翻訳者レビュー ( 日本語 → 英語 )

評価: 70 / 1 Review / 2014/06/21 20:15:19

renay 70





I am so sorry.
The track number I told you was wrong.
The correct number is ××.

As you can see in the attached picture, it says the product will arrive in CA on × ×th it has been taking longer than expected even though. It might be stuck at customs or it has been lost somewhere.

In that case, since you have joined the insurance, you will not pay any extra costs and we will refund all the money to you.

レビュー ( 1 )

chee_madam 52 留学、就労と英語圏で15年生活してまいりました。実務翻訳に従事しています。...
chee_madamはこの翻訳結果を"★★★"と評価しました 2014/06/23 02:01:17

I am so sorry.
The track number I told you was wrong.
The correct number is ××.

As you can see in the attached picture, it says the product will arrive in CA on × ×th it has been taking longer than expected even though. It might be stuck at customs or it has been lost somewhere.

In that case, since you have joined the insurance, you will not pay any extra costs and we will refund all the money to you.

I am sincerely sorry.
The tracking number (Track number というと、音楽メディアなどのトラックナンバーです。)I told you was wrong.
The correct number is ××.

As you can see in the attached picture, it appears that the product has been arrived in CA on × ×th, and it has been taking longer than usual for delivery. It might be stuck at customs or it has been lost somewhere.

In that case, since your shipment is covered by insurance that you will not charged for any extra charges and we will refund all the money to you.

renay renay 2014/06/23 02:10:17

