Costs for shipping will obviously vary based on your needs, but Shotput charges a flat margin for every transaction (Steinberg declined to provide specifics).What makes this service interesting is that it could provide first-time product creators an affordable way to distribute their goods and services without having to pay commercial rates with UPS, FedEx, DHS, or any similar offering that is more suitably priced for larger companies.
Bill Franks is Chief Analytics Officer at Teradata, where he provides insight on trends in the analytics and big data space. He is author of the book Taming The Big Data Tidal Wave and most recently published his second book, The Analytics Revolution. He is an active speaker and a faculty member of the International Institute for Analytics. Find him at
Bill Franks氏はTeradataのChief Analytics Officerで、同社において彼は分析論およびビッグデータ分野における傾向を洞察している。彼は、Taming The Big Data Tidal Waveの執筆者であり、つい先日、2冊目の本であるThe Analytics Revolutionが出版された。彼はアクティブスピーカーであり、International Institute for Anayticsの教職員である。彼の詳細に関しては、www.bill-franks.comを参照のこと。
Data scientists to CEOs: You can’t handle the truthToo many big data initiatives fail because companies, top to bottom, aren’t committed to the truth in analytics. Let me explain.In January 2015, the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) and Teradata (full disclosure: also my employer) released the results of a major study aimed at identifying how businesses that are successful at being data-driven differ from those that are not.
データ科学者からCEOのみなさんへ「あなたは真実に対処できない」あまりに多くのビッグデータへの取り組みが失敗しているのは、企業が徹底してアナリティクス(分析論)における真実にコミットしていなためだ。説明しよう。2015年1月、Economist Intelligence Unit(EIU)とTeradata(情報の全面開示:私の雇用主でもある)が、データ駆動において成功している企業とそうではない企業が、どのように違うのかを突き止めることを目的とした大規模な研究を発表した。
Look at the stock market crash of 2008. A whole host of people made a simple and logical assumption that home prices would only go up. But most analysts didn’t experiment enough with what would happen if prices actually fell. Well, now we know what would happen. It was almost a global calamity. The people investing in the pre-housing crisis bubble were working on an assumption that was very flawed on many levels. And very few people considered, or realized, the risk until it was too late.
The same thing happens, at generally smaller scales, in businesses. The CEO doesn’t have a clear view of risk. It is up to the data scientists, business analysts and their managers to make the CEO well aware of the risk in assumptions. The CEO needs to understand that there is a critical, level 1 risk in assumptions – in the housing example, if prices were to go down, this whole thing falls apart. Even if that risk is unlikely, at least it is on the table. Many people are uncomfortable discussing such negatives with senior executives and many senior executives don’t like to hear it. But to succeed, everyone must get past that hurdle.
Our startup got rid of email, meetings, and managers — and thrivedOur company has just turned eight years old, has a presence in all of Latin America, and currently has 36 members on its team. Our biggest obsession: productivity.Since 2007 we have analyzed in detail each one of the tasks we carry out with the goal of scaling our earnings exponentially while keeping our number of work hours the same.As a result, six years ago we eliminated email, three years ago we eliminated meetings, and now we work without project managers and have a four-day work week. Here’s why we implemented these three changes and how we did it:
2. Email ends up being a list of personalized tasks for each team member. It is the place where we go every day to see what our next task is. And this develops into an unorganized way to progress, without clear priorities. It certainly doesn’t help us to be correctly synchronized with the rest of our workmates.How did we solve this?We developed our own tool for work, specifically designed for our needs but very similar to what Trello currently offers. It is a control panel that we all have access to, where we can see all of the company’s projects as well as know in real time the degree of development on each.
2. 最終的にEメールは、各チームメンバー用の個別化されたタスクリストになる。このリストは私たちが毎日、次の仕事を確認するためにアクセスする場所である。こうすることで、組織化されていないやり方が広まってしまう。明確な優先事項も無しにだ。そのせいで、他の仕事仲間と正確に同期する手助けにならないことは確かだ。この問題をどのように解決したか?私たちは独自の仕事用ツールを開発した。自分たちのニーズに合わせて特別にデザインされたものだが、Trelloが現在提供しているものと非常に良く似ている。それは、私たち全員がアクセスできるコントロールパネルだ。そこでは、各プロジェクトの進捗具合をリアルタイムで知ることができるだけでなく、同社の全プロジェクトを確認することができる。
If someone needs to be added to an ongoing project, it is not necessary to resend hundreds of emails (in a totally unorganized way) for them to be able to integrate themselves; they can simply go into the history of the project and see what has been done since the beginning, how it was carried out, and what remains to be done — then they can begin working immediately.Additionally, today, we’ve given our clients access to our control panel as well, so they can see how we are advancing, without receiving external emails such as: “Any news on the project?”, “How much longer until the next delivery?”, etc.
2. MeetingsThe second thing we decided to completely eliminate was meetings. As a technological company, each team member is a programmer, and as such, we need an average of four continuous hours in the morning and four continuous hours in the afternoon in order to write code with the highest amount of productivity.The “interruption” that is represented by attending a meeting always has a higher cost for a programmer than that of a manager. This is due to the fact that the manager’s agenda is basically composed of one meeting after the other. But for the programmer, just one meeting per day can have a 50 percent impact on their daily production.
2. 会議私たちが2番目に完全に廃止することを決定したのが、会議だった。技術企業なので、各チームメンバーはプログラマーである。そういうわけで、最高の生産性でコードを書くために、私たちは平均して午前中に連続して4時間、そして午後に連続して4時間を要する。会議に出席することで生じる「中断」が与える損失は、いつだってマネージャーよりもプログラマーに対しての方が大きい。これは、マネージャーの仕事は、基本的に次から次に行われる会議で構成されているという事実のためだ。だがプログラマーにとっては、1日にたった1つの会議が、彼らの1日の生産性に50%の影響を及ぼすのだ。
Typically, meetings are used to find out how the work is advancing and to discuss any problems with the project manager and workmates. In order to rid ourselves of meetings, we use the same control panel that we implemented for eliminating emails. There, everyone can know the progress and state of the project and what each of the team members is working on at any given moment, without the need for interrupting their productivity.
If a specific problem arises that needs discussion, we use Campfire, which is a chat designed for group communication. But then how does this differ from a meeting? The advantage is that the communication is asynchronous. So it’s not necessary to stop what we are doing at that moment and lose our concentration; we can finish our four hours of continuous work, then, when we have the time and concentration, we can answer any pending inquiry.
話し合いが必要な特定の問題が生じた場合、私たちはCampfireを使用するが、これはグループコミュニケーションのためにデザインされたチャットだ。とはいうものの、これは会議とどう違うのだろうか? このチャットの利点は、そのやり取りが非同期だということだ。そのため、その時に行っていることを止めて、集中力を失う必要がない。4時間連続の仕事を終えてから、手が空いていて集中力がある時に、後回しにしておいた質問に回答することができるのだ。
In this new work method, our communication is not only asynchronous but is also exclusively text-based. This text can later be read by a new member who wants to collaborate on the project (or those who were on vacation, sick, or out of the office) without taking precious time from those who are already working on it.3. ManagersLastly, we determined over a year ago that we wanted to work without managers. Now we do not need someone to control our progress, because everything is online and visible to all of our workmates — which project we are working on, how we are handling it technically, how long it is taking us, what resources we are using, and what results we have achieved.
この新たな作業方法では、私たちのやり取りは非同期であるだけでなく、もっぱらテキストベースでもある。このプロジェクトに共に取り組みたいと考える新たなメンバー(あるいは、休暇や病気、あるいはオフィスを離れていた人たち)は、既にそのプロジェクトに携わっている人たちの貴重な時間を奪うことなく、後からそのテキストを読むことができる。3. マネージャー最後に、私たちは1年以上前に、マネージャー無しで働きたいと決心した。現在、作業の進み具合をコントロールする人を必要としてない。自分たちがどのプロジェクトに取り組んでいるのか、技術的にどのように対処しているのか、どれくらい時間がかかるのか、自分たちが使っているリソースは何か、そしてどのような結果を達成したのかといった、あらゆる事柄がオンライン上にあり、同僚全員が確認できるようになっているからだ。
It is very easy for a programmer to know if their colleague is doing their work on time and in correct form. But the problem we had before was that, as Google cofounder and CEO Larry Page said: “Engineers shouldn’t have to be supervised by managers with limited tech knowledge.”In order for this work method to work, we have two guidelines:1. We only hire proactive engineers; that is, people who do not need to be controlled all the time to do their job. Basically we choose other entrepreneurs like ourselves.2. When they join our company, we propose that they have a “vesting” program so that in the future they can be owners of the company.
プログラマーにとって、同僚がスケジュール通りに正しい形式で仕事に取り組んでいるかどうかを知ることは非常に簡単なことだ。だがGoogleの共同設立者でCEOのLarry Page氏が「エンジニアは、技術知識が乏しいマネージャーに監督される必要はないはずだ。」と述べているように、私たちが以前抱えていた問題は、それだった。この仕事方法を機能させるたに、私たちは2つのガイドラインを定めている。1. 積極的なエンジニアだけを雇う。つまり、自分の仕事をするために常にコントロールされる必要がない人だ。基本的に、私たちは自分たちのような企業家を選ぶ。2. 彼らが弊社に入社したら、将来弊社のオーナーになるかもしれないので、「受給権」プログラムを用意することを提案する。
order ready to go please email me the address complete where it is being ship to so we have no problem,,usps does not recognize the symbol you use before 9Please confirm
“Not just saying, this wasn’t easy. But the thing that I’m saying is that it’s not more difficult than any other startup,” he adds. “Because the investors need to believe in your vision, and it’s your job as a CEO… to convince other people who are going to be investing in your company, because they’re not just investing in the idea, they’re also investing in the team.”
According to Monica Shim, PR Manager, MangoPlate, the iOS and Android app boasts a million downloads and 250,000 monthly active users. Most of these users are locals from South Korea, while a small number are tourists or expats. All establishments listed on MangoPlate are based in the country.“This is just an extension of our hobby,” says Oh, speaking for all four Co-founders. Oh knew Roh from college; Kim and Ryu were labmates at KAIST; and Oh knew Ryu from his previous place of employment — Samsung. “So this job is actually not a job, it’s actually for us to have fun.”
MangoPlateのPRマネージャーであるMonica Shim氏によれば、同社のiOSおよびAndroidアプリは、100万ダウンロードおよび毎月25万のアクティブユーザ数を誇るという。これらユーザの大部分は韓国の住人で、旅行者あるいは海外駐在者はわずかである。MangoPlate上にリストアップされている成果はすべて、国をベースにしている。「これは、単なる趣味の延長です。」と4人の共同設立者全員を代表してOh氏言った。Oh氏はRoh氏を大学の時から知っている。Kim氏とRyu氏は、韓国科学技術院(KAIST)での研究仲間で、Oh氏とRyu氏は前の勤務先である「Samsung」の時から知っている。「ですから、この仕事は実際は仕事ではないんです。私たちにとって、これは楽しい時間を過ごすためのものなのです。」
The four of them were foodies who wanted to keep track of new restaurants to eat out at. He recalls, “… so why don’t we all put our sources into a spreadsheet? We started tracking all these restaurants on spreadsheets, and then we started writing our tidbits on what to order… what are some quirky things about the restaurant, where it’s located, and we started building this database with name, phone number, address and you know, little pointers, tips, notes and reviews, however you call it.”
彼ら4人はグルメで、新たに開店したレストランを把握し、そこで食事をしたいと考えていた。彼は、こう回想する。「……じゃあ、なんで僕らの情報を1枚のスプレッドシートにまとめないんだろう? 自分たちは、これら全てのレストランをスプレッドシート上で記録し始めた。それから、注文すべきものに関する情報、そのレストランに関する奇妙なことやレストランの場所を記入し始めた。それから名称、電話番号、住所、そしてご存じの通り、ちょっとしたアドバイス、有益な情報、メモ、そして評価、どんな呼び方でも構わないが、そういったものを備えたこのデータベースの構築を始めた。
Slowly, the “spreadsheet” became a giant database of restaurants. And then their friends wanted in. “We started to get requests from all sorts of people, just random people or friends of friends who wanted that spreadsheet!” says Oh, who estimated the spreadsheet to contain the details of close to 2,000 restaurants. “And it became kinda annoying because at that point, they would tell us things like, “Oh, that one’s closed” or “That one’s not good anymore” or whatever,” he adds.
One day, the four of them met for dinner again, and the spreadsheet came up. Its popularity had made them realise that there could be a way to turn this into an app.Oh continues, “And we said, “Hey, Danny (Ryu) does server programming, Bernard (Kim) does client programming, Michael … is a data scientist at Apple”, and he is basically the one who does all the smart things behind the scene. He was like, I can actually make this work for each person.”
Then, at a Softbank Ventures Korea Forum last year, I saw the word ‘MangoPlate’ printed on a paper bag. Someone told me about the young startup. Oh, they’re like Yelp. I didn’t think much of it, until a few months later when I had to bring a few colleagues around. I downloaded the app, connected it to my KakaoTalk account, and checked out what was in the Gangnam area.
それから、私は昨年のSoftbank Ventures Korea Forumで、「MangoPlate」という単語が紙袋にプリントされているの見た。誰かが、その若きスタートアップについて話してくれた。ああ、Yelpみたいだ。数人の同僚を連れて行かなければならなかった数か月後までは、私はそれをあまり高く評価していなかった。私はこのアプリをダウンロードし、自分のKakaoTalkアカウントに関連付け、江南エリアに何があるのか調べた。