除対象とはなりかねます。慎重に検討しましたところ 商品管理上 購入者との中立な立場で 関与することができません。ガイドラインにもありますように 商品管理向上のためにもお客様からの評価を削除することは 出来かねますのでご了承ください。
ukThe cancel button is no longer there cause the status is the bootle being dispatched.yes, i could like to cancel. sorry if i caused any inconvenience.
uk中止ボタンは 状態がディスパッチされたため 削除されました。はい、ご迷惑をおかけしますが キャンセルしたいのでよろしくお願いいたします。
ukI checked the tracking number. (Tracking number ● ●)I have completed the delivery procedure on September 5.I have no idea, but it has been returned after delivered on 14th September.The product returned to us on 31st October.I will refund since the goods were returned along the policy of B.I do not refund if the goods are not being returned.Because we have several cases that products only for refund but are not returned .Thank you for your understanding.
私は今好きな事を仕事にしています作ったり、アイディアを出す事が好きです。昔からデザインに関わる職につく事が夢だったけど、最初はお金もなく学校へ行けず夢をあきらめていたのでも…ある時、前職の同僚に背中を押され独学でMACやソフトの使い方を覚えて50社くらい面接をうけ、ある一社に合格し…そこから経験を積んで、今の会社をたちあげたの。おぉ!クラシックロックが好きなんだね!今度おすすめあったら教えて♪ こないだアルマゲドンの再放送を見てエアロスミスの曲とウィルスミスの言葉で泣いたの…
I have a job that belong to the things I like.My favorites are creative somethings and provide ideas. I used to have a dream to get a job something belong to design,I almost gave up my dream because I could not afford to pay for school.One day my ex colleague push my back to encourage keep having dreamI started leaning computer skills such as MAC all by myselfhad almost more than 50 interviews until I got a spot...since them I really worked hard and launched this companyWow! You really a fun of Classical Rock!Tell me your favorite and recommend if you haveI watched the reruns movie " Armageddon" the song of Aerosmith and the word of Will SmithOh my god... that both parts made me cry...
Please note, we only ship orders in the domestic United States. We cannot ship overseas and also we do not ship to freight forwarders.
I read the book of title "No need to set up sales target" The most impression phrase is the followingThere is no intent to check the progress lead to agreement,only because always discuss about how can we achieve sales quote at the meeting,Almost there is no discussions about if customers are satisfied with purchased products and services or not.Evaluation nearly determined solely by the sales,indication such as customer satisfaction and quality do not built into the evaluation because they are hard to represent in a clear number
Thank you for the response. Are you ready to ship the product? I will finish the payment after receive my refund of previous order. Thank you for your patience.
what does 'ePacket setting now is 7th until arrival.' means?does it mean that the parcel will take 7 days ? and 'EMS is at risk of costing an examination of opening a letter and the duty at the customs.'does it mean, there is a possibility that the parcel maybe open by Australia customs?if I still want to send it by EMS can you send it as a gift? rather than a product?(send it as a gift from birthday present or something to avoid the risk)
'epacket setting now is 7th until arrival’とはどういう意味だろう?小包は到着まで7日かかるという意味だろうか?’EMS is at risk of costing an examination of opening a letter and the duty at the customs'’とは、 小包はオーストラリア税関で開封される可能性があるという意味だろうか?もし それでも 小包をEMSで送りたいと思ったら、品物ではなく贈答物として送ったらどうだろうか?(例えば誕生日プレゼントとして 送ったら 開封される可能性が低くなるかな)
The items we shipped to your country from Japan will be delivered normally a couple of days. Although it might take longer depends on your country's customs inspection. Sometimes the inspection takes longer than you expect and will takes more than 14 to 20 days.I am sure how you are willing to get your items sooner, but please understand these situations might occur to your items.Thank you for your understanding.
I have just bought an item from your site.As we used to communicate through ebay , I would like to buy 10 *** without using ebay this time.I already bought one from you, now I want to add 9 more .Will you send them all together including same shipping fee as I bought last?How much will it be altogether?You mentioned that all the items are brand new and sealed, I would like to see those sealed items photos.Please send some pictures with sealed items?My customers don't like to get unsealed products even they are unused new items.
FRThank you verry much! Im happy with the product though! I tried to do so but when I go to help and than the part where to delete my comments there arent any over there? So is there maybe another way to delete it?一度評価したバイヤーの評価を削除した場合はどのような手順ふめば良いでしょうか?
ありがとうございます!なにわともあれ 受け取った商品には大変満足しております。評価コメント欄にその旨記載したかったのですが すでにコメントしてしまった内容をどのように訂正・削除するか 良くある質問にて 削除方法を見つけることができませんでした。一度掲載されたコメントの削除方法を教えていただければ幸いです。