翻訳者レビュー ( 日本語 → 英語 )

評価: 44 / ネイティブ 日本語 / 1 Review / 2016/10/04 09:52:54

ka28310 44 長年、半導体(システムLSI)検証を手掛け、多くの英文ドキュメントに触れて...

sonu handicraft社のphoto offer 有難うございます。

IRON WOODEN COFFEE TEBLE となりますが、価格が少々高いように思います。



Thank you for sending the photo offer of Sonu Handicraft.

I would like to list up the questions below.
As for IRON WOODEN COFFEE TABLE, I am afraid the price is a little too high.
I am afraid you have made a mistake.
The price of SH003, where the same roof panel is used, is $90 USD, but the price of IRON WOODEN COFFEE TABLE, $195 USD, is more expensive by more than two times in spite that the size is almost the same as SH003.
Can you please double check?

Also, regarding the picture below which was taken when we inspected the factory. please tell them to let me know the price and the dimensions.

レビュー ( 1 )

bluejeans71 59 This is a Japanese freelance translat...
bluejeans71はこの翻訳結果を"★★★"と評価しました 2016/10/04 09:58:36

Thank you for sending the photo offer of Sonu Handicraft.

I would like to list up the questions below.
As for IRON WOODEN COFFEE TABLE, I am afraid the price is a little too high.
I am afraid you have made a mistake.
The price of SH003, where the same roof panel is used, is $90 USD, but the price of IRON WOODEN COFFEE TABLE, $195 USD, is more expensive by more than two times in spite that the size is almost the same as SH003.
Can you please double check?

Also, regarding the picture below which was taken when we inspected the factory. please tell them to let me know the price and the dimensions.

Thank you for sending the photo offer of Sonu Handicraft.

I would like to list up the questions below.
As for IRON WOODEN COFFEE TABLE, I am afraid the price is a little too high.
Are the figures accurate?
While The price of SH003, where the same roof panel is used, is $90 USD, the price of this item $195 USD, which is more than twice even though the size is almost the same as SH003.
Can you please double check?

Also, regarding the picture below which was taken when we inspected the factory. please have them to notify me of the price and the dimensions.

ka28310 ka28310 2016/10/04 10:50:40

Thanks again, bluejeans71!
