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評価: 60 / 0 Reviews / 2013/11/05 22:01:32


Built on three key industry pillars – ‘a diversity of destinations’, ‘unrivalled business opportunities’, and ‘the high quality of Thailand’s MICE professionals’ – the new, and indeed very high quality branding is expected to give a boost to Thailand’s 5-Year Master Plan (2012-2016) to boost the MICE sector and help attract almost one million MICE travellers from overseas in 2014.

“The MICE industry has always played a key role in driving the broader economy, earning revenues of approximately 80 billion baht or about 2.66 billion US dollars per year,” said Nopparat Maythaveekulchai, President of TCEB. “I believe that the ‘Thailand CONNECT’ campaign will help drive further MICE sector growth.”



「MICE産業は常に経済拡大を推進する上で、中心的役割を担ってきて、年間に約80億バーツあるいは2.66億米ドルもの歳入を確保している。」とTCEBの代表であるNopparat Maythaveekulchaiは述べている。「私は、「タイ国コネクト」運動がさらなるMICE部門の成長の手助けとなると信じている。」

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