翻訳者レビュー ( 日本語 → 英語 )

評価: 52 / 0 Reviews / 2014/09/16 14:31:04

spdr 52




Mr. Kanemoto resigned the company and looked for sponsor with using connections of long-established design circle. He received an offer of “development work at a factory in America” from a businessman from Tokyo, so he had get ready for it step by step.

However, at the last moment, design cronies saying “dead or alive, we will be together” gave it up suddenly. By this reason, the whole scheme was smashed. When he came back, in disappointment, to his home after a long time where his wife and children were waiting, she went back to her parents’ home with children leaving the letter saying “I was really tired already”.

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備考: OKwaveの創始者、兼元氏についての記事です。