翻訳者レビュー ( 日本語 → 英語 )

評価: 53 / 1 Review / 2014/04/11 17:48:07


私が受け取っている最新のPrice Listを添付しました。

このPrice Listに掲載されている中に、すでに販売が終了した商品ありますか?



最新で正確なPrice Listが欲しいです。



Would you mind if ask some questions about stock state of your company?
I attached latest Price List that I've received already.
Are there any product that Sale completed ?
Or Are there any product that isn't on My Price List ?
I was noticed that Product A has stopped sale half a year ago, but Product A is still in My Price List.
Can I buy all three color product now ?
Product B has stopped sale now ?
I want to get collect and latest Price List immediately .
I have a trouble with my task of shipping order.

レビュー ( 1 )

[削除済みユーザ] 44
[削除済みユーザ]はこの翻訳結果を"★★"と評価しました 2014/04/12 14:18:32

Would you mind if ask some questions about stock state of your company?
I attached latest Price List that I've received already.
Are there any product that Sale completed ?
Or Are there any product that isn't on My Price List ?
I was noticed that Product A has stopped sale half a year ago, but Product A is still in My Price List.
Can I buy all three color product now ?
Product B has stopped sale now ?
I want to get collect and latest Price List immediately .
I have a trouble with my task of shipping order.

Would you mind if I asked some questions about your company's inventory state?
I have attached the latest price list that I have received.
Are there any product on the list that are sold out?
Or are there any products [plural] that isn't [singular] on My Price List [?] ?
I was noticed [wrong usage] that Product A has stopped [tense confusion] sale half a year ago, but Product A is still on My Price List [lowercased].
Can I buy all three colors now ?
Product B has stopped sale [wrong usage] now ?
I want to get [article] collect [parts of speech confusion] and latest Price List immediately.
I have a trouble [wrong usage] with my task of shipping order.

備考: アルファベットのA、Bには商品名が入ります。