翻訳者レビュー ( 日本語 → 英語 )

評価: 50 / 0 Reviews / 2011/10/13 20:41:22




Surpassing the barriers of Time and Distance, the Internet made our lives richer and happier but an environment where a Japanese housewife and an African boy can communicate via Web as a matter of course is still an achievement possible only in the fictional space of a novel or an Anime, that is because political and economical relations, religious issues and the diffusion rate of the Internet Infrastructures. Nevertheless, we want to work to estabilish this ideal world by "Destroying the barriers of Culture and Language ".
This great goal is an incredible challenge, but we aim at it going forward step by step and never stopping.

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備考: 会社のHPのミッション、ビジョンページに使う予定です。クールな感じでお願いします。