Alfred (al_ko_1986) 翻訳実績

日本語 スペイン語 英語 (ネイティブ)
al_ko_1986 英語 → 日本語

(Disclosure: Mr. Matsuyama co-manages East Ventures together with Mixi’s ex-CTO Batara Eto. East Ventures has invested in Penn Olson.)

Finally, when the service or the app will be available?

"As mentioned just before, our service will be available on a city-by-city basis. Hopefully, we would like to launch the service in some Japanese and US cities in September, otherwise in October at the latest."

The Zawatt team is expected to attend TechCrunch Disrupt 2011, which starts on Monday in San Francisco. Visit their booth and catch up with them if you are interested.


(参考情報:マツヤマ氏はmixiの前CTOである衛藤バタラ氏とともにEast Ventures社を共同経営している。East Ventures社はPenn Olsonへ投資を実施したことがある。)
ZawattはTechCrunch Disrupt 2011に参加予定である。このイベントはサン・フランシスコで月曜日に幕を開ける。興味のある方は、Zawattのブースを訪れ、Zawattの状況をその目で確かめてみてはいかがだろうか。

al_ko_1986 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★☆ 4.0

When we give someone a relatively-expensive present or gift in a group payment arrangement, do we use the service as a platform for collecting the payment?

"What we can do with the service is just escrow the payment from a ‘wisher’ to a ‘hero’ when the wisher’s request has come true. In other words, we just provide a platform but have nothing to do with the payment and the deal. If we handled the group payment arrangement, we would stand as a money recipient from the wisher, which would be considered as a donation according to Japanese financial law. According to Japan’s financial authority, that could be suspected of falling under a category of money laundering crimes."



al_ko_1986 英語 → 日本語

What is your future plan?

"We would like to add a feature that shows users their wish-based relationship in diagrams, or something we want to call a ‘wish graph.’ In the next two or three years if a sufficient volume of ‘wishgraph’ data has been accumulated, we could use augmented reality (AR) technologies to try to develop a mount-head display device that would let you see the people’s wishes when you wear it and see someone.

We’ll launch the service for the iPhone and Android on the web, and release iPhone and Android apps afterwards."

Can you tell us about your team?

"CEO Harada was previously working on developing a new content service at Disney Japan.

