aquamarine57 翻訳実績

日本語 (ネイティブ) 英語
aquamarine57 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★★ 5.0

If you are seeing pop-up ads from Plus HD 1.3 within Internet Explorer, Firefox or Google Chrome, then your computer is infected with an adware or potentially unwanted program.
The Plus HD 1.3 infection is designed specifically to make money. It generates web traffic, collects sales leads for other dubious sites, and will display advertisements and sponsored links within your web browser.
Plus HD 1.3 it’s technically not a virus, but it does exhibit plenty of malicious traits, such as rootkit capabilities to hook deep into the operating system, browser hijacking, and in general just interfering with the user experience. The industry generally refers to it as a “PUP,” or potentially unwanted program.


インターネットエクスプローラー、ファイアフォックス、グーグルクローム上にPlus HD 1.3によるポップアップ広告が表示される場合、お使いのコンピュータはアドウェアに感染しているか不審なプログラムの影響を受けています。
Plus HD 1.3は金儲けのためだけに作られています。ウェブトラフィックを作り出し、他の不審なサイトのセールスリードを収集し、ウェブブラウザに広告やスポンサーリンクを表示します。
Plus HD 1.3は厳密にはウイルスではありませんが、オペレーティングシステムの深部に進入するルートキットの能力、ブラウザハイジャック、ユーザへの一般的な妨害等、多くの悪質な特徴があります。業界では”PUP(potentially unwanted program)”、すなわち不審なプログラムと呼ばれています。

aquamarine57 英語 → 日本語

Dear sirs...
Today i received the smartphone ordered. First i was very happy about it. As i tried to install and start i received the order to put in the sim code. The sim code from my german telephone company is not enough. I also need the sim code from you to let it start. Otherwise the smartphone is not unlocked. Please send me the code as soon as possible . If you cant do that i am unfortunately forced to send it back as i cant use it in germany.
I am looking forward to receiving your code to free the smartphone
It appears the notice "sim network unlock pin" and i need this pin from you please!
Yours faithfully
K. Essig




「sim network unlock pin」というメッセージが表示されており、貴社のpinが必要です。


K. Essig

aquamarine57 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★★ 5.0

o avoid the permanent suspension of your account you are required to provide written evidence that the product you are supplying for the ASIN(s) identified above is intended for sale within the EEA. Such evidence may be either:

i) The written approval of the Third Party named below; or
ii) An original invoice of the source of this product

If you choose to supply an invoice, please note that the name and address of the supplier must be clearly visible and the invoice must be for a quantity appropriate for your sales in the last 90 days. We reserve the right to verify the source of your products.

To avoid the permanent suspension of your selling privileges, please send this evidence to within 14 days.



1) 下記に示した第三者の承諾書
2) この製品の供給者からの送り状原本


あなたの販売権が永久に差し止めになることを回避するために、上記証拠書類を14日以内に までご提出ください。